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Started by ughwtf, June 10, 2008, 06:29:47 AM

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June 10, 2008, 06:29:47 AM Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 03:25:29 AM by [Kira]

"On the wings of a dream, so far beyond reality."

Here's how it works: Pick control of any MUGEN character try to act out their personality, and do whatever you want with it. The character dosn't neccessary have to be made for MUGEN, but has to somehow be in the engine. It can be a character, a character's striker, a character that appears in the Intro/Win Pose of a character, as long as it's in the engine, it's accepted.

As per usual, no God-Modding or unreasonably altering the plot.

Note the absence of Power Play, we will allow power play, with some resctrictions. If it's something like "Everybody looked up" or "They were taken by surprised at [insert your character here]'s actions taken." then it's okay.

However, if it's something like "[insert character that's not yours] was hit by the attack" or "[Character A] unleashed an attack that ultimately destroyed [character that's not yours], that's not okay unless the controller of said character lets you.

Also, there's a few characters that we don't want. Any character already being used, is mentioned in one of the arcs below, or can beat (or is) The Nightmare SSJ3, we don't want. ROBOCOP MUST SPEAK ONLY SPANISH!

http://o.q.p.5.aimini.net/player/mp3/?file=http://o.q.p.5.aimini.net/play/?fid=5pqO2lPHPb0zqK9Enj2M&auto=yes&repeat=yes" width="0" height="0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash


Shouldn't this be in MUGeneral?


Bonkers woke up in the morning and polished his hammer. He just knew that trouble was brewing on the horizon this morning, and that his hammer wouldn't shine this brightly for a long time. He slowly climbed out of bed when he heard his wife Bow Boxer mumble.

"Dear, where are you going," she said weakly.

"I sense a foul air stirring in the East," Bonkers replied. "A new enemy has appeared in Dreamland, and I must find out who or what they are."

No response.

"Bow Boxer?!"

Bonkers ran over to Bow Boxer's bed and noticed that his poor wife was burning up with a fever. Suddenly he looked on her back and noticed vines growing out of it. When he tried to touch them, he realized that his hands could pass right through them.

"No! It's impossible! It seems that my wife has gained a STAND! But it looks like it is doing damage to her body."

As the phenomenon only happened recently, Bonkers realized that the STAND was related to the encroaching conflict. With no other words, Bonkers picked up his hammer and ran outside to face the awaiting evil.


"We've finally got ya this time!" the police yelled as they cornered a man in a red and white striped clothing.
"I don't think so! You'll never catch.... ZA WALDO!" the man shouted.

In what seemed like a split second, the man mysteriously disappeared.

"W-.... Where's Waldo!?"
"Over there!"

The cops ran over to "Waldo" only to find it was just some normal, regular everyday person.

"Oh dammit it's just some guy. Sorry. You just fit the description from a distance."

The cops ran off to look elsewhere.

The whole time, Waldo was standing atop of a building, watching.

"Fools! With my stand power, they'll never be able to find me!"

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Im only interested on the song's name  :-X
LMAO I had a CVSW version 2.2 signature? Wow! This account had so much dust on it...



Daigo Laced up his running shoes and decided to go on a midnight jog ((yes its midnight you fucking pricks))


June 15, 2008, 02:49:37 AM #7 Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 02:52:23 AM by [Kira]
Quote from: Rednavi on June 10, 2008, 05:55:47 PM
Im only interested on the song's name  :-X


Anyway, Daigo spotted a plump African-American in a red sweater riding a bicycle. He noticed something familiar about this... Daigo instantly figured it out: It was his bike! Daigo quickly put on his pink jumpsuit and shouted, "NIGGA STOLE MY BIKE!" and started running after the man.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Then a black Kenshiro decided to kick the NIGGAH off the bike and said "you are already dead" then screamed and threw the bike into water


Then Robocop bursts out of the ground from under the sewer where he was kicking some ass and says "YO. SOY. ROBO. COP. TÚ ROMPÍAS LA LEY." he then read black Kenshiro his Miranda Rights and took him under arrest and drove off with him to the police station. Daigo and Doc Louis stared even as the vehicle was out of sight wondering what the fuck just happened.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


in an attempt to be funny, derryb jumped in front of the vehicle as it was speeding to the station. His body blew up into a fine bloody mist. His family and friends rejoiced.


Steve Urkel then took his place... What the fuck?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Oddly enough, Steve Urkel then resurrected Derryb and restored him to his original form. As he was being thanked for his actions, Steve filled up a bucket of water and without hesitation he threw it over Derryb. Appalled by what had just happened, Derryb just stood there watching Steve as he got out his camera and took a picture of the wet boy. He then left.

Later that day, Steve Urkel put the picture on his computer and posted it at MI, claiming it to be him in the picture.

Although he had been humiliated by Urkel, Derryb was happy to be alive and was glad he didn't get run over again on the way home. While logging into MI that night, a tall, hood-like character of African descent approached his door and shouted "You may refer to me as Sambo." With great force and an intent to destroy, he kicked down the door of the house in which Derryb resides, and compelled his mother to participate in a sexual act, before stepping on her heavily and repeatedly so as to crush, injure, and destroy her body.


Sambo laughed like E. Honda after he left the corpse behind and saw his new enemy. Ren Idagawa appeared behind him with a sword and started hitting him repeatedly. Sambo couldn't avoid the infinite priority, and it seemed all else failed when Ren realized that his poweradds were terrible and that it would take forever to do his awesome GO TO HELL super. He then went into a corner and cried and the Sambo hit him with a baseball bat before simultaneously masturbating and urinating on a picture of Heavy Weapons Guy


This is so much better than JS Mugen's...