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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Quote[12:45] * The_None (q3adam@9210cb1a.f97aab93.pl.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[12:45] * KOD (KKOD@6ca5ed01.14055af6.123.237.imsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[12:45] * mistah_j (mrj@f04c35f9.dhcp.ftbg.wi.4e125616.com.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[12:45] * TMasta (sonic_theh@6ca5f0c2.6ca5ec9d.86.81.imsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[12:45] * Princess_Peach (2d.mirage@87b90a4f.dsl.pltn13.3e6fd2e2.net.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[12:45] * Jango (Phoenix@f1bf8cec.84c35856.net.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[12:45] * ShoShingo (shing@2f9f4133.c3-0.eas-ubr13.atw-eas.pa.cable.6ca6e6e8.com.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[12:45] * [XCB] (xcalibrebl@9cf8fb74.washdc.fios.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[12:45] * Insanius (aokmaniac1@70931aee.washdc.fios.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[12:45] * DrKelexo (midnightbl@49179c6a.lightspeed.hstntx.3e6fd2e2.net.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[12:45] * Karasawa (termy@5fa7373d.dhcp.a3d59c23.com.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[12:45] * rivendell.hub.sorcery.net sets mode: +oooo KOD Princess_Peach Insanius Karasawa
[12:45] <Therio> oh god what
[12:45] <Therio> where did you fags come from

Click Here.


Um, 4 of you were split while the other side had everyone else

Quote* koopakoot (koopakoot_@5936bbc0.bb.6ca6ebac.com.hmsk) Quit (bree.sorcery.net gondor.hub.sorcery.net)
* Anjel (Mibbit@ac56a94b.cust.dea5e993.se.hmsk) Quit (bree.sorcery.net gondor.hub.sorcery.net)
* Therio (Giygas@4a122cd1.adsl.fd9677fd.nl.hmsk) Quit (bree.sorcery.net gondor.hub.sorcery.net)
* MonopolyMan (bbbb@266f472a.hsd1.nm.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) Quit (bree.sorcery.net gondor.hub.sorcery.net)
* The_None smells netsplit
<@Insanius> The new sorcery server isn't doing that great...
* MonopolyMan (bbbb@266f472a.hsd1.nm.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
* Therio (Giygas@4a122cd1.adsl.fd9677fd.nl.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
* Anjel (Mibbit@ac56a94b.cust.dea5e993.se.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
* koopakoot (koopakoot_@5936bbc0.bb.6ca6ebac.com.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
<Therio> lol
<Therio> oh god what
<Therio> where did you fags come from


Click Here.


Quote* The_None (q3adam@9210cb1a.f97aab93.pl.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
<The_None> Hello, What did I miss?
<Therio> i am a 76 year old iranian woman

Sgt Squirrel

Quote[18:08] <@Jesuszilla> w
[18:08] <@Jesuszilla> w
[18:08] <@Jesuszilla> w
[18:08] <@Jesuszilla> w
[18:08] <@Jesuszilla> w
[18:09] <Rikard> After moving West for 4 sections, you find yourself facing a giant chasm. By accident, you move West again, falling into the chasm. You scream as you fall for what look like hours, yet your voice dies as soon as you touch the ground, exploding into a pile of bloody goo and bones.
[18:09] <Rikard> You're dead.
[18:09] <Rikard> Load from a previous save? Y/N
[18:09] <Therio> Y
[18:10] <Rikard> You appear not to have any previously saved games. Restart from the beginning? Y/N
[18:11] <Therio> Y
[18:13] * TMasta (wickednuts@6ca5f0c2.6ca5ec9d.86.81.imsk) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[18:13] <Therio> brb dinner
[18:13] <Rikard> You wake up on a bed in a dimly lit room. The light of the twilight is seeping from a barred window. All you can see is the bed, a TV set and a door.
[18:14] <Rikard> Exits are WEST, NORTH.
[18:16] * [XCB] (xcalibrebl@9cf8fb74.washdc.fios.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[18:20] * UselessLurker (UselessLur@a413bdf1.cpe.net.cable.f33844f1.com.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[18:20] <@Jesuszilla> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsPujgqpx8w&feature=sub
[18:20] <@Jesuszilla> OH GOD
[18:20] <@Jesuszilla> I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING
[18:21] <Rikard> lauging
[18:21] <Rikard> oh it's out
[18:21] <Rikard> brb watching it
[18:22] * Jmorphman (Jmorphman@741448.washdc.east.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[18:22] <Jmorphman> Where's okami IS taliban with out standing or pants?
[18:27] <Therio> smash TV set
[18:29] <Rikard> You try to smash the TV set with all your might, but end up hurting yourself. Ow. Maybe you broke your pinky.
[18:29] <Therio> fry chicken
[18:30] <Rikard> What the hell, fry chicken? There is not even a chicken in the room.
[18:30] <Therio> go north
[18:31] <Rikard> You try opening the door, but it won't budge. Upon closer inspection, it looks like it's locked from outside.
[18:31] <Therio> smash door
[18:31] <@Jesuszilla> I... need... an.. a-
[18:31] <@Jesuszilla> I. AM. AN ADULT.
[18:32] <Rikard> You try to smash the door, but it's too sturdy for your hand alone. Maybe something else in the room might help you?
[18:32] <Therio> pick up tv set
[18:32] <Rikard> You try picking up the TV set, but it refuses your advances. Maybe you should change your pickup line next time.
[18:33] <Therio> grab bed
[18:33] * Karasawa (termy@5fa7373d.dhcp.a3d59c23.com.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[18:33] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Karasawa
[18:33] <Rikard> The bed is too heavy for you, but while trying to move it you notice something seeping from under the sheets.
[18:34] <Therio> inspect bed
[18:34] <Rikard> You remove the covers, finding the TV remote under them and a suspicious yellow stain.
[18:34] <Therio> lick yellow stain
[18:34] <Jmorphman> D:
[18:35] <@Jesuszilla> D:
[18:35] <@Jesuszilla> D:
[18:35] <@Jesuszilla> D;
[18:35] <@Jesuszilla> D:
[18:35] <@Jesuszilla> D:
[18:35] <@Jesuszilla> D:
[18:35] <@Jesuszilla> D:
[18:35] <Rikard> As you lick the yellow stain, your mouth is immediately filled with taste. It's orange juice. You wonder how it got there in the first palce.
[18:35] * Rikard PALCE
[18:35] <@Insanius> Inspect palce
[18:35] <UselessLurker> go palce
[18:35] <Therio> take remote
[18:36] <Jmorphman> Obviouse exits are NORTH, SOUTH, and DENNIS. What wouldst thou deau?
[18:36] <Anjel> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGkkyKZVzug
[18:36] <Anjel> what
[18:36] <Anjel> the
[18:36] <Anjel> FUCK
[18:36] <Rikard> You take the TV remote in your hands and notice all of the buttons were removed. Apparently, you'll have to change the channel of the TV set manually from now on.
[18:37] <Therio> smash remote
[18:37] <Jmorphman> Get ye flask
[18:37] <UselessLurker> smash ye flash
[18:37] <Anjel> Jesuszilla: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGkkyKZVzug
[18:37] <Rikard> You smash the remote into tiny pieces. Inside, you find a LED, some circuitry, two AA batteries and a note.
[18:37] <Anjel> watch it
[18:37] <UselessLurker> sho showed this last night
[18:38] <Therio> take note
[18:38] <Jmorphman> Jesus Christ what is wrong with people. MML3 is announced and all people care about is that it's on the 3DS?
[18:38] <UselessLurker> it's on the 3DS?
[18:38] <Therio> lol the 3ds
[18:38] <Rikard> Take note of what? You have no pen, and even if you had one you have nothing to write on.
[18:38] <UselessLurker> goddammit, now I'm gonna have to buy it at launch
[18:38] <Therio> inspect note
[18:38] <Therio> >:[
[18:38] <Rikard> It's an A#.
[18:39] <UselessLurker> i'd say that joke fell flat
[18:39] <Therio> god fucking damnit this is the worst text adventure i have ever played
[18:39] <Therio> kill self
[18:39] * UselessLurker awaits inevitable lynching
[18:40] <Rikard> You suddenly find yourself 5 sections West. falling into the chasm. You scream as you fall for what look like hours, yet your voice dies as soon as you touch the ground, exploding into a pile of bloody goo and bones.
[18:40] <Rikard> You're dead.
[18:40] <Rikard> You're not very good at this, aren't you.
[18:40] <Therio> NOPE
[18:40] <UselessLurker> Score?
[18:40] <@Insanius> New game
[18:40] <Rikard> Score = -9001

Rikard's epic text adventure part 1


Quote[18:38] <Jmorphman> Jesus Christ what is wrong with people. MML3 is announced and all people care about is that it's on the 3DS?

Legends fans on average have been, and will likely always be spoiled brats the fact it isn't a console game has gotten some of them to get their panties bunched up already.

Also that note pun was awful hit yourselves for that. Like Dissonance awful.

Brandy Bogard

QuoteJmorphman has quit IRC: Quit: Why do sharks explode? This is because sometimes their brains and sexual organs are made out of M-80's. Sometimes, to attract mates, a shark will explode. And sometimes they explode just to attract giant killer bees.



his quit message is always random, usually a quote from community or it's always sunny in philadelphia or something like that

Just try to keep things peaceful.


<@Karasawa> safe sex is not a punishable move
<@Karasawa> and if you whiff it there's no mess because you have a condom on
<@Karasawa> and if she blocks just get her in a corner until she breaks her guard
<@Karasawa> then punish
<Therio> LOL
<@Reborn> If she pokes holes in the condom though, she has frame advantage the entire match though
<@Karasawa> gives new meaning to the word desperation move
<Anjel> what if he have aids
<@Karasawa> term, rather
<@Reborn> Hahaha
<@Karasawa> then its a SUPER Desperation Move
<@Karasawa> obviously
<@Karasawa> well if she pokes holes in the condom then well
<@Karasawa> his attacks become unblockable

Brandy Bogard

Quote from: #99chan[22:43] <@Kyduh> dear tucker
[22:43] <@Kyduh> you will never escape the fact that your name rhymes with a vulgarity
[22:43] <@Kyduh> love
[22:43] <@Kyduh> Al


Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on October 09, 2010, 02:42:17 PM
Hahaha so random.
Classic Space Ghost Coast 2 Coast, actually.

Sgt Squirrel

Quote[00:50] * Reborn sets mode: +b *!Jesuszilla@*
[00:50] <@Reborn> oops
[00:51] * Reborn sets mode: -b *!Jesuszilla@*
[00:51] <Therio> lol
[00:51] * Reborn sets mode: +b *!Jesuszilla@*
[00:51] * Reborn sets mode: -b *!Jesuszilla@*
[00:51] <Therio> uhhhhhh
[00:52] * Reborn sets mode: -b Jesuszilla*!*@*
[00:52] <@Reborn> There.
[00:52] * Reborn sets mode: -b Forte*!*@*
[00:52] <Therio> ...
[00:52] <@Reborn> ...
[00:52] <Therio> That's -b
[00:52] <Therio> not +b
[00:52] * Reborn sets mode: +b Forte*!*@*
[00:52] <Therio> lmao
[00:52] * Reborn sets mode: +b Jesuszilla*!*@*


Just try to keep things peaceful.