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MUGEN full game: Nijikaku

Started by Jesuszilla, July 03, 2006, 06:43:29 PM

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Game: Nijikaku
Author: Some Japanese dude(s).
Website: I am not going to advertise this piece of crap.

Originally written for RandomSelect, KFM decided it would also be bad to advertise this and thus never posted the review. I agree fully with his decision, and thus is also the reason I am not posting a link to their website.

I admit, when TMasta first linked me to this game and mentioned how the OS-Tans were in it, I thought "Well, this game must be pretty decent." At first, I hesitated to download because there were no screenshots, but then did so anyway just to check it out.

Alright, first things first

Apparently, there is a reason there are no screenshots:

I go to training mode and look at this eyesore. Graphics don't make gameplay, so there's still a hope in that.

As you can see, the sprites do NOT fit together at all. This is like this for pretty much every sprite. Some are well done, like ME-Tan, and some look like pure crap like the ones in the screenshot above. And let's not forget about the BEAUTIFUL backgrounds!

By the way, nice ass baby.

Overall, though, this hurt my eyes.

As soon as the round starts, I hear "RET'S ENTER EXCITEMENT!" then...

Control and Gameplay
I start to play around a bit. The button layout is really messed up. Some characters are 3-button, some 4-button. It's like random crap compiled into one. This is like freakin' MUGE- oh wait...

Because of this little problem, some characters play rather well, like WaHa, while others play like utter shit like that lemon dude. I swear, in arcade the opponent attacked me only a few times, while I was pretty much the only one attacking, and somehow, for ONE ROUND, it took me until 22 seconds on the timer to beat the opponent. Add a little power to some characters' attacks, PLEASE guys. While you're at it, TONE DOWN THE DAMN SUPERS! This is supposed to be a full, serious game, not April Fool's shit creations RyouWin Tetchi and- Wait, this is starting to sound like a regular leecher's MUGEN.

In addition, if you can't read text that looks like this:

You're gonna have a hell of a time trying to figure out what to do with each character.

Normally, I'd review CLSNs, but I'm honestly too scared to look.

Okay, using the default MUGEN sounds for attacks? BAD. In terms of music, some are pretty good while others are like Yoko Ono with an electrical voice box. That Stephen Hawking Enter Sandman was better than most of the tracks in this game. Don't get me wrong, that was actually cool, but that's a whole 'nother story.

Looking back at it all...
I'm really not sure I ever want to download this again. The sprites are all different styles, so they REALLY don't go with each other at all, the controls are completely random depending on the character you choose, and because of this, the roster is terribly unbalanced. In addition, the sprites, sounds, and backgrounds clash together to give you an annoyance not unlike a YTMND.

I am starting to doubt whether or not this person did ANY work whatsoever other than compile a bunch of creations into one ADHD-overwhelming collage of imageboard memes. It's like a freakin' flash movie, there's so much crap in this.

Graphics: I no longer want my eyes.
   Control: 0.5
Gameplay: 0.5
    Overall: 1.0
     Sound: 1.0

Just try to keep things peaceful.


how can i download ur MUGEN nijikaku game... i love like your characters



It's not mine; it's made by someone else. And even if I DID have the link, I wouldn't give it. It's freaking TERRIBLE. Do you even know English?

Just try to keep things peaceful.