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Fox's Review: 9Dragons

Started by Fusion, July 23, 2007, 01:18:20 PM

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9Dragons Official Website

What is 9Dragons?

9Dragons is a MMORPG, similar to just about every other Korean MMORPG out there, but the good news is: This one's not as glitchy, and looks a bit better than post.  Looks pretty good for a free game, lag is noticable but only for other players.  I've never been disconnected once... And it has a pretty solid system.

Graphics: (9/10)

Graphics help make the look and feel of the game, and 9Dragons does just that by avoiding overly cartoony characters, too fresh-looking weapons, overly shiny blades of steel, or whatnot.  Instead, each environment is presented graphically beautiful, and for video cards that support it, there is a high level of graphical blending present, though I usually play with the blending off.

The characters actually look fine and realistic, but of course with the typical stylings of a kung-fu type game.  There are animals and creatures present, and for what's not made up, actually flows very well. The only downside to this is the player's movements on certain techniques look awkward and unconventional.  The stances in the game seem to work, and I have not once noticed a critical graphical flaw or something that looks out of place, or even as much as a wrong texture.

Sound (8/10):

The sound is, on the most part, not something you haven't heard before.  But it works for what it is.  When you listen carefully, you can hear your own character's footsteps as he or she moves.  Even more so if you know the Light Foot technique (which is just another way to say 'speed running').  The sounds of each animal and person are, thankfully present, while you may not agree with some of the sounds chosen for certain options.

The music I never caught on to, so I turned it off as I've done with a lot of other games.  It's your typical chinese\japanese fanfare with the wind flutes and... I forget what they called their string type instruments.  But basically, the soundtrack's that.  I do like the actual short guitar riff that's played when you level up.  It's all a matter of taste in terms of sound.

Control (8/10):

Control in this game is actually very simple.  You point, you click, you move.  THe good thing here is that you can click somewhere far in the distance, and you'll move towards that point exactly.  Unfortunately, this is moot because your character will more than likely be forced to stop (there's no sort of AI that'll dodge a wall) and in some cases, you can walk the entirely perfect straight line to where you need to go, though most of the time you may have to devise routes to avoid certain enemies.

Attacking is simple, too.  All you do is enter combat mode, by the TAB key, and then double-click on an enemy you want to attack.  Bam, your character runs up to your target, and starts attacking.  That's pretty simple.  I like not having to hold a button down just so my character will keep attacking.

Gameplay (10/10):

The gameplay is by far, one of the best things about this game.  Right off the bat you're allowed to choose a clan to aspire to become a member of, as well as the usual create a character stuff (You can choose hair-style and outfit, as well as gender) and right away the game can give you a tutorial if you don't know how to play.  Though the tutorial is a little long, it gives you a taste of the combat in the game.

Another feature is 'Kung Fu'.  That's right, you get to know Kung Fu.  And this isn't even the Matrix.  Anyway, Kung-Fu is basically skillsets or skills you can use aside from your defaults.  For example, "Basic Fist Attack" is a style you can choose for hand-to-hand melee combat, and "Basic Sword Attack" is a style you can choose for sword combat.  You can choose to use no style, and fight as if you've never even wielded a blade before.  These skillsets become important, as they usually offer higher damage rates as you level up the skills simply by using them.

Along with the skillsets are combat skills.  Most of these skills require you to be in Combat mode to use, and sometimes they require a certain kind of weapon to use.  They're fairly easy to execute if you have the proper weapon, however.  You can point at a target, and if you want the skill as your opening move, press the button of the skill you want to use.  You'll attack your target, but using the skill as your opening move.  A good way to start a fight.

Another point of focus is the 'Coma\Unconscious' system.  You can't really die per se in the game, but you can revive upon death at three locations: Where you are right now, at an Inn, or a clan temple (provided you're in one of the clans and aren't just a Vagabond).  When you run out of life, you don't immediately get knocked out.  You fall to your knees and a bar appears over your head.  During that time any nearby player of your allegiance can share their vital energy, and restore you back to life.  I haven't ran into anybody who's needed that, but I'm sure if I saw 'em, I'd lend my hand.

The game also doesn't use a typical level up system.  Instead, your first two "levels" are: Losing Self, and Gathering Chi.  That's right, they're named after your character's progression of mastery.  You have individual levels of these "stages".  I know that at some point in the game it will be impossible to gain EXP from anything, but until that day comes what does it matter?  I'm probably never going to make it past level 60.

Overall (9/10):

The game can start off very slowly for newcomers, but for experienced players, it can be a nice rush.  The game's story doesn't really matter.

McCloud gives this game 9 Arwings out of 10.

Now, back to what I was doing. *jumps into Arwing and shoots Andross' eye out, then aims for the other one*


July 23, 2007, 01:20:15 PM #1 Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 01:23:00 PM by イエスジラ
I'm gonna laugh if you disconnect after this review.

Also, "Basic Fist Attack" sounds really, really wrong.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Silly Pervert Teenagers.

You think anything with "Fist" is sexual.

This is Acclaim's game.  No way I'll disconnect by simply lagging out.  It'd have to be an act of some drunkard's stupidity.  ANd even then, it wouldn't be my fault I disconnected: It'd be that drunk idiot's fault.

So either way, me and my cozy broadband connection will win this battle.