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Anyone know how I can get in contact with mr.zero?

Started by Skunk, June 05, 2007, 10:34:27 PM

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I'd like to ask him if I could do an edit of his already awesome Freddy Krueger. He made some errors (his shirt color, ect.) and also the quotes he has are apparently from the country he's from and not in english. I'm such a huge Freddy fan I'd like to correct this and made an addon soundpack for english quotes.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Well he's not like Eli or anything, but he did an awesome Freddy Krueger. Awesome for being an edit and all, anyway.


Good luck trying to find him for download though. Especially from MI. They're a bunch of pricks and their database is out of date.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, I forgot why I was posting. There is no readme file. So hence my asking.


You might could try getting the address of the site he was on and then use archive.org to see if you could find any e-mail addresses.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


QuoteEspecially from MI. They're a bunch of pricks and their database is out of date.
Don't, motherfucker.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


I can't stand stereotypes. That's like saying that all frenchmen are gay.


They aren't?

Also, obviously the users of MI aren't, but the administration is. I got banned, never broke a rule.


Fong and possibly Gino are probably the only good mods there, to tell you the truth. But that's not the discussion at hand.

Also stereotypes exist because they're true. Just not for all.

Just try to keep things peaceful.