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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Robert the small

What I get for typing my own BBcode.

Brandy Bogard

Quote[19:46] <oh> shut your ass up lotus
[19:46] <&lotus> Well
[19:46] <&lotus> My ass isn't talking
[19:46] <&lotus> If it starts talking
[19:47] <&lotus> I'll tell it to shut up


And now, a potentially enlightening argument
Quote<Nightmare> I knew this class was evil.
<Nightmare> It hardly has anything to do with real politics.
<Peytral> 72?
<Peytral> C-?
<Peytral> Wait
<Peytral> dgdsats
<Peytral> Never mind
<Peytral> SHUT UP
<Peytral> D:
<Tony> ...
<Suprema> lawl
<Nightmare> All it is is a bias guy telling me what liberals and conservatives are (read: saying liberals are cool and revolutionary, and that conservatives hate progress) while promoting socialism and praising Karl Marx for his work.
<Nightmare> I was hoping it's get less retarded and that I'd learn something helpful if I stayed with the class, but no, not really. And now it's too late to drop.
<Fusion> Well, that's kind of what real politics ends up being.
<Tony> ...
<Nightmare> Bias morons speaking blasphemy?
<Tony> Yes.
<Nightmare> Not necessarily.
<Tony> Most of the time, yes.
<Nightmare> Not really.
<Nightmare> The notion that that's how politics is is sort of the moronic way to view politics...
<Fusion> Nightmare, I want to ask: Have you ever done a face-to-face conversation, or seen one where the political figure in question was NOT prompted in any way and had to make up answers on the spot?
<Nightmare> The way I see it, once a person says everyone's retarded and/or evil regarding politics, they've just signed away their right to intellegence in the conversation.
<Fusion> Nightmare, politics goes hand in hand with political correctness.
<Nightmare> Well yeah, no shit.
<Nightmare> I agree.
<Suprema> Indeed
<Nightmare> But you need to maintain a healthy image in public if you're a politician.
<Tony> If I want to say "nigger" I'm gonna fucking say "nigger"!
<Fusion> To make sure the political correctness is held, they have to either word their speeches so it will offend absolutely 0% of the population (that matters to them), or send their speeches to focus groups that will change around the word to make it more public & religion friendly.
<Nightmare> Maybe so, but I don't see what this has to do with my class being retarded...
<Nightmare> Cause he's certainly not being 0% offensive.
<Nightmare> As he shits all over the republican students, and like I said, promotes socialism and praises Marxism in the class...
<Fusion> But it also falls--thanks to your own favorite network Fox News and Glenn Beck--under the idea of people actually being afraid of having to work under restriction.
<Nightmare> Which, Karl Marx wasn't evil, but he set the ground work for a lot of evil Communists, so I find praising him a little offensive.
<Fusion> Glenn pointed out that when restrictions were put in place and\or removed, people simply moved to other locations where the previous sets of rules were allowed.
<Fusion> They don't wanna offend anybody because people might start leaving the country.
<Nightmare> Yeah.
<Nightmare> Well, I dunno if they'd leave the country... That's a little extreme...
<Fusion> And presidential assassinations aren't?
<Nightmare> Do you know how many dead presidents we'd have if someone assassinated them every time they offended someone, Fusion?
<Fusion> I know those are two different things, but you could say they're just as extreme.
<Nightmare> Yeah, I can agree that they're extreme, but I can't say they're the first consequences that come to a politician's mind when he worries about offending people.
<Nightmare> I think the greater concern is losing votes.
<Nightmare> XD
<Fusion> Pretty true.  But it's been proven people go to extremes to deal with things they deem extreme.
<Nightmare> I dunno, I'm pretty convinced that political correctness wasn't developed and put into practice to combat people leaving the country and murdering each other.
<Nightmare> It's just that people are too damn thin skinned these days.
<Fusion> And everything's focused around the thin-skinned people.
<Nightmare> Unfortunately, that's true.
<Fusion> They're the ones who let their kids play around with stuff they should've taught them NOT to.  They're the ones who talk on cell phones and put makeup on while driving regardless of state law.
<Nightmare> People worry too much about the pussies out there that whine about stupid shit. They empower them, and then we gotta put up with the resulting bullshit.
<Fusion> I'd rather the Government show some sense of trust in the people.
<Nightmare> Well, that's the problem with people like Obama. They want the government to run people's lives. They don't want to trust the people to do what they have to do and do things themselves.
<Nightmare> >.>;
<Fusion> Because recently, even in the past 8 years under Bush, but not limited to him, I don't see any Governmental respect towards the public in general that much.
<Fusion> Instead, people whine and the government's like "Okay, okay, we'll do it if you shut up."
<Fusion> That is not trust.  That is more a reaction of contempt.
<Nightmare> Unfortunately, I can also agree that Bush did give in to a lot of shit cause of people throwing temper tantrums.
<Nightmare> But what's he supposed to do? The President's job is to serve the people. If enough want him to do something (within reason), he's gotta do it.
<Nightmare> The problem isn't people like Bush giving in to public demand. It's moreso the problem is him not trying to make people see that they're being retarded.
<Nightmare> Which is another problem with Obama, he's not interested in making people not retarded. In fact, he seems to be trying to make people even more dependent on the government.
<Suprema> Of course, he probably thinks the more power the gorvernment has, the better...
<Nightmare> Okay, I think I can say that I've learned one useful thing in this class.
<Nightmare> Cause I know I can define that as socialism now thanks to my reading...
<Fusion> Well, to be honest, Nightmare, McCain didn't look like he was poised to make the situation any better.
<Nightmare> No, not really. But he didn't look like he was poised to make it worse at least.
<Nightmare> XD
<TehRandomMan> What I'm seeing here is Fusion and Nightmare arguing. But the weird thing is, they're agreeing with eachother.
<TehRandomMan> What.

NOTE: In the past, Nightmare and I have actually been at odds with each other politically.


Quote<Nightmare> pr0nz = prons = prawns = Shrimp.

Another one from that guy.


Steam Chatlog

Never tell your password to anyone.
GiftFreeGame hello
WarioAkuma: yes
WarioAkuma: how can I help you sir
GiftFreeGame - Congratulations ! You Have been selected by the steam weekly lottery.   
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GiftFreeGame choose
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GiftFreeGame you choose  Grand Theft Auto: IV
WarioAkuma: no shit
GiftFreeGame - Step B: Please follow this instructions to reclaim your prize:
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GiftFreeGame can
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sorry my stupid english


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote<@[Kira]> furigana is writing for furries
<SatouSei> dinner
<@[Kira]> I talk about furries, he talks about dinner.
<@[Kira]> MY KINDA GUY


JZ forgot to add it, so I'll do it myself:

<@Machinaweapon> HAY GUYS
<Anjel> FIX IT
<@Machinaweapon> CHECK THIS OUT
<@Machinaweapon> I USED TO LISTEN TO K FM
Sorry Ash, it came out the second I thought it.


May 24, 2009, 10:29:55 AM #414 Last Edit: May 24, 2009, 11:47:41 AM by Anjel


Yes you are, and this quote proves it:
Quote[22:22] <AnjelBlade> http://www.gymnasium.se/pics/imagebank/skolor/InstituteID10147/Realgymnasiet_Norrkoeping.jpg
[22:22] <AnjelBlade> My school
[22:22] <Ishida-Uryuu> doesn't british prisons include london
[22:23] <@[YagamiLight]> LOL
[22:23] <@[YagamiLight]> hey anjel
[22:23] <@Machinaweapon> Yes, but there's walls
[22:23] <@Machinaweapon> and heating
[22:23] <@[YagamiLight]> do you have to wear those faggy-ass uniforms
[22:23] <AnjelBlade> no
[22:23] <@[YagamiLight]> it sure looks like one of those schools
[22:24] <AnjelBlade> I go with my own all black outfit all days.
[22:24] <@Machinaweapon> And you can stay in as much as you want and not have to look outside at that smoggy piece of shit
[22:24] <Ishida-Uryuu> sounds like emofag to me
[22:24] <AnjelBlade> Fuck you.
[22:24] <@Kung_Fu_Man> They drag shit out too long
[22:24] <@[YagamiLight]> Ishida-Uryuu: He hangs out with KOD and has the same shitty taste in music.
[22:24] <@[YagamiLight]> What do you expect?
[22:24] <Ishida-Uryuu> LOL
[22:24] <AnjelBlade> WHAT
[22:25] <AnjelBlade> YOU are a shitty taste in music.


Does this mean I am a mild thing who must return to the house and still be masturbating the time I have died?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: Wild Tengu http://mugengenesis.smfforfree.com/index.php/topic,1763.msg15542.html#msg15542
I did read. I think you completely ignored the fact that Playstation ram and ram used in the PC are completely different. Final Fantasy 8 for the PC had a recommend requirement of 64 mb of ram to run. Also you could have a system with double the recommended requirements, and the game still ran slower the Playstation version. I know this from experience, having owned the game and played it on an old PC (566 mhz P3 Processor, 128 mb ram, 16 mb video ram Voodoo 3)

Whats really funny though is I could run the game in Bleem! at near-full speed on that same PC.


YOU are a Quote of whenever.


Quote from: ReyMugenyes, i got better at coding! but this stuff with the states and triggers. i don´t get it!

