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We're not doomed.

Started by Insanius, May 12, 2009, 01:35:13 PM

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January 14, 2012, 06:31:19 PM #45 Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 10:48:05 PM by Jesuszilla

Just try to keep things peaceful.


November 14, 2012, 10:05:31 PM #49 Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 10:22:04 PM by Jesuszilla

Texas wants to secede, so Austin wants to stay. I'm totally fine with that, because we ARE better than the rest of Texas who're pitching a bitchfit over the election for really no good reason.

I get shit all the time for being liberal when really, I have issues I'm conservative about, and I have issues that I'm liberal about, but the REAL fact of the matter is, I am anti-idiocy. And half of the US is being fucking retarded.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard

I'd be okay if they were seceding because they were fed up with what the States have been doing lately (eg. TSA bullshit, drone strikes in the Middle East, censorship laws disguised as IP protection) but seceding because "one of dem uppity niggers wuz electid?"

Fuck that. And of course, we know all too well what happen the last time states decided to secede, and it was over the abolition of something not really that ethical.


See if Texas can seriously secede from America, why is it that Hawaii hasn't been able to do jack in the last half century?


Just try to keep things peaceful.