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Started by Jango, April 17, 2007, 02:48:09 AM

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April 17, 2007, 02:48:09 AM Last Edit: April 17, 2007, 02:50:08 AM by Jango
Since everyone (read "no one") liked the NES blowout, I decided to go back to a stage I wanted to convert a long time ago now that I know my way around stage making more then back then.

Hikawa Shrine

Edited the shrine so that it reached the 240 point. Otherwise it should be pretty darn accurate. (Disregard shadows in this pic, the shadows are now closer to the bodies.)

And as customary, RE-RELEASES!

Messiah of Silence's Throne

Cutman's Stage

Only Cutman's stage doesn't have music. The other two have MP3, ADX, and SPC files up for download. I will get Cutman's later on, when I have more time/interest.