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Fox's predictions: October 2007 edition

Started by Fusion, October 02, 2007, 08:30:26 AM

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It's time for, once again, the Nintendo Wii \ X-Box 360 \ Playstation 3 predictions thread that you all will probably agree is a load of crap.

Nintendo Wii:

With surprise, Metroid Prime 3 sold like hotcakes and shaped up to be one of -the- best games to buy, and is further proof that the Wii is shaping up to be the true successor to the Super Nintendo.  I'll admit, at first when I got the Wii I was a bit skeptical, but the control scheme has grown on me.  It's absolutely the best way to play a game ever!  I'm waiting to see when EA Sports will put a NASCAR game on the Wii, I might just buy it for the sole purpose of using the Wiimote like a steering wheel.

With upcoming titles such as Mario Kart Wii, the ever promoted Wii Fit, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the Wii is going to be the #1 selling system during the holidays.  Let's face it: The Wii has an incredible line-up of titles coming, and there's nothing that can stop it's warpath.

X-Box 360:

WIth Halo 3's launch coming a bit early, the 360 has missed the chance to boost Microsoft & Bungie's stock by releasing the game a little earlier than I thought it should've been.  Halo 3 supposedly offers a stunning story that ends the Halo series for good.  Let's hope it doesn't become like Crash Bandicoot where the creators of the series just wanted the series to -stop-. 

Unless Microsoft has some heavy hitters planned for the season, I feel that the best came a little too soon to be effective.  Halo 3 will be a high selling point, but with Microsoft's neglecting to fix the RROD (Red Rings of Doom), I'm not quite sure everything's going to go so smoothly.

Playstation 3:

Ah, PS3.  Where is your thunder?  You came roaring in with the latest and greatest in graphics, picture and sound, yet truth to be told despite all of your games you have yet to make a name for yourself.  The third-in-line name of the Playstation series still has yet to come up with a recognizable title other than Resistance.  Sure, you've got MGS4, but nobody gives a damn about Snake.  They want to play as the new Raiden!  How freakin' ironic is that?

The PS3 still has, and always will have the issue of price.  WIth the American dollar decreasing in value, it's not long before Sony's gonna have to shoot up the price.  The PS3 will only get on the map when MGS4 is released.  Though after then... What's left?  LittleBigPlanet.  But what the heck is that about?  It's a platformer.

PS3 has yet to make a name for itself, just like the Sega Genesis.  Sadly, there are no arcades any more.  That and X-Box Live Arcade pretty much has the Arcade scene covered.  The Wii is good for those who want to hold on to the past, play the games they grew up with once more, as well as play games on their TV screen that they could never find. The 360 is holding it's position, not advancing forward but at the same time not falling back.

This christmas season is going to be a very interesting season.

Robert the small

The main reason the Wii isn't doing so great is that its fun, but the games don't last long.  People beat Metroid in 11 hours, fully.  Lack of netplay + Gameplay is mainly gimmicky = not good for most.

The 360, however, has a great start ahead, Halo 3 is beast, sold out at most stores, with tons of assholes buying the 120 dollar "Over compensating for my small penis" version.   Bioshock, is also a great buy, plus its already huge library.

The PS3.... Not much is out.  I prefer Resistance to Halo 3, purely because the weapons are cooler.  Ninja Gaiden Sigma is also a game to get if you have the system... but not much is coming out,  I'm still getting one purely for Disgaea 3 but...


Quote from: Robert the small on October 02, 2007, 06:40:22 PM
The main reason the Wii isn't doing so great is that its fun, but the games don't last long.  People beat Metroid in 11 hours, fully.  Lack of netplay + Gameplay is mainly gimmicky = not good for most

You can't convince him of that, he'll just cover his ears and say lalalalala trust me I've tried.