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MegaMan: The Power Battles

Started by Double, March 21, 2006, 03:10:10 PM

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March 21, 2006, 03:10:10 PM Last Edit: April 24, 2006, 09:43:17 PM by Double

Ah yes, MegaMan the Power Battles, the first of Arcade game. This game is radically different from the others in the fact you go straight to the boss fights with the robot masters, 6 per difficulty, a mid boss and then Wily. This can be seen as either good or as horrible depending on whether or not you like Boss battles.

Gameplay: There are three difficulties, MegaMan 1-2, MegaMan 3-6 and MegaMan 7. As implied it also determines which bosses are in said difficulties. You then get to 'select' a boss via roulette, which is rather stupid as it can screw up potential orders in defeating these guys. The more Robot Master's you kill, the stronger the remaining ones get. You still get their weapons from them as well. Overall while not bad, it's not exactly great either. You can select to play as MegaMan, ProtoMan or Bass, but with the exception of their dash move, their all the same.
18 out of 20

Music: There are actually two versions of this game the CPS1 and the CPS2 version. They both feature remixes of tracks from various MegaMan games, although they don't always make sense, i.e. CutMan uses ShadowMan's theme. It should be noted, as a running gag, it will occasionally play the Ghost and Goblins music on ShadeMan's stage.
14 out of 15

Translation: There was really nothing to translate save the endings.
10 out of 10

Length: Despite having three difficulty modes, this one is still obvious short due to the lack of stages.
13 out of 15

Rehash Factor: 18 Robot Masters, CutMan, IceMan, GutsMan, HeatMan, WoodMan, CrashMan, GeminiMan, MagnetMan, DustMan, NapalmMan, GyroMan, PlantMan, CloudMan, JunkMan, FreezeMan, SlashMan, ShadeMan, and TurboMan. Yellow Devil and the Pumpkin from ShadeMan's stage in MegaMan 7 also make returning appearances. Although most of the bosses have slightly new strategies. Overall though it is quite Rehashtastic.
10 out of 15

Plot: What plot? Seriously, I have never heard of the plot for this game. If anyone can find one tell me but until then I have no choice.
0 out of 10

Difficulty: There are three different modes with increasing difficulty so it's got something for everyone. And no Force Beams.
15 out of 15

Total: 80/100 = 80 %

Ouch. A plot would have helped out here.

Positive: Using the Super Arm against CutMan to find out it is not his weakness anymore.

Negative: Only one MegaMan 4 boss? FOR SHAME.