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Fox's Review: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Started by Fusion, October 09, 2007, 08:52:37 AM

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Ah, Metroid.  You've never failed to impress.  With a legacy of open-world games at your finger-tips, the only female heroine in existance that is both sexy and badass at the same time, you can even call her "sexy" when she's locked up in the Power Suit; the most iconic thing about the Metroid Series.  Metroid Prime was the 3D Take on Metroid, and Retro Studios has not wasted their effort.

(Story: 10/10)

The game opens with a statement about a Cryogenic stasis pod that malfunctions as phazon rips through the storage facility.  Evil afoot once more, we join Samus as she's headed for a Federation ship en-route to a briefing.  The ship she's on is attacked by Space Pirates, who play a big role in this game and are the most common enemy.  Believe it or not, they aren't nigh-invincible this time around.

While on a mission to Norion, Samus and 3 other hunters learn that a Phazon meteor is headed for Norion.  Their mission?  Take it out with a laser defense cannon.  They succeed, but not before an ominous being of Phazon infects them all with a Phazon seed.  Samus wakes up a few months later with the PED Suit.  She does not lose any powerups, in fact, she gains hyper mode.  This is as far into the story as I will actually go, you'll have to play it to learn the story.

(Sound 10/10):

A step above Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, the sound in MP3 is purely incredible.  Every monster, every being, the voice acting, and all this are all well done.  Samus has a few additional cries of pain, the weapons sound loudly and sound great.  Everything sounds wonderful.

The music is pleasing to the ear, hearing the deathly hollows of the Valhalla to the calm serenity of SkyTown, you won't be disappointed when you hear this game's full soundtrack.

(Gameplay 10/10):

Now this is how a FPS should play!  Not that MP3 is a FPS, but still.  Some would say this game ripped off Red Steel's control idea, but in my view it does it better than Red Steel.  The gameplay is absolutely perfect, not once does Samus miss a beat in controlling her.  Not to mention, the spring ball is back and it's one of your default items!  It also has a masterful use.  I've mastered the 'double jump' already.

As I said before, Samus does not lose her power-ups this time around.  It's a good thing, because the story wouldn't even really allow such a thing to happen.  In Metroid Prime, Samus lost her powerups due to a heavy impact.  In Metroid Prime 2, it was because the Ing mugged her.  In Metroid Prime 3... What would've happened had they included the weapon loss?  Phazon taking away all her powers?   It wouldn't work.  I'm glad Samus doesn't lose her powerups this time around.

I can't really explain all of the new powers and the like Samus gets in this game, there's just way too many!  You'll have to pick up the game to see all the goodies and cool stuff she gets.

(Graphics 10/10):

Save the graphics for last?  Huh?  Well, here it is.  The Graphics in Metroid Prime 3 have to be the best graphics you could ever see on the Wii.  Why?  Retro managed to do so much with a system that, compared to everything else, is vastly underpowered.  The game keeps a solid frame rate, too.

I don't talk about graphics too much, that's because there isn't much I can say other than "jaw-dropping."  You'd think the Wii wouldn't even be able to handle this, but then you look at games like this one and then you say "The Wii can handle anything."

Overall, I give it a 10 out of 10.  A must-have for anybody that owns a Wii, next to Smash Bros. Brawl.  Also, stay tuned because I've got Tron 2.0, Star Wars: Empire at War, Transformers: The Game, and Heatseeker coming up soon!