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MegaMan 9, no really.

Started by Neon_Tiger, June 13, 2008, 02:11:35 PM

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July 16, 2008, 09:56:44 PM #31 Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 10:14:11 PM by UHMEEEEBA
Some info from an E3 demo.


Intro movie. Note Chun-Li is a news anchor and MagmaMan makes an appearance during the news section. Wily's bank account number is in fact the launch date of the original RockMan. Some people think Wily's robots he mentions will also have an appearance in the game, those people expect too much. Also note, Auto officially appears and IGN recently confirmed him to be the guy running the shop again, Roll has reverted to her old dress and Eddie is now a telephone.

Plug Man's stage. Note the section with a bolt at the start that appears it could be reached by sliding.

Concrete Man's stage.

Also some screens here, MegaMan has MagamMan's weapon which appears to be a spread shot.


The other day IGN showed off some artwork of the bosses.

Today the XBOX 360 achievements were leaked, containing sprites of the other bosses which were used for the achievement graphics, an obvious spoiler and a couple of other things only go if you can handle the obvious spoiler.

Less spoilery stuff revealed in the achievements,

It is possible to beat the game in one hour.

Mystery Tanks are in the game, these are likely the same as the M-Tanks from MegaMan 5.


Quote<@UHMEEEEBA> http://www.rockmanpm.com/?p=music/rockman9original
<@[YagamiLight]> Yo
<@UHMEEEEBA> http://blue-bomber.jvmwriter.org/community/index.php?s=&showtopic=1848&view=findpost&p=33889
<@UHMEEEEBA> [22:05] <@RobertTheSmall> Capcom is as lazy as fuck
<@UHMEEEEBA> [22:06] <@UHMEEEEBA> Indeed.
<@UHMEEEEBA> [22:07] <@UHMEEEEBA> I'm totally calling Jewel Man to be the obligatory shield using boss now.
<@[YagamiLight]> LMAO
<@UHMEEEEBA> Some the games sound track is actually from MegaMan 2...
<@UHMEEEEBA> Notably the menu theme and the weapon aquisition theme.
<@UHMEEEEBA> Yes the bleepy one thats like 2 seconds long.

Quote<@[YagamiLight]> Indeed.
<@UHMEEEEBA> The full list of track names for MegaMan 9, did not have Bass/Forte's theme listed.
<@[YagamiLight]> ..... FUCKING GAY
<@UHMEEEEBA> However there doesn't even seem to be fortress boss music save the final boss.
<@[YagamiLight]> Either they're recycling it or they just excluded it.
<@UHMEEEEBA> They can't recycle it, it's not 8 bit.
<@UHMEEEEBA> Yes an instance where being lazy causes work.
<@[YagamiLight]> I mean recycling other tracks for it.
<@[YagamiLight]> And I was referring to fortress boss music.
<@UHMEEEEBA> Well the recycled music I mentioned earlier is in the track listing.
<@[YagamiLight]> I REALLY don't think they could leave out Forte... He's too important to the storyline at this point.
<@UHMEEEEBA> ProtoMan being reduced to a mere one screen easter egg in MegaMan 6 says hi.


It appears the music that played in the trailers was TornadoMan's theme (Track 09). I guess we can say at this point that any character that has powers related to weather will have THE best themes.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


So I listened to a couple of tracks...

Part of the music's problem here is that while it definitely sounds like NES-Era Capcom, it doesn't quite sound like all of it really fits in Megaman.  The Boss theme sounds more like it fits in some other Capcom game.



September 18, 2008, 08:58:32 AM #37 Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 09:00:54 AM by [Matsuda]
QuoteYou can never have this.

QuoteDon't worry, we're thinking about offering a very limited quantity (200) on the Capcom Store, probably with a PSN or XBLA game voucher.

But it might not matter if the assets get uploaded to The Megaman Network or some other site.  As well as the box art and cart scanned.  It's not far fetched to wonder if anybody'll try remaking the game on actual NES hardware.


Official English site launched.

ProtoMan is listed in the characters section under a question mark, so he's in the game somehow.

It again confirms Beat behaves like he did in MegaMan 7.

ConcreteMan was created to build dams.

MagmaMan works at a Geothermal Plant.

TornadoMan works for a Weather Manipulation Office.

Still no sign of Bass/Forte, maybe he's a fortress boss, maybe not.


ProtoMan as a playable character to be included in the first DLC update.

He costs roughly 2 dollars.

HOWEVER, ProtoMan has the slide and charge shot in addition to his shield...


Quote from: Torgo on September 18, 2008, 10:44:23 PM
Still no sign of Bass/Forte, maybe he's a fortress boss, maybe not.

Probably so. They did that in the last two games. In 8 he was only seen in the Fortress outside of that intro video.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


September 19, 2008, 10:00:18 PM #41 Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 10:13:40 PM by Torgo
IGN has a review.

The game has apparently 50 plus challenges regardless of platform, besides that they don't really say anything really new. Also mention that the game is short compared to the "latter" NES MegaMan games, but the soundtrack listing already implied that. They also mention in the video review that the list of DLC is "interesting".


Read it earlier and still have that ":|" face from the 3.0 on graphics. Also why does Protoman cost money to get? Whatever happened to...I'unno....unlocking stuff ingame?  :(


Capcom likes your money is what happened.


Just beat it. Thank God I had that one energy tank left during the Wily fight...

Was kinda disappointed with the ending though. It's one of those endings that is neither good nor bad, but more like, "So what the hell happened? I want to know!"

I also thought that when Wily said Dr. Light was sick that it would sort of lead into the events that MHX referenced.

Just try to keep things peaceful.