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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Just try to keep things peaceful.

Sgt Squirrel

Quote[21:42] <Giygas> also when the ride you're attempting to ride breaks down 5 times while you're in line for it
[21:42] <Giygas> that's just FRENCH
[21:42] <Reborn> 5 TIMES HAWHAWHAW
[21:42] <Karasawa> *Bonjour can I ride the Baguette Extreme*
[21:43] <Karasawa> *Skinny guy smoking a long girly cigarette* WHY SHOULD I CARE, EH?
[21:43] <Karasawa> The roller coaster cars all shape together to form a large baguette
[21:43] <Karasawa> And the ride is generally short and unappealing
[21:44] <Karasawa> And all of the Disney mascots aren't up running around being happy
[21:45] <Karasawa> They're just sitting at a break area the whole day
[21:45] <Karasawa> Leaning back up against the wall or sitting down with their head parts off
[21:45] <Karasawa> smoking


Quote<@Reborn> I will find every scientist who voted yes to Pluto's demotion and remove one of their "satellites"


Quote<@Reborn> Enough ABOUT MY BALLS


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote[18:08] <SatouSei> KOD check out my balls
[18:08] <SatouSei> I mean
[18:08] <SatouSei> the manga
[18:09] <KOD> MY BALLS
[18:09] <KOD> ok what genre is it
[18:24] <DRUGGED_KENSOU> [E]: are you talking about My Balls
[18:25] <SatouSei> no I was talking about MY BALLS
[18:25] <DRUGGED_KENSOU> lol
[18:25] <@Reborn> qut
[18:25] <KOD> i thought you were all talking about my balls
[18:26] <@Reborn> ...
[18:26] <@Reborn> Enough ABOUT MY BALLS
[18:26] <@Reborn> DON'T SPOIL IT
[18:26] <Anjel> <@Reborn> Enough ABOUT MY BALLS
[18:26] <KOD> sorry man we didn't know you were sensitive about my balls
[18:28] <@Reborn> I'm going to stab you in YOUR BALLS. Stop talking about my balls

[20:21] <KOD> meh, snk should just move to 2.5d
[20:21] <KOD> they're not good enough to afford 2d
01[20:24] <The_None> Heck, barely anybody these thase (definately not much of the Mugen community) can afford 2d
[20:24] <KOD> how can you type days as thase man
[20:25] <Anjel> therio
[20:25] <@Insanius> the mind said days but the fingers said thase
[20:25] <Anjel> It already was standard theme...
01[20:25] <The_None> FUCK
[20:25] <@Insanius> these*
06[20:25] * Mgbenz slaps Giygas around a bit with a large trout
06[20:25] * Mgbenz slaps Giygas around a bit with a large trout
06[20:25] * Anjel slaps Giygas around a bit with a large trout
06[20:25] * Anjel slaps Giygas around a bit with a large trout
06[20:25] * Mgbenz slaps Giygas around a bit with a large trout
[20:25] <KOD> uh what
[20:25] <KOD> why are you slapping him
06[20:25] * The_None slaps himself with a large throat
01[20:28] <The_None> SOMEONE
01[20:28] <The_None> GIVE ME AN OP STATUS
01[20:28] <The_None> SO I CAN KICK MYSELF
03[20:28] * Vans sets mode: +o The_None
[20:28] <Giygas> anjel lives in the future
[20:28] <Anjel> no
[20:28] <Giygas> gb2/past/ anjel
[20:28] <Anjel> lol
03[20:28] * You were kicked by The_None (The_None)


Every time I see "MY BALLS" I think of that one episode of South Park near the end where Mr(s). Garrison screams in slow-mo "MY BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSS!"

Just try to keep things peaceful.


It's not funny if you post it yourself, The_None.


Quote<SatouSei> [13:13] <ShoShingo> i like to masturbate
<SatouSei> 13:14] <@Reborn> I have considered it several times

Click Here.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote[17:51] <Giygas> it might be big but i like it

Click Here.

Sgt Squirrel

Quote[21:25] <Tookapook> wait, his penis is seperate?


Quote from: IAMETALMAN's Youtube Channel DescriptionI hate myself because my own weapon is my weakness, thats just retarded.I hate quickman because he has my secret weakness quick boomerange. I hate megaman he thinks he is so badass. I hate dr.wily I hate that old fuck. what I love CHOCOLATE.I hate dr.light because he created megaman. I wonder why bubbleman is so affraid of me, he thinks i might slit his throat or cut open his stomach.I love killing things with metal blade. I hate crashman because he is gay for megaman, and the thought of that made me hate my life even more.I hate Airman because he cant be defeated.I hate the x series because of that retarded reploid zero. why because he doesent know what he is fighting for, and everyone knows what they are fighting for.I'm also having sex with Splashwoman,and the other robot masters are just jealous.Yes Im infatuated by splashwoman.I want her so much.It is hard to be me because of my gizagiza lonely heart.Yes Cutman is my dad.


March 10, 2010, 12:48:49 AM #583 Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 12:51:42 AM by UHMEEEEBA
I'd say that looks like it was written by a five year old, but five year olds can now write web comics so I dunno what to say.

Also you missed the more disturbing part:

Quote from: IAMETALMAN's about me sectionYou may be wondering what the hell future dentist.That's because some day I will be a dentist.I mean why fight rocky-chan if he is just going to kill me again right.I might as well adopt a new job,and that job is to be a dentist.Also Im inlove with Marisa Kirisame.I hope one day she may give me the same effection that I feel for her.I wonder if you are still reading this.


Quote[21:02] <@Reborn> Hey bebop
[21:02] <@Reborn> sup?
[21:05] <[bebop]> I needa ask you a quick question
[21:05] <[bebop]> Subject will quickly change to a male subject
[21:06] <@Reborn> lol
[21:06] <[bebop]> Do you know how to eat pussy ?
[21:06] <[bebop]> xD
[21:06] <@Reborn> Shoot
[21:06] <@Reborn> LOL
[21:06] <KOD> lol
[21:06] <@Reborn> Nigga plz, I am the pussy eating MASTER
[21:08] <[bebop]> gimmie sum tips
[21:08] <[bebop]> 1sec
[21:08] <@Reborn> Need tips?
[21:09] * @Reborn puts on his wizard cap
[21:12] <@Reborn> Aw, no one got the reference
[21:12] <[bebop]> Now I know eating pussy isn't just licking
[21:12] <[bebop]> Or, giving women pleasure isn't just licking and poking
[21:12] <[bebop]> I know there's gotta be technique, rhythm... err... and "order"
[21:12] <[bebop]> hahah
[21:13] <[bebop]> And I heard if you can give a women good head, she might not even ever want to leave you.
[21:13] <@Reborn> Order, no.
[21:13] <[bebop]> Now isn't that remarkable?
[21:13] <[bebop]> Okay but anyways
[21:13] <[bebop]> Let's speed it up because I gotta go to school in like 10
[21:13] <[bebop]> xD
[21:13] <[bebop]> Or continue this at a more convenient time
[21:14] <@Reborn> Well I can give you some starters til later
[21:14] <@Reborn> Have you eaten pussy before?
[21:14] <[bebop]> Soon or later.
[21:15] <Anjel> what the fuck mach
[21:15] <Anjel> you can't eat cats
[21:15] <@Reborn> Lies
[21:15] <[bebop]> ^Just ignore the blissed person
[21:15] <[bebop]> And continue
[21:15] <[bebop]> woops, not pointing at you Mach
[21:16] <[bebop]> What are some good tips?
[21:16] <[bebop]> The Art of Pussy, LOL. jk
[21:16] <@Reborn> Well personally, I move either up or down to it
[21:17] <@Reborn> 1. Don't start at the cat.
[21:17] <@Reborn> work your way to it
[21:17] <[bebop]> Like, never rush into it.
[21:17] <[bebop]> ?
[21:17] <@Reborn> If there's another part of a girl you like a lot start there
[21:18] <[bebop]> Usually, the tits..
[21:18] <@Reborn> For example, I'm a leg man.
[21:19] <@Reborn> Okay in your case, a slight grip on a breast with one hand as you work downward with your other hand and your mouth
[21:19] <@Reborn> Yeah, definitely don't rush. Finesse it
[21:21] <@Reborn> 2. Get her squirming. Best accomplished by moving your fingers across the pelvis area and around the clit. Tease, but don't move in for the kill yet.
[21:24] <@Reborn> As you're moving downward, pin her into a good position, this will vary depending on how you're laying/sitting/standing
[21:25] <@Reborn> 3. CARESS
[21:26] <@Reborn> Finally getting down there is up to you. I kiss my way down.
[21:27] <@Reborn> I start with a little horizontal flicker movement with my tongue across the lips
[21:28] <@Reborn> A little spread...
[21:28] <@Reborn> And slow down the tongue and work my way in
[21:33] <_Karasawa_> Uh
[21:33] <_Karasawa_> what
[21:33] <@Reborn> Look up as you're eating her. Find that center. You'll know when you get there if she winces when you hit a certain spot
[21:34] <@Reborn> Kara: rolling your tongue in a circular motion around the area of the clit.
[21:34] <@Reborn> It's unfocused and stupid
[21:34] <Giygas> Trinitymugen: Where none of the talk is actually about MUGEN.
[21:34] <KOD> who cares about mugen anyway
[21:35] <Giygas> agreed
[21:35] <KOD> continue plz
[21:35] <_Karasawa_> <_>
[21:35] <@Reborn> As you work her spot, move a hand back to the spot you like.
[21:36] <@Reborn> While maintaining your grip on her, she should be helping anyway :P
[21:38] <@Reborn> As she gets closer, you can move up to the clitoris itself.
[21:40] * [Entropy] (fake@30142ffb.dsl.282eb7d8.ca.hmsk) has joined #trinitymugen
[21:41] <@Reborn> If you haven't been making use of you fingers -Oh hey Al- now would be a good time
[21:41] <@Reborn> Once again, finesse it, don't just plunge them in
[21:42] <@Reborn> Give the lips some love and slowly work one or to in
[21:42] <@Reborn> two*
[21:45] <@Reborn> work a repetitive rythm as you give the clitoris a few laps up and down
[21:46] <@Reborn> Now the finish can go a few ways
[21:46] <@Reborn> Depending on if she sprays or squirts or no
[21:48] <ShoShingo> eating pussy is easy
[21:48] <ShoShingo> and enjoyable
[21:48] <@Reborn> I don't mind if she cums in my mouth, so I tend to speed up, try to make the orgasm a little more violent
[21:49] <@Reborn> Mind you, these are my BASICS
[21:49] <ShoShingo> time the clit lick with the finger thrust for optimal results
[21:49] <@Reborn> ^
[21:49] <ShoShingo> and curve them fucking fingers slightly to hit the roof of her vagina
[21:49] <ShoShingo> lick the butthole too, at least at the start of the whole thing
[21:50] <ShoShingo> the clit isn't going to be ready for you right away
[21:50] <@Reborn> Advanced techniques can be powerful but risky and require practice
[21:50] <KOD> ...what if she didn't wipe the hole
[21:50] <ShoShingo> so
[21:50] <ShoShingo> why would you go down on a chick who doesn't wipe
[21:50] <ShoShingo> honestly
[21:50] <@Reborn> Yea, I left rim out because I don't think they're ready to climb that mountain
[21:52] <@Reborn> And yeah, if she didn't wipe the hole, you're already fucked
[21:52] <ShoShingo> you can tell if the chick is cumming too hard, too
[21:52] <ShoShingo> if she's already cumming hard ease off
[21:52] <ShoShingo> you could kill a bitch eating pussy, swear to god
[21:52] <KOD> wait what o_O
[21:52] <ShoShingo> what
[21:53] <ShoShingo> well not kill but make her somewhat unusable for a least a minute or two
[21:53] <@Reborn> Or make her faint
[21:53] <ShoShingo> i got kneed in the head once from a chick cumming while i gave her head
[21:53] <ShoShingo> by both her fucking knees
[21:53] <@Reborn> Hahaha shit
[21:54] <KOD> tigaaaaa kick
[21:54] <ShoShingo> i taught a few of my friends how to eat pussy a while ago, because they never learned that in school i guess
[21:55] <ShoShingo> and each chick they tried it on i said "guess who taught them"
[21:55] <@Reborn> Hahahaha
[21:55] <KOD> lol
[21:56] <ShoShingo> i wish pussy eating was an olympic sport
[21:56] <ShoShingo> i'd be a 5 time gold medal champ
[21:56] <@Reborn> ^
[21:56] <ShoShingo> no seriously don't try it unless you're at least confident that you can pull it off.
[21:57] <Giygas> olympic pussy eating finals: shoshingo vs mach
[21:57] <ShoShingo> hell half the time it pays not to even think about what you're doing
[21:57] <ShoShingo> just do it