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We're doomed

Started by The_None, May 25, 2008, 10:15:00 AM

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May 25, 2008, 10:15:00 AM Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 04:43:37 AM by The_None


Damn it.

Alright, I need to rant.  Badly.

What is the world coming to?  It seems the governments and corporations do not believe that us as individuals are capable of collectively moderating ourselves in any kind of efficient manner, that we're just wild beings that need to be tamed and kept in a straight line, with no personal freedoms and no privacy just in the sake of "keeping things legal".

Is this what the world's coming to?  A controlled society?  It seems that people want everything done for them these days and since we've simply got the old-timers in command (the ones that grow up to be those sweet grandpas and grandmas you know about) who probably can't make a decision due to the growing case of Alzheimer's in their brains, they just hear how the bill would be "good for America" and decide to just pass it without question as to whether or not it was actually a bad thing.  I swear that's how half the shit Bush has done got through Congress.  Also, I also don't think Bush put anybody credible in the position, noting that more than half of the white house staff he's dug his paws into so deep that they'll do anything he says.

First video games, and now they're taking vengeance on the internet!  Seriously, what is wrong with the idiots who can't seem to decide what's good and what's not good for America!?  Nobody thinks about the INDIVIDUAL USER NOW!


May 25, 2008, 12:20:36 PM #2 Last Edit: May 25, 2008, 12:23:03 PM by The_None
Quote from: [Matsuda] on May 25, 2008, 11:38:32 AM
I swear that's how half the shit Bush has done got through Congress....
That also the way how Bill Clinton's DMCA got through the Congress. We still should not forget about the atrocity Bill has done to the entire world, and never EVER trust the Clintons again. In fact, once Hillary gets into the office, I could badly swear that democracy should just die an obscure death, as dumb people are abundant enough to elect them. I can't come myself of a way (maybe except for Corporatocracy and Plutocracy) that could get these assholes poisoning our world elected.

And for the worst of all, I aspire myself to be a game designer, and that pact of evil will surely close doors into dreams. And what I gonna have to do next? They will just waste 97,8% of potential talents, as I COMPLETELY DENY there would be a single future talent that haven't pirated ANYTHING at all.... And majority of these lost souls with wasted talents may just as well move into pedophilia/prostitution/sadomasochism/slavery/whatever when they have nothing to do. IS THAT WHAT THEY REALLY WANT?! THE THING IS GONNA SOCIALLY BACKFIRE FOR FUCKS SAKE!


What's even worse is that the age of rebellion has already passed.  Everybody just... ACCEPTS all the damn slaps in the face their privacy.  They just let it slide by and pretend it was always that way.  What is wrong with humanity as a race?  Here's the problem: Natural Selection has been getting too fucking lazy.


The Decline of the human intelligence makes AIDS look like A GOOD THING, as a last thing ever left from Natural Selection. No, seriously. The "Intelligence quotient" term just lost it's credibility right when there is one polish figure who claims to pass the MENSA test with 168 IQ (and there's even a proof of it!), and yet she's in fact a dumb,talentless,overhyped,small name Big Ego whore.


May 25, 2008, 04:47:58 PM #5 Last Edit: May 25, 2008, 04:57:58 PM by [Kira]
IQ lost its credibility... Wait it never had any credibility with me since I have pretty much always known that IQ means nothing.

Also does anyone have a TL;DR version of this?

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Robert the small

Well to be fair IQ questions are really easy.  IQ doesn't equate to common sense, which alot of people lack.

And you people are taking this waaay too seriously.  Nothing'll happen.   You make it sound like people copy writing their work so people don't steal it is a bad thing...


Um, Robert...

This is the kind of thing that could get the MUGEN community in it's entirety shut down and everybody affiliated with creating for it arrested.

Robert the small

Yeah, but how your viewing it, your making it sound like copywrite laws in general are terrible terrible things, and if you agree with them you are obviously a kid fucking capitalist pig bastard who's only suitable punishment is death.

Like I said, I don't think this'll go through, but hey, being paranoid conspiracy theorists is always fun.


The solution? Nobody votes. [/Neon]


Quote from: Robert the small on May 26, 2008, 12:01:41 AM
Yeah, but how your viewing it, your making it sound like copywrite laws in general are terrible terrible things, and if you agree with them you are obviously a kid fucking capitalist pig bastard who's only suitable punishment is death.

There's a reason why we view it this way, and it's called "having some common sense."  Maybe if you stopped to breath the air for once, you'd realize that these kinds of laws are ones that affect our daily lives.  Look at the bill's wording itself.

Automated reports of activity.  That means everything you do would be logged.  This would kill a TON of gaming websites, MUGEN websites, hell, pretty much every place worth visiting to me would be shut down simply because of this bill.  And you say it's nothing to be worried about?

You're the one who's suitable punishment is death, because you're in favor of such stupidity!

Robert the small

I never said I was in favor of it, I just said you guys take copywrite laws too seriously, especially considering ones that don't pass.


May 27, 2008, 10:41:26 AM #12 Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 01:23:15 PM by The_None
Robert, assuming you're an American by default, you must be one lucky bastard if you have yet to suffer from the consequences of the DMCA.

Also, I would like to debunk your statement of the ACTA not having chances to pass just by analyzing few aspects of the G8:
-Canada:There is one guy over there who wants to bring the American-style DMCA to Canada Obviously, a conservative sockpuppet for Big Business.
-France:In a somewhat similar vein to Japan, there is an upcoming law that would target file-sharrers and cut down their connections. All in the name of the "civilised Internet", or what Sarkozy said. Who used to call a single visitor dumb-ass. Asshole conservative, I've never really like Sarkozy to the point, I felt sorry for the french who let the right-winger win.
-Germany:Two words:STASI 2.0. Christian conservative.
-Italy:The Government over there just recently proposed a law that requires informative websites (including the private ones, like blogs) to be registered in some kind of rather scary Office. And then we have Franco Frattini, the same asshole who wanted to ban video games europe-wide because of the underage b*nd*g* artists from Rule of Rose, and his idiotic idea to forbid uttering certain words (kill,genocide,bomb,terrorism etc.) and so talking about controversial topics as well, thus not allowing the humanity to grow it's balls. Does this remind you of anything? *cough*certainyoutuberMUGEN forums*cough*[/size[ And again, they're (liberal (my ass)) conservatives!
-Japan:ISP's cut connections of file-sharers due to the pressure from the Big Business Oh, and the current prime minister of Japan is a (liberal (my ass)) conservative.
-Russia:Dunno. All I know, is that Russian schools begun to move into Linux, making Russia the country most likely to oppose such act (which is still more than unlikely, though, so It's not saying much). Oh, and Putin used to be in a conservative party.
-UK:Internet regulation seems to be increasing at alarming rate over there. For that reason, they won't receive any country for breaking the "all G8 countries ruled by conservatives" pattern.
-United States:Come on, do I even have to explain?

Turns out that the evilest bill of the world is actually pretty likely to pass, due to G8 being horribly one-sided. I don't know what you would think about that, though....

Robert the small

Eh, I generally try to keep my piracy to a minimum (like I'll pirate an old DOS game or offline starcraft, but I'm not going to download something like a PS2 game or whatever), so I'd figure the DMCA hasn't effected me that that much.

Like I said, I'm all for intellectual property rights, because lots of companies get screwed over by Piracy.  Hence why I try to support companies and actually buy shit.   I don't think it'll go through but if it does, it does.  We can't stop it at all, so...


So that's it?  You'll just accept it?  And just remind yourself "Oh we used to be able to do this back in the day but not any more..."