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Started by Jesuszilla, April 28, 2010, 09:55:50 PM

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Sgt Squirrel

Brandy Bogard


QuoteRelax, Dr Evil. Your inspired request for "sharks with frickin' laser beams attached" has finally been fulfilled in the real world.

Marine biologist-cum-TV personality Luke Tipple attached a 50-milliwatt green laser to a lemon shark off the coast of the Bahamas in late April. The escapade was sponsored by Wicked Lasers, a consumer-focused laser manufacturer based in Hong Kong that produces some of the most brilliant — and potentially dangerous — handheld lasers in the world.

"This was definitely a world first," Tipple told Wired. "Initially, I told them no. I thought it was a frivolous stunt. But then I considered that it would give us an opportunity to test our clips and attachments, and whatever is attached to that clip, I really don't care. It was a low-powered laser that couldn't be dangerous to anyone, and there's actually useful applications in having a laser attached to the animal."

:rpeng: :clpeng:


Brandy Bogard


Sgt Squirrel


What the fuck is this supposed to be, Therio?

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard

the epitome of mental retardation


Tyrannosaurus Reich


Hit spheres is taking the easy way out.

Also I hope that guy makes it big. He has balls.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard

May 12, 2012, 09:23:03 PM #2140 Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 09:29:03 PM by Brandy Bogard
Tyrian 2000 GBC (unreleased)
Tyrian 2000 GBA (Unreleased)
Tyrian 2000 Gameplay

I decided to upload videos of the scrapped GBC and GBA ports of Tyrian 2000.  The first video was uploaded right at the end of March, the second was uploaded just a few minutes ago. The third video (not uploaded by me) shows the original PC version for comparison.

Also, this.

Tails Crusher by Cyan Helkaraxe


Just try to keep things peaceful.

Orochi Gill

I was severely disappointed at what this site did for a couple death metal songs I put in

They were just sped up and chopped up.


Exactly, I just wanted to see how much further it could rape what I already raped.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


What happens if you run something more than once then?