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Grand Theft Auto IV

Started by Jesuszilla, April 28, 2008, 08:38:21 PM

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Was nothing special about it, but a few bucks here or there ain't too bad, might have more from her so I'm not sure. So in some ways killing or not killing may benefit you moneywise.

I myself will have to try not killing many people on the second play through to see what happens or extra side friend missons.


May 07, 2008, 08:54:30 PM #16 Last Edit: May 07, 2008, 08:59:41 PM by [Kira]
I make good use of my save slots. I have gigs of space on this Xbox HD I'll probably never use, so what better use for it than to fully experience GTA4?

Also, I just got the "deal" ending. Won't spoil it for you or tell you what it's like, but I think it might be the better ending, although I'm not really too sure at this point...

I found the final mission to be loads easier since I got it right on the first try. Although maybe that's because it's very similar to the alternate mission and I kind of knew what to expect, but don't take my word for it; go see the different endings yourself. You will really experience more of the game that way.

It should also be noted that this is the first Grand Theft Auto game I completed fairly.

Who knows if this is even really the end of the story? After all, there's still Ray Bulgarin, and there is supposed to be a minimum of 10 hours of content per each upcoming downloadable episode.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Yeah, I heard both ending are kinda.....well certainly reminds me of a certain Zelda game choicewise.

I'm slow as far as missons. I'm just doing Ray's right now and been off doing cop missons and tracking down cars Brucie wants or his seller wants.

Can't wait too see it myself.


Well, it turns out that every protagonist from the previous games is dead. There's some graffiti on a wall in Bohan. Yep, all of them. Claude, Tommy, Toni, CJ,  and Victor. Well, Victor was kind of a given due to the intro to Vice City.

Now I can say LOL CLAUDE GOT -1'D :mrox:

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Huh, that post didn't show up as a new post for me.


That seems to Rockstar's MO now with GTA games.

1st generation DOS/PS games, everyone basicly in it storywise aside from the citys died/nonexistant.

2nd generation PS2/Xbox/PC get killed off in favor of new characters, but like the previous keep all citys known so far in GTA.

At least they weren't entirely "retconed" by Rockstar so they at least keep their history. I EXPECT a little info on how each died or at least came to their end.  >:(

Anyways, I toke the same route as you Jesuszilla and went ahead with the Deal. Damnit, I should of went with Kate. Oh well, thats why second playthroughs are for.  :(



Well personally I think that the deal is the route Rockstar would have gone through with if they didn't want us to have a choice. After all, if Kate dies, she will call you up anyway. Roman, on the other hand, does not. Not to mention that there's more action when you go with the deal.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


This is an old topic now, but I thought I'd just say how disappointed I was after completing it.
When I first got the game, I thought it was gonna be awesome especially after everything I'd read about it. And yeah the graphics, new physics and controls were good but it all was just too boring. 90% of the missions were just drive somewhere, kill someone, drop someone off, and that's it.. just the same format as all the other games. I was constantly waiting for one of those missions to come along where something slightly different happens like in san andreas where you'd get the jetpack or when you get to control a different vehicle but they never appeared. They even cut down the variety of vehicles and just replaced them all with a load of cars that look exactly the same, most of which you never actually see anyway. Also, they could've done so much more with the unarmed fighting because the only time I ever used it was at the start when it tells you to, and it was actually good this time. Like they could've put a katana in there and the option to learn martial arts at least.. it had so much potential.
And even though the graphics were good, it got boring looking at the same grey streets through the whole game.. san andreas had much more variety with the countryside etc. and even in the cities themselves going from da hood to las vegas.
Also, the endings were the worst ever. Both of them left me feeling like I'd accomplished nothing, and then it was even worse when I realised there was nothing interesting left to do after the main story. This feels like a step down from san andreas imo.



Yeah, GTA4's unarmed combat could've been a hell of a lot more exciting.  But instead, damn they made it slugglish and unrealistic.  And I'd rather be able to smash things with the bat and punch vehicles and stuff.



I'm playing GTA3 again... It's fun blowing people to pieces.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


The cheats in san andreas gave me a good 50 hours of extra playtime. I hope those riot cheats for gta4 appear soon.. ;__;


Quote from: Allah-Saurus on June 07, 2008, 12:32:48 AM
This is an old topic now, but I thought I'd just say how disappointed I was after completing it.
When I first got the game, I thought it was gonna be awesome especially after everything I'd read about it. And yeah the graphics, new physics and controls were good but it all was just too boring. 90% of the missions were just drive somewhere, kill someone, drop someone off, and that's it.. just the same format as all the other games. I was constantly waiting for one of those missions to come along where something slightly different happens like in san andreas where you'd get the jetpack or when you get to control a different vehicle but they never appeared. They even cut down the variety of vehicles and just replaced them all with a load of cars that look exactly the same, most of which you never actually see anyway. Also, they could've done so much more with the unarmed fighting because the only time I ever used it was at the start when it tells you to, and it was actually good this time. Like they could've put a katana in there and the option to learn martial arts at least.. it had so much potential.
And even though the graphics were good, it got boring looking at the same grey streets through the whole game.. san andreas had much more variety with the countryside etc. and even in the cities themselves going from da hood to las vegas.
Also, the endings were the worst ever. Both of them left me feeling like I'd accomplished nothing, and then it was even worse when I realised there was nothing interesting left to do after the main story. This feels like a step down from san andreas imo.





February 17, 2009, 11:27:36 PM #27 Last Edit: February 18, 2009, 06:21:15 PM by Jesuszilla
Bump now that Lost and the Damned is out.

Downloaded it and it's pretty cool so far. The story runs parallel with GTAIV's. There's new weapons, including an automatic pistol and a grenade launcher. You can also have bike races where you can hit the other racers with a bat.

I might even say that this is probably what Rockstar really wanted GTAIV to be.

EDIT: GET READY FOR A BIG SHITFEST! They show a man's flaccid penis in one of the cutscenes.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


double post because lol I just beat it

Just try to keep things peaceful.


I've been slow with getting into the Lost and the Damned, but boy does it feel way different from the rest of Nicos GTA4 story. Action packed, the gang aspect is fun, and building up your strength with friends is interesting which kinda reminds me of building up stats in GTA:SA.

About the "OMG MALE PENIS LOL" is it really that bad for some gaming sites to blow it out of proportion? Seems kinda silly nowadays with games like GOW showing tits and not getting much backdraft about it or Mass Effects "sex scenes". How far into it do you see it? You know for scientific purposes....