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MegaMan 9, no really.

Started by Neon_Tiger, June 13, 2008, 02:11:35 PM

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June 13, 2008, 02:11:35 PM Last Edit: June 26, 2008, 01:55:36 PM by UHMEEEEBA
MegaMan 9, I doubt it.


Best part of the whole thread


Hmm, I'm compelled to replay DKC2 now.

Tyrannosaurus Reich

Quote from: Jango on June 13, 2008, 03:16:33 PM

Best part of the whole thread

whoever made that is my new boyfriend


Nows about the time people who claim to work at Capcom start making fake beta shots.



It's shopped. I can tell by the pixels and having seen quite a few shops in my life.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


That and RockManPM a day later revealed it was and they had done it basically for shits and giggles.

NEWS FLASH: It's June guys, not April.


And the rumors continue unabated.

Only this time it's apparently real. No really, it's in Nintendo Power. More info here. The highlights:
It's being made by Inti-Creates which may explain the lack of a ZX3.
It's 8-bit, apparently Int-Creates had too much fun doing the MegaMan @ mini-game in ZXA.
It's coming out for Wii Ware.
The plot apparently involves Dr. Wily framing Dr. Light for a recent robot outbreak.

The bosses include: Magma Man
Galaxy Man
Jewel Man
Concrete Man
Hornet Man
Plug Man
Tornado Man
Splash WOMAN

Galaxy Man gives you a black hole weapon which Hornet Man is weak to, sound familiar? The game also isn't going to have a *Insert Color Here* Devil.



I wonder if Forte will be in this. He better.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


June 26, 2008, 04:00:55 PM #9 Last Edit: June 26, 2008, 04:23:36 PM by UHMEEEEBA
Only new thing of note I have to say is it is rumored there may be XBox Live and PSN versions that aren't 8bit.

Edit: Super zoomed in scan confirming, yes it's Splash Woman.

Also states a release this fall.

Also mentions it's set after MegaMan 8, so an appearance from Bass/Forte is pretty much a given. When the whole MegaMan 9 thing first broke with the Australia thing, there was a rumor it was 8bit and ProtoMan/Blues was playable in addition to MegaMan; one part is true now so ProtoMan/Blues might be playable...


July 03, 2008, 10:41:23 PM #11 Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 10:54:38 PM by UHMEEEEBA
Gamesradar got to play the game.

Also they got to interview Inafune.

Summarized Stage details:

Galaxy Man: Portal

Plug Man: Obligatory vanish block section.

Jewel Man: Makes use of pendulum swings.

Magma Man: Instant Kill Beams

Splash Woman: Features a section similar to the bubble puzzle used in a section of Wave Man's MegaMan 5 stage. Also one of the bosses Inafune designed.

Hornet Man: His stage features a lot of bees. THE PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN. But really, nothing else about him.

Concrete Man: Is apparently similar to GutsMan, nothing about his level though.

Tornado Man: Said to have the hardest level it's the one with the magnetic spinning platforms and lots of midair jumps.

Summarized Gameplay Details:

The shop system of MegaMan IV (GB), V (GB), 7, 8 and MegaMan and Bass. At the least you can buy the Energy Balancer, a spike protector and an armor that halves damage taken. They do not mention who RUNS the shop though.

The charge shot and sliding are notably absent in the version they played at least, but they noticed there were small tunnels. In the interview with Inafune, you can find this:

QuoteGamesRadar: By the sixth installment, Mega Man had gained several moves (sliding, charge shots, Rush help). Will any of these make it into part 9 or are you aiming for a more Mega Man 2-style game?

Inafune: Mega Man 9 will be much closer to Mega Man 2. As mentioned earlier, in the process of going back to our roots, we came to conclude that those fancy moves were unnecessary. There are many gamers who claim that Mega Man 2 is their absolute favorite.  I took it as an indication that Mega Man is not all about the moves. The beauty of Mega Man actually lies in its simplicity and a fine mixture of simple gameplay, puzzle-like thrill of maneuvering tricks at the last minute, and battles.  Instead of new moves, we've tried to find an excellent balance in the game design and to achieve "simplicity and fun" in the very detailed-oriented age.

... so yeah... they might either make you buy them back from Dr. Light or might be able to unlock them like in Powered Up... but it seems that you won't be using it to start with at the least.

You can play as MegaMan without his helmet for some strange reason.

The main menu, which contains the stage select screen and shop contains options they are not allowed to talk about yet.

The boss doors now have a "Dr. L" emblem in front of them instead of Wily's logo, which makes sense given the plot.

The guys playing the game claim the bosses are hard, they played for two hours, only reached three and of those only killed two. This actually doesn't sound bad given it's their first play through and while we can guess weaknesses we don't know them for a fact yet (Also there's Plug Man, seriously WTF). Also remember most gaming sites suck at playing MegaMan games.

Rush Coil is available at the start.

More information is said to come during E3.

Oh and Inafune knows about that stupid AirMan meme.


Fuck Airman.

QuoteThe boss doors now have a "Dr. L" emblem in front of them instead of Wily's logo, which makes sense given the plot.

Wait what?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on June 26, 2008, 01:55:21 PM
And the rumors continue unabated.

Only this time it's apparently real. No really, it's in Nintendo Power. More info here. The highlights:
It's being made by Inti-Creates which may explain the lack of a ZX3.
It's 8-bit, apparently Int-Creates had too much fun doing the MegaMan @ mini-game in ZXA.
It's coming out for Wii Ware.
The plot apparently involves Dr. Wily framing Dr. Light for a recent robot outbreak.

The bosses include: Magma Man
Galaxy Man
Jewel Man
Concrete Man
Hornet Man
Plug Man
Tornado Man
Splash WOMAN

Galaxy Man gives you a black hole weapon which Hornet Man is weak to, sound familiar? The game also isn't going to have a *Insert Color Here* Devil.


http://corrupt, adulterating shitbags.com/5022413/lets-watch-the-first-mega-man-9-footage
Short clip of Tornado Man's level and Concrete Man(?)'s level.