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Fox's Review: Megaman X8

Started by Fusion, June 24, 2007, 10:16:11 PM

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About time for another Mega-review.

We join our fellow Maverick Hunters X, Zero, and new recruit Axl as they attempt to uncover a secret plot involving the Orbital Elevator.  Vile's reappearance can only signify one thing: That the Mavericks' operation this time around is in larger scale than ever before.

So, cutting to the chase...

Graphics (7/10):

The graphics in this game are both a good and bad thing.  While the characters are reasonably detailed, as well as everything else, Zero's saber trails are embarassingly low res, and you can tell Capcom used a 16x16 graphic for the 'snow dust' effect in one of the bosses stages.  A plus, though, is that Capcom melded 2D with 3D, and instead of just drab buster shots like we saw in X7, X's buster in X8 looks to fire reasonably powerful bursts of energy.  Axl's gun also randomly fires blue-colored shots from time to time.  Only thing I can guess is that it's a homage to X7, after you upgraded Axl's weapon enough times.  Zero's saber... Has not changed much since X7.  There's only a minor graphical improvement, and like I said his saber trails are embarassingly low res.

Sound (8/10):

I give the sound an 8 because of a few factors: Voice, effects, and music.  The music, whose style is yet again exercised in Gyakuten Saiban 4, kinda feels somewhat good but also somewhat not as good.  It tries to convey a feel.  As the game passes, the stage select theme slows down, going along with the mood, showing that there is a sense of doubt in our trio of hunters.  Just what we need: More X7 Xs.  Zero for President!  Anyway... The voices, while nice, are not very diverse.  At all.  Even though X7's translation was embarassingly pathetic, X8's voice acting could leave you wishing that some of the actors for X7 did the voices of the bosses.  The sound effects are more than half carried over from X7, while a few new ones are added to the mix.

Control (10/10):

The control, however, is absolutely solid, yet unwieldly at the same time.  When you play as Zero, you can react quickly, almost lightning quick to any attack that comes your way if you have knowledge of how to cancel what attack you're in.  As X, careful timing can get you a lot of damage on your opposition, and Axl... Well, I don't have anything to say for him.  It plays as good as the X series games, only still without ducking.  As well as yet again, the ladders are MIA, where ladders could've made the game easier in spots, Inafune inadvertently decided that "Reploids don't need ladders" and thus, ladders were removed.

Story (6/10):

The story is kinda 'meh'.  It's not the focus of the game yet it makes itself to be the focus of the game.  Seemingly casual conversations take place, and the relationship between Zero and Layer absolutely never develops aside from Layer's face turning red, and Zero entirely ignoring that.  Plus the fact Vile's returned, and Lumine's a trans, as well as Sigma, and lets' not forget the  oh-so-not-underlying plot that's entirely obvious: The Sigma did it.

Replayability (6/10):

The extra features you can unlock involve being able to use Zero's weapons without collecting them again, being able to use X's Neutral Armor parts without having to recollect all the parts all over again, and similar things.  Not to mention a weird Axl form.  Also, the Navigators are unlockables, even though they play just like X, Zero, and Axl.  It's good to see Alia get off her navigating pipe and actually go to the front lines.  Pallete, however, is just useless.  She fights like Axl, yet doesn't have his copy chip.  Not to mention she looks a lot like Cammy.

Aside from extra weapons & characters, there is really nothing to keep you playing the game unless you wanted a purely perfected save file.  Unlocking the Navigators is also quite the chore too.

Overall: (8/10):

There are few things that'd really keep you playing, the storyline and plot are pretty much ignored thus far, aside from the potentially Axl Model A.  The additional weapons Zero (and Layer) can acquire are quite interesting, and mix up the gameplay in some manner for those who like to experiment.  Unlike X7, the staples of the previous X games are present: Ultimate Armor X, Black Zero, and a new one called White Axl.  Plus, you can mix and match the Neutral Armor parts and make armor that's perfect for your playing style.  That is, when you get all of it's parts or get all of the parts you want.

In conclusion, it's not the top-notch Megaman game that everybody expected, but again it's not the bottom-of-the-used-bin game X7 was.  This one would likely be a game that's placed on top of a used game bin.  The sheer awesomeness of the K-Knuckle definitely warrants a buy, as if you get good with it, Zero may not ever need to use his saber again in the game.


June 24, 2007, 10:25:22 PM #1 Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 01:58:02 PM by Fox McCloud
I am a liar.

Fox's note: No spoilerz.