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A thought: Nintendo forgetting something?

Started by Fusion, March 31, 2008, 03:38:00 PM

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I've been looking over and doing some comparisons, and I've began to wonder:

Has Nintendo forgotten who their audience is?

Here's some evidence that I used in coming up with that question:

- Nintendo GameCube had the worst 3rd party support of the 'three systems' which meant it also ended up last despite the powerful titles the system had.

- Out of all 3 consoles, Nintendo's console would seem a "generation behind" when it came to the likes of Sony and Microsoft.

- The mass amounts of brain training and 'novelty' games, aside from games that actually challenge you in similar manners.

- Super Smash Bros. Brawl being treated as an afterthought on more than one occasion.

- The blunders of their online service along with proposed features that never make it in.

- Their fallen franchises: Star Fox on SNES paved the way for 3D games, and stood out among the games the SNES had.  Star Fox 64 set the bar on graphics even higher.  Star Fox: Adventures and Assault looked nice, but they weren't Nintendo's doing.  Star Fox: Command looked good, but it was in no way a technical achievement for the DS.  Mario also seems to get fewer traditional titles than ever, the Mario Party series having potentially more games than Mario's actual run & jump adventure.  Metroid has also mysteriously fell silent from Nintendo's hands ever since Metroid: Zero Mission.

- Their failure to think of the long-term effects, and focus on short-term goals only.  That is how the Virtual Boy failed.

- Putting novelty and "oh, this might be fun too" games ahead of their established series.  They lose their audience at the miscellaneous titles, and use the legendaries as a way to try and pull them back in.  Usually doesn't work.

- The inherent falling-behind in graphics. 

I know Nintendo's all about the gameplay, and that's the good thing.  But it seems that they only want to create short-time fads instead of lasting experiences any more.  I am by no means leaving Nintendo, but I'm rather upset where the company is going.



Hey, this is an actual serious thread.  I don't do april fools.


I'm beginning to think of you less of a communist and more of an immature prick who just wants to piss me off.


Robert the small

We all knew about this stuff a long time ago, dude.  Nintendo's audience is now the casual gamer, so good luck getting anything decent that isn't easy as hell on the Wii.


Quote from: Cigarette Smoking Man on March 31, 2008, 07:36:16 PM
No, no, no, that's TMF.

No, TMF was out to piss off everybody he met outside of himself, not just one specific person.


Well I can tell you right now I've played and enjoyed more games on my Wii than I have on 360.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Main problem with having a casual audience is that they are fickle, unlike other gamers you can't expect them to buy new systems when they come out (See the PS2 to PS3). Likewise you can expect other systems to magically have retarded motion control options, and Nintendo doesn't seem to have anything left after that to diff. them selves from their competitors.

That aside the fact Nintendo is charging 15 bucks for little plastic wheels for Mario Kart shows they are making a good deal of money of useless attachments, thankfully Mario Kart will work with a GCN controller.

Oh did I mention they changed Power sliding so it's automatic to make it easier for their new casual fan base? Cause they did.

Robert the small

Quote from: Cigarette Smoking Man on March 31, 2008, 09:59:31 PM
Likewise you can expect other systems to magically have retarded motion control options, and Nintendo doesn't seem to have anything left after that to diff. them selves from their competitors.

Oh did I mention they changed Power sliding so it's automatic to make it easier for their new casual fan base? Cause they did.
Eh, slight differences.  Nintendo's works alot better then theirs, so...

Also Power Sliding is automatic? You are fucking me.  In the Ass.  No, that's an april fools joke.
Quote from: [Kira] on March 31, 2008, 09:50:27 PM
Well I can tell you right now I've played and enjoyed more games on my Wii than I have on 360.
Really, I've had the opposite.  Sure, Brawl's better then anything on the 360, but as for a total? I've clocked more hours on the 360, and I don't even own it.


No seriously man, you hold the drift button and now it does the whole sparking shit for you. They also made it harder to do on straight aways so you can't spam it as much, making the game easier for casuals.

Of course, computers will still probably item hack so...

Robert the small

Well, THERE's a pre-order I have to cancel...


March 31, 2008, 10:31:01 PM #13 Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 10:33:12 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
To be fair I never thought Mario Kart was that great too much of... well Mario Kart Syndrome.

And before you say anything, we don't turn off all the items in Smash over here, just the over powered ones.


Just try to keep things peaceful.