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Fox's Review: Mario Kart - Super Circuit

Started by Fusion, March 21, 2006, 03:18:49 PM

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The only Mario Kart game released on GBA (there seems to be a 1-mario kart game per Nintendo system thing going on here) stands out.

Graphics (9/10):

The graphics are well done, although the only thing that bothers me about it to bring it down one point is that all of the mugshots & character sprites are converted from Mario Kart 64.  Even though this doesn't irk me as much as I thought it would, it simply shows off a little laziness on Nintendo's part, which is nothing compared to Capcom's laziness (I am the ORIGINAL ZERO! and he looks exactly like the copy.)  Much like Super Mario Kart, the tracks you race on are fully textured, but not in any essence "3D" (as in, they are still the old-like Mode 7 you're used to.)

Sound (7/10):

I'll have to say, even though all the sounds are respectively from Mario Kart 64, none of them seem to stand out.  The music's somewhat good, but fuzzy.  The only track that seems to stand out is the title theme.  It's a shame they couldn't have done more with the sound.  But, when you've got a game this old, you don't know the capabilities of your own system, I guess.

Gameplay (10/10):

All I can say is this: Every aspect of gameplay was preserved, and in some cases improved.  Just that the CPU using a lightning power up can get a bit annoying, but at least you get squeaky voices.  Only one thing that doesn't bump this down a point: If you've got a powerup, and you hit one of the powerup boxes, you still hear the "diiiiiing" you hear if you didn't get one.

Overall (8/10):

A good Mario Kart game, but just only a slight bit lacking (no Toad) with a few older faces most of us would remember.  Especially Koopa... He's been MIA in Mario Kart since SMK, and only just popped back up in Double Dash...

I've improved the standards of reviewing by providing screenshots!  But of course, I did something stupid and captured the toolbar in the second screenshot... Oh well.