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Jango's Overly Ambitious WIP thread

Started by Jango, February 10, 2008, 03:44:40 AM

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Here I'll post a few details of my current character WIPs. This list is by no means finalized, and I may pick up something out of interest, or drop something out of disinterest. So here we go

King Dedede

Once again, he'll be using the KSS system that Jared and I use. However, instead of a sliding kick, Dedede will have his trip body slam from that game. Also, even though he has a solid movelist in Brawl, I'm instead going to focus on moves and things he's done over the course of the franchise. Just to give you an idea of what I mean, one of his specials will have him throw eggs/bombs like in that egg eating mini-game in Kirby's Adventure. I'm not entirely scrapping the Brawl movelist, though, so expect to possibly see some influences here and there (most notably his Final Smash, Waddle Dee Army)

Ren Idagawa

Let me just get this clear. I really hated Big Bang Beat. Ren, his stage, and his theme song were the only things I liked about it. Since I ripped his song and made his stage, it's only natural that I want to make Ren. However, he will not follow the Big Bang Beat system at all. While he will retain the majority of his movelist (Still debating whether to keep his Big Bang Break, though), his playing style will be something totally different from the game, probably some kind of fusion style as seen in Pneophen's or PotS' works.

WIPs that I mentioned in the past that will likely never see the light of day

Sailor Mars: Got bored of making her, especially since Kamek's updated Sailor Jupiter accomplishes a lot of the same things I was going to do, so the result would just feel too similar.

Toad: I'm getting nowhere on the edits. Trying to convert a 2-button character into a 6-button one is harder than I thought. If anyone wants to help in that department, just let me know and I'll send you some of the sprites I already did as reference.


Started work on the Molotov Cocktail special and YES I WILL GET BACK TO WORK ON DEDEDE EVENTUALLY


Actually forget that. Me and Jared had a falling out, and because I feel uncomfortable with using a shared system from someone who dislikes me (and because I'm too lazy to code my own system lol), King Dedede is cancelled. Ren is still on track, though, and I just added a bunch of voices/sounds, and tweaked some stray code here and there.


Tyrannosaurus Reich

hey j4ng0 i gOt thi5 @we5Om3 !de4 6|ve h|m @ 5pec|4l wh3r3 h3 7|_|rns |nt0 evi1 r3n 4nd he 53nds h|s 0pp0nent's s0|_|1 t0 he11 using h!5 1337 d@rk pow3rs



Ren now has a BOMB THROW

Just kidding, I'm almost finished with all variants of his tackle. For those of you who are unfamiliar with BBB, the outcome is different depending on the strength of the attack used.

Light: Feint, does nothing. Unlike BBB, however, I'm thinking of making the opponent go into block anim so that there's slightly more use than in the game.
Medium: Hits the opponent.
Heavy: Like EX Kung Fu Palm (going off of the versions after 1.01), makes the opponent fly into the wall.

It's infinitely easier to code this than his throwable weapons. Something tells me I should've started coding this special first. >_>


Added the move "Tobe Ora!" Surprisingly, the strong version (pictured here) will be the easiest to code, as the other one works like a grab, and I'll have to make up something for another version (BBB doesn't have a light version of the attack)


Wow, has it really been a month since I posted? Anyway, updates:

- Ren now has his BBB Super Jump. It's activated similarly to an MvC Super Jump, but behaves like a KOF Long Jump.
- Bunch of system sparks everywhere
- Finally finished up the F,D,DF special series with this little number here:

The way this attack works that when Ren holds his sword up, if an air-bound opponent hits the sword, he will grab them with it, then slam them into the ground. That's pretty much it. They added more stuff in every version after 1.01, but IMO, it looked really poorly put together, and had little practical use as the extra attacks you could do barely hit the opponent even when you got them to come out.

And with that, I'm done with all basics and specials. TIME FOR THE SUPERS


Okay, I have to be honest with everyone here. I have totally lost my drive to finish Ren. Although you could blame this on a lot of things (community dramas, some guy releasing a Ren already, real life, etc), the main reason would be due to me just not having as much fun on Ren, and being unable to be as creative as I thought I could be earlier on. Code-wise, he's almost done by 1.01 standards (lacks sword interaction with cans/molotovs, and didn't start GO TO HELL super yet) as I had no intention of coding 1.02 stuff since everything after 1.01 pulled an SF2 Turbo and really poorly recycled existing sprites. Spritewise, he's lacking most of of his effects like sparks and super bg effects (which I was going to scrap anyway).

Anyway, if anyone is interested in finishing Ren, please let me know via PM or something, and I'll send you what I have.

This doesn't mean I'm not stopping characters totally. I'm going to go back to my roots and make more of what you'd normally expect of me, that being chibi non-fighter characters. I've got a few ideas for characters I want to pursue here (although I'll probably just pick up work on Toad again), including some more KSS chars. So as stereotypical anime characters would say, "Look forward to it, please!"



I'll probably just finish the coding for GO TO HELL, tweak hitspark placement, and release the bare-bones release sometime in the next few days.


Just try to keep things peaceful.