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Metroid Fusion

Started by Double, March 21, 2006, 03:09:40 PM

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March 21, 2006, 03:09:40 PM Last Edit: May 02, 2008, 10:35:30 PM by Phoenix Magnion

I fell my honor was insulted, thus there is one logical choice to make.

Gameplay: This game plays largely like Diet Super Metroid. Just imagine Metroid but with you being told to go everywhere and no Sequence Breaking. Super Missile's are now an upgrade. Exploration is also highly frowned upon; you often can't go back to certain areas until that ass Adam lets you. Having said this, this largely seems to be done to decrease the difficulty. Overall it's just not that good actually. Adam is possibly even more annoying than Alia, Layer, Pallette, Nana, and Iris, combined, and then squared.
10 out of 20

Music: The music is fairly decent, not too great but it's rather impressive given it's on the Game Boy Advance, it doesn't sound very grainy. The games music is also largely new the only noticeable recycled piece of music being the first Super Metroid Boss theme, which is ironically remixed twice in the same game.
15 out of 15

Translation: This is really not applicable, as the game was MADE in America first and then translated into Japanese, no freeloaders though. So this ain't gonna count!
0 out of 0

Rehash Factor: Ridley from Super Metroid makes a reappearance here and fights largely like his Super Metroid counterpart, only difference being he is much larger and lacks the lava this time around. The intro boss is also Arrachnus from Metroid 2, a reference that goes over many players' heads.
13 out of 15

Length: There is the main deck and six various sectors you must go through. Each sector though is smaller than any of the areas from Super Metroid, although the amount of them does create some more diverse areas. Overall not too long, if you also want to find anything that should take you a while.
14 out of 15

Plot: So Samus screwed with SR-388's environment in Metroid II and this released these X-Parasite things that have the ability to assimilate other life forms at the price of killing the host. Can you say Deus Ex Machina? That aside, for some reason these dumbasses on the B.S.L. decided to study it so they all get killed, goodie. Meanwhile Samus who had been infected was saved by Metroid DNA, more Deus Ex Machina for ya. So Samus goes to try and save the dudes at the B.S.L. and finds they're all dead, save those monkeys and the ostrich from Super Metroid (WOW ANOTHER Deus Ex Machina). And then you find out the X have created a clone of you using you old suit and reproduce asexually so there's like 10 of them. Then you find out Adam the Computer is ALSO Adam the person, yay more Deus Ex Machina, and that the Federation is breeding Metroids. So you decide to blow up the ship, and crash it into the planet, and you fight an SA-X, and then for no apparent reason fight an Omega Metroid at the end that seems largely tacked on. Then Adam saves you and shit. Whoopee, this game simply has way too many Dei Ex Machinae.
7 out of 10

Difficulty: Not really hard, in fact largely a joke compared to Super Metroid. Some of the bosses seem some what difficult, but that is when you spam Missiles, and they then die. This is especially true for Nightmare. Overall this isn't too bad.
12 out of 15

Total: 61/90 = 67.777777777777777777777777777778 %

Overall some better gameplay, and less Deus Ex Machina, could have helped this one out a lot.

Positive: Unlike some other games, it material is largely new. .V.

Negative: Adam.

Hey, keep up the good work though Foxy maybe Neon will give you Reviewer status or something someday.