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Started by Neon_Tiger, July 30, 2008, 02:50:52 PM

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Regardless of what you thought of Nintendo's E3 show, Nintendo's recently made some questionable decisions. I've been meaning to make this topic for a while but have been busy actually working on Slot Machine and kept forgetting about it.

1. Nintendo did not inform devs of the Wii Motion plus, making it impossible for games like The Force Unleashed to use it, which has made some devs quite mad.

1.5: Also there's no getting around the fact Wii Motion Plus really is only making the Wii work LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO FROM THE BEGINING, GOD.

2. Nintendo apologized for it's E3 coverage. Also somehow they'll still have shortages this holiday for the third year in a row. Either this is deliberate or Nintendo has the logistic skills of a 12 year old.

3. Captain Rainbow

4. In addition to not showing anything for core gamers Nintendo took the time also to insult them, how nice.


July 30, 2008, 03:05:13 PM #1 Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 03:07:10 PM by [Matsuda]
I only have one reply and a comment.

5. Nintendo of Europe are a bunch of egotistical assholes anyway.  We in America get Reg, they get the typical stuck-up british asshole.

And now the comment:

Looks like I did accomplish my goal after all, noting the thread title.


Dude this is the third time I've used this thread title.


I lost faith in Nintendo a pretty long time ago.

The folks that brought us the SNES and N64 absolutely CANNOT be that stupid.

Animal Crossing?  Pikmin?  I know Nintendo is infamous for whoring out there old game and not really doing anything new, but who in the HELL really gives three shits about Animal Crossing?

Thank god for SCIV, it's be a bland time for gaming without it.  Here's hoping SFIV comes out soon.


Quote from: MC2 on July 30, 2008, 07:04:46 PM
Animal Crossing?  Pikmin?  I know Nintendo is infamous for whoring out there old game and not really doing anything new, but who in the HELL really gives three shits about Animal Crossing?

Pikmin is awesome because you can commit mass acts of genocide.

I think Jesuszilla still likes Animal Crossing.


Personally none of this matters to me as Hogs of War 2 was said to be released on the Wii.

That alone overshadows everything.


Nintendo no longer cares anymore. Best to just look at it like that. They have their money maker that sells thousands of consoles over a Wiifit thing that isn't actualy true exercise. I don't hate casual gaming as alot of times I like to play some "for fun" games just to take a load off when I'm bored or if it's just fun to do so, but they ripped into it dumbing down game after game after game knowing the easier it is the more it'll sell.


That reminds me, I still need to pick up Wii Fit sometime.

Just try to keep things peaceful.



So now that Nintendo's already developing a true next-gen console and a new Gameboy I wonder what they'll switch to now and it makes me wonder why they didn't announce them at E3..where you know stuff like that could of greatly improved their conference.  :P


They'll design a controller with only 1 button to make it easy for the causals and their mini game fests.


6. Capcom stated MegaMan 1 would be released on Nintendo's VC on August 4th even going through the trouble of posting it on their blog. Similarly, SNK said Samurai Shodown II would be released on August 4th and Hudson said they'd release Ys Book I & II on August 4th.

August 4th we got, a shitty Master System version of Sonic and Splatterhouse, because Nintendo decided those other releases didn't need to come out right now. Thanks Nintendo for once again stepping on the feet of devs, I'm sure they appreciate it.


NP magazine states that next issue will have a big game not shown at E3....I wonder....


Something tells me that will be going on the list due to being a disappointment.

Just try to keep things peaceful.