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A newbie trying to make portraits for Vans' KOFXI lifebars...

Started by DeNice, April 03, 2007, 08:39:37 PM

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Hey.  I've been to numerous forums trying to get some sort of help in learning how to use the XI template within Vans' KOF lifebars but didn't get any help.  I guess I should've just came here, the source of the files, from the start to ask for help.  Simply put, I'm trying to use the template to create portraits for the other KOF characters (like Krizalid) as well as a few others to release to the community, but I'm not sure how to use it at all.  I'm using Photoshop CS2 if that helps any.  If anyone can help me out here via a little tutorial, I'd really appreciate it.  Thanks a million in advance.


1. Open the .psd in Photoshop.
2. Take the image you want, and clean it (the polygonal lasso tool or the magic wand may help a LOT).
3. Once it's clean, take it and paste it in between the black ring layer and the BG.
4. Resize the image you just pasted in by going to edit => Free transform. To keep the correct scale, hold down shift while dragging the corner of the image.
5. Once that's done, go to Image > Mode > Indexed color, and choose Local (Selective)
6. After that, choose custom, and swap out the VERY LAST COLOR with 00FF00 (the portrait's BG color). Then take the color that was just replaced by that, and put it where 00FF00 USED to be.
7. ???
8. Profit!

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Thanks a million, dude!  I managed to make a batch of them yesturday and today.  Here's a preview...

I did a lot from NGBC, as well as a few from Capcom and a little KOF/Samurai Shodown.  I'd like to get them hosted somewhere to share them, but in the meantime, I'm working on the finish of NGBC, as well as CVS2, KOF, and Marvel.  Think I can get them hosted here?



yea how do i give the portriats that i already have to characters of mugen


For that I like to use MCM, ironically the crappy way it handles SFF files makes it ideal for this.  Just load up your character's SFF file and add the image in as sprite 9000,11 and make sure you use the "unshared palette" option.


The lifebars topic will tell you what axis to put them at, as well

Just try to keep things peaceful.


will this thing work on fighter factory b/c thats wat i have


Just try to keep things peaceful.


This reminds me that I should try to use those lifebars again, I fiddled around with some portraits I was gonna make for a while.


strike my last coment i got it too work i have to know will i be able to them in paint


Paint cannot save as PCX files so you'd need a program to convert images.
And even then, you'll need to deal with the palette and whatnot.



Just try to keep things peaceful.
