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Fox's Review: Exteel (PC)

Started by Fusion, December 02, 2007, 12:19:22 PM

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December 02, 2007, 12:19:22 PM Last Edit: February 01, 2008, 10:19:05 PM by Captain Falcon
In the world of Korean games, there's all the GunZ ripoffs and all the ones that aren't GunZ ripoffs, and if they're not GunZ ripoffs then they probably aren't Korean games to begin with.  Case in point Exteel, another mech-based shooter whose customization options seem taken from Armored Core AND GunZ itself, not that I've played GunZ.  I wouldn't set a finger on GunZ simply because of the WoW level of popularity: It's so popular it gets sickening.  Yet watching videos of an angry person over voice chat makes it funny, 'cause by then you learn what half of the game's community is.  Not to mention WoW has one distinct advantage, or disadvantage as some might say: William Shatner.  I just still wonder if he really does have a Shaman in that game...

But anyhow, enough trailing off about WoW and the famous Khan-screaming Priceline Negotiator Captain Kirk, I've got a game to review.  Exteel, hosted by the same people that brought you Guild Wars, is a free-to-play MMORPG that's likely to piss you off a little.

(Graphics 8/10):

The graphics in this game aren't the worst, but they aren't the best, just above PS2 in levels of quality.  To be quite honest I thought this game would make my GeForce 6150SE struggle, yet it doesn't, which disappoints me because now I have to fully review this part.  The detail on the mechs is somewhat sub-par, though the designs are kinda inspired and only kinda original, everything seems to be inspired by Gundams and I think some of it might also be reminiscent of Armored Core.  Your weapons look quite small, or way to freakin' big, or whichever.  It's not really that hard to see shots coming, it's just hard to dodge them, but enough about the gameplay I'll cover that in another paragraph.

The effects in this game are generally basic, a lot of the other players' mechs are just animated from server-side, which leads them to have horrible animation while you get to see smooth animation.  The weapons each blend well with each other, and there usually isn't a stupid combination of crap and sillyness in the graphics, nothing looks just plain outright ugly.

However, there is another flaw, on some computers the game may either crash or will cause your screen to change modes rapidly.  I don't know why it does this, but it's highly annoying.  Doesn't hinder the actual gameplay, but it's definitely a minus.  So... 8/10.

(Sound 8/10):

I like the sound in this game.  Nothing is blatently copy-pasted from freeware music sources, nor are sound effects horribly generic.  The SMG-type weapons have their own firing sound, energy weapons have their own firing sound, most everything has it's own sound.  Your mech sounds a bit like it should, instead of the crash of metal, you hear a small 'Thud!' then the sound of a gear moving.  It kinda sounded like a car door shutting and then something inside a car starting up, but it works and that's what matters.  The boosting sound is kinda subdued, not really being as loud as it could be.  It's quiet and adds a little to the atmosphere.  In short, I think this game sounds kinda good.

The music and whether or not you like it depends on your taste, most of the tracks are combinations of Techno & Orchestraic.  I couldn't really get any sort of mood out of them.  But the timing of them is what matters, in any game mode as the time wears down the music will activate at a certain point (usually 3 minutes left in the match) to pass up the tense moments.  The beeps and boops are not your usual ear-piercing beeps.  Then again they're so subdued-feeling that you barely hear them often much.

(Gameplay 3/10):

It looks good, sounds good, but plays like s***.

The in-game targeting system is pure nonsense, you'll spend much more time fighting with your mouse than you ever will trying to keep a lock on a target, because the game's mouse input is handled via the server.  Which means your mouse control isn't really your mouse control, no smooth mouse control here.  I found it difficult to hit simple training drones simply because I'd move my mouse lightly, and the game would interpret it as me making a huge move.  That one takes time getting used to, but then again, all you'll do in the matches is aim blindly and hope to god you're hitting stuff.

Also, a word on aiming.  With the mouse control problem, you can't aim worth crap, and when you do click the button, you usually have to click it twice because the first time it might not register.  You have two weapons, if they're both guns you can dual-wield and fire both at once.  These guns have an overheat meter.  What happens when you fill that meter?  You can't shoot for a few seconds.  But you hold the mouse button down lock on your next target and expect to fire?  Nope.  You have to click those mouse buttons again.

Another issue with the game is the hit detection, something horribly done.  People can be several feet away from you, or at least it would seem like several feet, and still be able to hit you with their blade even though you're far enough away from it.  You can dodge somebody's bullets and still take damage.  AI can hit you with a rocket even though you're nowhere near it.  In short: This game is freakin' broken.

EDIT: Turns out more than half of the above was due to weird issues involving frames per second.  If you're going to play this game, make sure you have a computer that can run it at a VERY high frame rate as that's the only way you'll get fairness.  Also, it seems the irritable mouse control has been fixed somewhat.

(Overall 5/10):

Know what I hate about most stupid games?  The fact that half of the budget was spent on making the game look and sound good but play like overall crap.  I think it's better when the game doesn't look great but plays well.  That's why a lot of games for the DS released so far have been nothing short of a blast to play, yet the DS has low graphical ability compared to a lot of consoles. 

Even though I dislike it so, I'm probably going to end up being stuck with this because Ace Online is too confusing to sign up for (Ace Online = Space Cowboy Online's Korean\Vietnamese\Chinese brother) and Space Cowboy Online is shutting down next month RIGHT AFTER CHRISTMAS.  That's just piss-annoying.