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T-Reich's Horribly Written Reviews: Left 4 Dead

Started by Tyrannosaurus Reich, November 11, 2008, 10:35:24 PM

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Tyrannosaurus Reich

November 11, 2008, 10:35:24 PM Last Edit: November 12, 2008, 06:59:06 AM by Tyrannosaurus Reich
yeah i should probably wait till the whole things comes out but whatever let's just assume it'll be about the same as the demo

Gameplay: Your basic FPS. Use W A S D to move, mouse to look around, and click to shoot. You can also right click to shove back enemies.

One thing I noticed though is that this game also has elements of those light gun games at the arcade (you know, like House of the Dead). Your pistol has unlimited ammo, though you need to reload it as well when it reaches zero. You of course also have a secondary weapon like a shotgun or machine gun, but of course they have limited ammunition (though not nearly as limited as in light gun games). Oh yeah, and there are zombies. An important factor in many light gun games.

Speaking of zombies (also called the Infected in this game), there's a shit ton of them. And they aren't the slow lumbering dicks that we are used to (except for the Boomer which I'll talk about later). They're fast, mean, and attack in hordes. Big hordes. In addition to the standard zombies you will encounter, there are also special kinds of zombies. Those zombies are:

Hunter: Like the fast zombie from Half-Life 2 except it can jump on you and claw the shit out of you until someone comes to your rescue. Also wears a coat which for some reason reminds me of Jet Set Radio for reasons I don't know myself.
Smoker: Like the Barnacle from Half-Life but with limbs. Has a long ass tongue that is used to drag people in until someone comes to their rescue. Also, when he dies, he explodes into a cloud of smoke. WHICH IS WHY THEY CALL HIM THE SMOKER
Boomer: Probably the most dangerous of the infected besides the Tank. He can projectile vomit on people which attracts zombies. Lots of them. Killing him at a short distance does the same thing. So be careful around these fat fucks.
Tank: GAMMA CHARGE. Yeah, basically this is the zombie version of Hulk (even though there already was one). He's big, mean, fast, and strong as fuck.
Witch: The last of the "boss" zombies if you'll excuse the term. Everything bad about the Tank coupled with the fact she can take down players in one hit. JUST LIKE IN MUGEN. Thankfully unlikes most zombies she can actually be avoided so you don't have to fight her. Shining a light on her, making loud noises around her, or just shooting her can piss her off. She isn't quite as tough as you think tough, but it's still not a good idea to provoke her.
9 out of 10

Music: There are only a few tracks in this game, but they all sound quite good. Most games of this type are usually electronic or ambient or something. While this kind of music isn't bad, it's good to see something different for a change. Instead of purely electronic melodies, we get this.

So yeah, this game has some nifty music.
8 out of 10

Graphics: Kinda the same as Half-Life 2. Also this game runs surprisingly smooth on my computer despite having so much shit going on.
8 out of 10 AGAIN SDFGD

Length: This is the demo version, so it's pretty natural it'll be short. However, from what I can tell, the levels in this game are (or will be) pretty short. So this kinda worries me. For now though I'll just give a 5.
5 out of 10

1 out of 10

Difficulty: In multiplayer co-op, this game really isn't that hard. At all. Even advanced mode really isn't too bad. Expert mode is a bit trickier but nothing severe. Single player mode will probably be more difficult though since you have AI protecting you instead of intelligent human beings.
6 out of 10

Overall: Good game so far, it's actually pretty surprising to know that Turtle Rock Studios help make this. You know, Turtle Rock, the same people that brought you Counter-Strike. Which I don't need to tell you how much I hate.

But in all honesty, this is a fun game, and I eagerly await the final version (which I pre-ordered in addition to buying Bioshock because I have money in the bank)

I might review the whole thing when it comes out. Who knows.
9 out of 10

Positive: Spamming Louis' voice commands is awesome.

Negative: This is the demo version.