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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Just try to keep things peaceful.


Sgt Squirrel

kinda needs more context but I lost it



And this is why I didn't come back to the channel.


I didn't mkick that night. Quit lying.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Sgt Squirrel

it was that night for me

i had friends over i didn't check back in like a few hours


October 12, 2009, 12:41:54 AM #486 Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 12:52:15 AM by UHMEEEEBA
QuoteTranquil Person says (1:25 AM):
Hey turns out I missed some hilarious shit while I was at your place over the weekend.

UHMEEEEBA says (1:25 AM):
Shouldn't you like be catching up on your projects? Like don't you have a paper due Tuesday?

Tranquil Person says (1:25 AM):
Bob this is funny shut up.

Tranquil Person says (1:26 AM):
So it turns out Friday Vin-Bob went looking for shit to troll on the internet as usual.

Tranquil Person says (1:26 AM):
And he found in the process that a certain fictional character was killed off in her media of origin.

Tranquil Person says (1:26 AM):
A character that was liked by, say a certain sadistic girl that no one liked.

Tranquil Person says (1:26 AM):
It was the desu chick from Rozen Maiden.

Tranquil Person says (1:27 AM):
So somewhere out in the world is a sad sadistic cunt crying over the death of a fictional character. I'd rub it in the bitches face myself if I knew where the skank was.

Tranquil Person says (1:27 AM):
Due to this the entire group decided the only sensible thing to do was to throw a party, complete with cake and a makeshift pinata.

UHMEEEEBA says (1:28 AM):
Ok that IS hilarious and all but it's been like almost two years since she was expelled I doubt most people even knew what the hell the party was for. But really you should go work on your projects.

Tranquil Person says (1:29 AM):
You're obviously going to put this in that silly quote thread so can I say hi to Trinity Mugen first?

UHMEEEEBA says (1:29 AM):

You're all probably too new to get what this, so just move along nothing to see here people.

It refers to a former floor mate from college, who was a sadistic Rozen Maiden Fangirl that really no one there liked. You can read a bit on her here it goes on for a few pages.

Incidently those pages of the SPAM Thread later inspired me to make Cat O' 9 Tails.

Tyrannosaurus Reich

Quote from: on my youtube page
RevolutionIsSoon (14 hours ago)
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Who would give a law to lovers? Love is unto itself a higher law.

Who, being loved, is poor?
Oscar Wilde

Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love - and to put its trust in life.
Joseph Conrad

You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.
Wayne Dyer


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Apparently she killed herself actually.

Which is pretty funny.


Quote[07:15] * Jango (Jango@ca4e9ab6.hon.271db5f9.net.hmsk) has joined #trinitymugen
[07:15] <Jango> I've got a feeling that tonight my internet isn't going to suck
[07:37] * Jango (Jango@ca4e9ab6.hon.271db5f9.net.hmsk) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)


You cut out the part where KOD left as soon as I mentioned by internet not sucking.


Isn't twenty one minutes good for Jangos connection anyways?


Indeed. You always ping out. :what:


Quote<Cyanide> ok, there's something bloody silly
<Cyanide> on the palettes thing, i hopped into 2k2 and did some scrolling through the debugs
<Cyanide> if you give Kula andy's default palette, she has giant blue nipples
<Jango> LOL