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Fox's Review: UpShift Strikeracer (PC)

Started by Fusion, October 04, 2007, 08:18:15 AM

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You may be asking "wtf is upshift" well, it's basically just about Twisted Metal but with a racing theme.  The essence of combat racing is carried over in this new game that doesn't have a lot of attention yet.  Managed to catch it and decided "Why not?" to trying it.

(Graphics 9/10):

I have to say, Graphics is where this game's at so far.  The view around you distorts when you kick in the Turbo boost, which is more arcade like and keeps you going at a set speed for a short period of time.  The vehicles show signs of damage as you pick at them with your choice of machine gun, missiles, and mines (my favorite are the missiles).  The only problem is that this game is likely to not run well on lower-end PCs, due to it pretty much being set on high-detail by default.  Though I wouldn't worry about that too much into the future (I'll be getting an Nvidia GeForce 8600 GTS).

(Sound 6/10):

Whoever put the sound together did a good job and a bad job.  The engine sounds are blandly generic, you'll get annoyed by hearing everything sound like a train crash, but there are some good points.  The nitro boost sound effect is somewhat worth it, the missiles fire and you can visibly hear and see explosions.  The sound is kinda meh in this department, but one good thing to hear are the menu sound effects when a match starts.  The vehicle sounds are just... Meh.  Little variation that sounds terrible when driving.  The music's kinda good, kinda bad... So I'll only give it an 'OK' grade here.

(Gameplay 8/10):

This game couldn't be farther from blandly boring.  The StrikeRace mode keeps you on your toes, with power-ups scattered about the track, players and the like firing missiles at you, dropping mines, and such.  Though there are a few flaws: The game exhibits some major slowdown in areas.  Could be my graphics card.  Missile firing is a mixed bag, because sometimes the missiles will fire, sometimes they will just vanish when firing.  Machine gun bullets are hard to aim, and don't bother driving your line if you're going to use mines: You'll just drive right into them the next lap around.

Instead of a full world like I was semi-expecting, it's more like Gunbound: Lobbys, game rooms, shops, and the like.  The thing that keeps you on your toes is the item system, and the way it's set up.  You can buy weapons for 3 periods of time: 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month.  The cost doubles as you go higher a time frame.  This is pretty much the most annoying aspect because you can buy a weapon for a day, and the day after it's gone.  Just gone.  Without notice, your weapon is gone.  WHat kinda nonsense is that?  I bought that blast cannon, dammit!  What happened?  Did some repo guy decide to come pick it up?  Was it mysteriously confiscated?  No.  It's just gone.

Fortunately, that only applies to the items.  The actual vehicles you can drive do not expire, and neither do your starter items.  The game's source of money is 'Rep', and the EXP is called 'Light'... Yeah, I want all the light in the world, and to get that I'll need enough rep to buy my weapons.  Why not just call it money?  Or cash?  Or Zenny?  Or SPI?  Or something!  I don't think you can buy anything with street rep in real life.  Speaking of EXP...

The rates are sloooooow.  It took me three days, about 3 hours each, to actually reach Level 2!  That's including the time you wait in lobbies, and such.  I can't really complain too much, because when you do get in a race it's fun and tense.  The controls are simple, and easy to use, I've never felt such a level of playability in some Korean game since SCO.  Then again, Space Cowboy Online -still- is appealing.  Especially since I started using the Gear that is the equivalant of a true Arwing.  Yes, I am a Star Fox fan.

(Final Note):

UpShift StrikeRacer is probably more fun to play than most other combat racing games, though I wouldn't consider it my favorite game of all time.  That's coming a bit too close to both Metroid Prime 3, Space Cowboy Online, and Tron 2.0.

So overall, I'd give it a:

7 out of 10

It's an interesting game, I'd suggest you play it if you're into combat racing, if you're not then there isn't much more you can do.  Oh, and, yes, there are brazilian players.  Then again, there are brazilian players in SCO.

* Note: Names in yellow indicate a possible future review


Wouldn't it make more sense to review Metroid Prime 1 and 2 first?
