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K.O.D's W.I.P Thread (Current : The King of Fighters Dream Match '09)

Started by K.O.D, May 25, 2008, 09:08:22 AM

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New W.I.P, Capcom/Arika Street Fighter EX + Fighting Layer character.

Sprites by Dampir.

Unlike other of my characters, no different styles of play, only Capcom + KoF Dodge,Roll and Power Charge.

System :

-Run (no forward step)
-Dodge + Dodge attack.
-Roll Forward/Backward.
-Power Charge.
-Alpha Counters.
-Super Cancels and LV.2 Super Cancels.

Basics,required stuff,etc. all done.

Not much to show, made W.I.P thread just for ideas,suggestions,etc.

Also, my first and last official Capcom character since i'll continue KoF characters after this :P


Wouldn't really know what ideas to give since I never played any SFEX game other than EX3. All I can say is good luck with this... You're gonna need it.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Update :

Completed all throws and command moves.

Neck Throw

Tsukami Hiza Kick


Step Side Kick

Trick Kick


Update :

Completed Shoot Upper and Lightning Knee.

Shoot Upper

Lightning Knee

Lightning Knee Hard follow-up


I wish I could make my stuff as fast as you. Okay I think I'm going to finish Ren tonight WISH ME LUCK.



Update :

Sliding Arrow (Hits low, performs a trip after the hit if the opponent is standing but no trip if crouching)

Shoot Kick - Start

Shoot Kick - Follow-up

Shoot Kick - Follow-up Final Weak/Medium

Shoot Kick Follow-up Final Hard


Update :

Completed all Specials.

Flip Kick



What are you on!?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


He's a good version of Kong.


May 31, 2008, 03:05:57 AM #9 Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 07:29:52 AM by K.O.D
Coffee :)

Update :

Completed Spin Side Shoot.


Update :

Completed Mirage Combo Kick

BTW, 98/2k3/XI + 95 mode Kyo is my next W.I.P which will be worked on after I release Blair.


Update :

Blair Dame is now complete, release after beta-testing and final tweaks,etc.

Fairy Gift (also has an Aerial version, it's startup is the last screenshot)

Also im planning to add my own custom Lv.3 Super but that will not be shown and will only be revealed when Blair is released :)


June 07, 2008, 11:45:52 AM #12 Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 04:35:41 AM by K.O.D
I'll release Blair within 1 or 2 days, so i might as well post my progress on Kyo.

Kyo will have a mixed KoF system consisting of the 98 Extra Mode and XI (Thanks to Vans/L for giving me permission to use his XI Skillbar system and plenty of other stuff) and many edits are taken with permission from Kaddet and Viofitz.

He is based on his 98 version, with a few additions from newer KoF's.

He will have 2 modes selectable : Normal and 95 Mode.

Planned movelist :
Issetsu Seoi Nage

--Command Moves--
Ge Shiki: Naraku Otoshi
Ge Shiki: Goufu You
88 Shiki

114 Shiki: Aragami (Replaced with Yami Barai in 95 Mode)
128 Shiki: Kono Kizu   
127 Shiki: Yano Sabi   
Ge Shiki: Migiri Ugachi       
125 Shiki: Nanase           
115 Shiki: Dokugami       
401 Shiki: Tsumi Yomi       
402 Shiki: Batsu Yomi     
100 Shiki: Oniyaki         
R.E.D. Kick (Replaced with Oboro Guruma in 95 Mode)                   
75 Shiki Kai               
212 Shiki: Kototsuki You       
910 Shiki: Nue Tsumi         
Ryuu Iri                     
Tora Fuse                 
412 Shiki: Hikigane   

Ura 108 Shiki: Orochi Nagi
Saishuu Kessen Ougi "Mu Shiki"
182 Shiki

Ura 108 Shiki: Orochi Nagi SDM
Saishuu Kessen Ougi "Mu Shiki" SDM
182 Shiki ('99 version) SDM

524 Shiki: Kami Gomi

Planned system :
-Run : Double tap and hold F

-Back Step : Double tap B

-Dodge : Press LP + LK

-Dodge Attack : Press P or K while Dodging

-Roll Forward : Hold Forward and Press LP + LK or C

-Roll Backward : Hold Back/Down and Press LP + LK or C

-Blowback Attack : Press HP + HK or Z

-Guard Cancel Emergency Evade Forward (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Hold Forward and Press LP + LK pr C while guarding

-Guard Cancel Emergency Evade Backward (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Hold Back and Press LP + LK or C while guarding

-Guard Counter Blowback Attack (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Press HP + HK or Z while guarding

-Power Charge : Hold LK + HP

-Safe Fall : Press LK + LP when nearing ground while falling

-Super Cancel : Perform a DM during a Special (only specified DM's can be performed, read movelist for those which can be SC'd)

-Dream Cancel :  Perform a LDM during a DM

Screenshots :

Intro VS K'

Intro VS Iori (also will include same intro VS Iori_WLS)

Ge Shiki : Goufu You

Ge Shiki : Naraku Otoshi

88 Shiki

Blowback Counter :P

The system,basics,throws,command moves,etc. are all complete, only Specials and DM's/etc. remain.


Update :

Completed 114 Shiki : Aragami and follow-ups


QCF + P from Aragami leads to Kono Kizu

to pressing P for Yano Sabi or...

pressing K for Nanase

HCB + P from Aragami leads to Yano Sabi

P from Yano Sabi leads to Migiru Ugachi


Update :

Completed 115 Shiki: Dokugami and 100 Shiki: Oniyaki.



HCB + P from Dokugami leads to Tsumi Yomi

F + P from Tsumi Yomi leads to Batsu Yomi