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Fox's Review: Digimon Battle Spirit 2

Started by Fusion, March 21, 2006, 03:19:57 PM

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You heard me right,  :dhioas: style, only without the scoring part.

When I look for Digimon games, I expect mockeries of RPG games or sims, but nothing really based upon the anime's characters.  I don't watch the anime much any more, but this game has intrigued me.  The... Detail that went into the sprites of this game is simply astounding.  Animation is like Street Fighter III's only pint-sized.

1. GamePlay: The game plays like an ideal mix of a side-scroller and a fighter, both halves are executed correctly almost to the best, even though sometimes you really can't tell if you're dashing (it's just a sped up run anim) but you can definitely tell.  There's no infinites, just a lot of combos.  Unlike the first game, you don't find a digimon and just digivolve outright, you enter something like a Burst mode and you can change mid-attack, but you won't stay that way.  Probably for good reason.  Everything seems fairly balanced here, so no complaints.

2. Music: The game uses the old Game Boy's sound system for most of it's sound effects and music (I only say most because a few effects are actual sounds) and not for naught.  Every sound uses the old chiptones to their best, and the music also takes advantage of bass quite often.  The game's music does not falter in battle, either.

3. Translation: There's hardly anything to translate, plus I haven't looked at the lines enough to tell if there's any typos, but I doubt it so there's no complaints about it here.

4. Length: Not sure what length this game goes to, but I'm very sure it ends in a boss fight.  There are no stages, just fights that take place over a time limit.  You can't knock your opponents out of the arena, just collect the blue orbs your opponent loses when they get hit.  If you get hit, you better get the red orbs otherwise your opponent's score will increase.

5. Rehash Factor: Main things I see carried over from the first Digimon Battle Spirit game is the game engine, and that's it.

6. Plot: There's nothing much to the plot, aside from it's probably just got the background of the series of Digimon it relates to.  There's no story, as in you just pick up the game and play it.

7. Difficulty: The game can get tedious if you rush headfirst into attacking, which is why you have to use every chance you can get at catching your opponent off guard and hitting them with a deadly attack.  If you know what you're doing, easy.  If not, well, you're gonna be dead.