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K.O.D's W.I.P Thread (Current : The King of Fighters Dream Match '09)

Started by K.O.D, May 25, 2008, 09:08:22 AM

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Update :

Worked on Kusanagi mode, Added Honofuri and Migiri Ugachi command moves from Kyo-1 (99) to Kusanagi mode only.


Migiri Ugachi

That's all for public updates (still adding minor stuff to Kusanagi mode), wait for the release (no more videos)


July 07, 2008, 12:19:58 PM #31 Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 02:59:50 PM by K.O.D
My new W.I.P is Kim Jae Hoon, Kim's son and also a practitioner of Taekwondo, following in his father's footsteps to fight for JUSTICE

He is based on his Garou : MOTW version (only game he's been in really) but he will have a KoF system (same as Kyo's)

He'll also have Kim's Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku which I found unused in Jae Hoon's anims.

Planned movelist :

--Command Moves--
Shou-Kyaku Hou

Shakka Shuu                               
Ryuusei Kyaku                               
Hangetsu Zan                                 
Hien Zan (Can be Braked)                         
->Tenchuu Zan*                               
Hishou Kyaku                               
->Hassei Waza {1}                         
->Hassei Waza {2} 

Hou-yoku Ten-Shou Kyaku           
Hou'ou Kyaku       

Hou-yoku Ten-Shou Kyaku           
Hou'ou Kyaku

Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku

Planned system (Same as Kyo's, but if you don't have Kyo then) :
-Run : Double tap and hold F

-Back Step : Double tap B

-Dodge : Press LP + LK

-Dodge Attack : Press P or K while Dodging

-Roll Forward : Hold Forward and Press LP + LK or C

-Roll Backward : Hold Back/Down and Press LP + LK or C

-Blowback Attack : Press HP + HK or Z

-Guard Cancel Emergency Evade Forward (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Hold Forward and Press LP + LK pr C while guarding

-Guard Cancel Emergency Evade Backward (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Hold Back and Press LP + LK or C while guarding

-Guard Counter Blowback Attack (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Press HP + HK or Z while guarding

-Power Charge : Hold LK + HP

-Safe Fall : Press LK + LP when nearing ground while falling

-Super Cancel (Requires 1 Skill Bar) : Perform a DM/SDM during specific Special's

-Dream Cancel (Requires 1 Skill Bar) :  Perform a LDM during a DM

Not much for now, expect updates within a week.

Leon Belmont

Oh shit.

Whatever you do don't start Kaphwan or you'll seriously be cutting all my WIPs :P.


Completed Nerichagi and Shou-Kyaku Hou command moves and Shakka Shuu special.


Shou-Kyaku Hou

Shakka Shuu




Completed Hien Zan :

Tenchuu Zan Follow-up



Update :

All specials are now complete.

Completed Hishou Kyaku + Hassei Waza follow-ups.

Hishou Kyaku

Hassei Waza High

Hassei Waza Low

Also, thedge will resprite Jae Hoon's sprites into KoF style starting next week.


Damn. How many specials does this guy have? o_O

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Update :

Completed Hou-yoku Ten-Shou Kyaku DM and SDM

SDM follow-up


Took a break for a while, was mostly busy playing Devil May Cry 4 PC version.

Update :

Completed Hou'ou Kyaku DM (working on SDM version)

Also, slight movelist change, Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku is now LDM-only.



Update :

Completed Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku LDM

Jae Hoon is now complete, thedge is working on the KoF sprites which will take a pretty long time but i might include the KoF sff in an update and not at initial release.


The King of Fighters : Dream Match '09

I'm planning to create a KoF dream match fullgame as in '98 and 2k2 but with characters from both KoF/MotW and non-SNK NeoGeo games (Rage of the Dragons, Power Instinct : Matrimelee)

All characters will be coded by me until I can find help, I also need screenpack and stage coder(s).

I'll release several beta's with the roster being updated every beta, until it reaches completed status with having atleast half of the KoF roster and few from the other games.

Here's the Beta 1 status and info :

Characters (Beta 1) :

-Kim Jae Hoon

-Terry (pre-2k3 sprites/trucker outfit)
-Keith Wayne (using Mouser's SFF)

Screenpack Coder : NONE

Stage Coder : NONE

Music :

Kyo - KoF 99 - Tears (Arranged)
Kim Jae Hoon - Garou MotW - Too Honest
K' - KoF XI - KDD-0075
Joe - RBFF - Thai nanbu ni tsutawatta sp no shi
Terry -  RBFF - Kurikinton
Jimmy - ?
Keith - PI : Matrimelee Battle Theme

The system will be Kyo's (which is publicly released)


You released a beta of this awhile back i remember and i had it, but my hardrive crapped up on me and i had to reformat and lost this. Been trying to find it, but you took it off. Just wanted to know if there is anyway i could still get this.