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MegaMan ZX: Advent

Started by Double, March 29, 2008, 09:06:56 PM

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MegaMan ZX: Advent a sequel to a mediocre DS game, this does not bode well.

Gameplay: Same basic platforming you've been playing since the first Zero game. An improvement over ZXA is getting to areas is generally easier than it was before because you can now pay (what the shit) to activate warp points throughout the game. Of course you have to get to the end of wherever you are to get to a teleporter, but this only really a problem in the Legion Head Quarters because there is only a teleporter on the far side of that area.

One of Double's major complaints about ZX was how situational some of the models were notably Model L. Well he should be glad to be dead because the new boss forms in ZXA are so situational it isn't funny. Seriously most of them seem tacked on and if you were to actually try to fight with them you'd be mistaken for they either weak, handle like a wet sponge or can't wall kick. Forms now how have a shared weapon gauge which recharges over time, which just sucks. Not only is it a step back it greatly limits what you can do. Similar to ZX at the end of this game you're going to find yourself using largely Model H and Model P as they are still the best in their respective categories for their additional movement support. Model A, your new main model is good and has a Giga Attack and a homing one, but you'll find both use your power gauge too much so it's better to spam Model P.

The level 4 finish bullshit is gone, which is good. But instead there are now optional ways to kill a boss to get a medal, and each boss has three. While this sounds good at first some of them are just a pain in the ass to get like the one where you have to kill the Hedgehog by flinging a rat into or, the Vulture one where you can only attack using Giga attacks (which takes forever due to the recharge being as fast as a snail that's been injected with an anti-histamine), and of course any of the Shisaroids ones just suck.

Overall for everything they improved they added in a new equally stupid concept.
12 out of 20

Music: The same complaint that was stated with ZX returns, sounds too MIDI, sub-par etc. Also this game has the worst boss battle theme since the one from MegaMan II (that's the Gameboy game not the NES one, that one had a good boss theme).
7 out of 15

Translation: Some really bad voice acting here. I mean we aren't on a "IF WE FIND DAT METEOW WE'LL FIND DOCTOW WIWY" level but it's still pretty bad. Besides that the plot seems to be translated well enough. Although the fact they renamed Helios for no apparent reason is a bit odd, given how much renaming characters has come back to bite them in the ass lately.
9 out of 10

Length: Tolerable, there is no fortress stage but it's got more levels than ZX did. Also those stupid side quests are back.
15 out of 15

Rehash Factor: In addition to your usual enemy repeats, there are a couple mid-bosses who return as mid-bosses again. Also there is a gratuitous usage of old title sets throughout the game. Oh there also is one boss battle from the last game reused this time, but it was kind of expected I guess.
13 out of 15

Plot: So your either an emo robot created to take the place of a psycho or a girl obsessed with treasure related to said psycho and you find his one weak point of his uber awesome master plan and use it against him. On the way you meet the emo protagonist of the last game who has grown out his or her hair enough to now look legitimately emo. And then you go fuck up the guys master plan and he's all like "YOU SUCK ROT IN PEACE".

Quote from: DoubleGee, I could have sworn this was MegaMan, not a bad Final Fantasy game.

4 out of 10

Difficulty: Same difficulty as ZXA, they just renamed the difficulty levels so people wouldn't fell like the n00b they are for playing on easy mode. And for that they lose a point.
9 out of 10

Total: 69/100 =  69 %

Average, same call as ZX if you see it in the bargain bin sure, otherwise stay away.

Positive: Although it is unwieldy, jumping over an enemy and turning into Bifrost is funny.

Negative: Too many forms with situational usage.


69 is the score, so this thread is now about 34 of the main chick.

Just try to keep things peaceful.