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Started by Jesuszilla, April 28, 2010, 09:55:50 PM

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Tyrannosaurus Reich

i made one of those troll physics comics:


i don't think it's really funny and chances are you won't completely get it unless you're a paleofag


Good lord his arms in panel 3, damn that must hurt.


You forgot the amphibious DNA.

Or was that just Jurassic Park...?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


That was just a plot device to allow the dinosaurs to change gender.



Just try to keep things peaceful.


Here's hoping E. Honda gets aloha-wear for a DLC costume

Sgt Squirrel

easily the best thing since ever

also should I use this:

as a signature on guild


I have no idea what I just watched but I like the voices.

Just try to keep things peaceful.



Quote from: Jesuszilla on November 07, 2010, 07:25:51 PM
I have no idea what I just watched but I like the voices.

Well he did post part 3 first, so I suspect that's why we are both confused.


Originally this was just in IRC, but I feel like I should spread it here. Ladies and gentlemen...

My IRL Dick Move of the Night

I went to Round Table for dinner and I noticed that my favorite spot was filled with kids for a birthday party. My backup spot that I also like had an old couple that ordered wine. The kids had control of the jukebox and I got to hear such kid-friendly tunes like Love the Way You Lie. That's when I decided to take action.

I pulled $2 out and went to the jukebox. It was an internet jukebox, so I did a search for Monty Python. To my surprise, it listed one of their albums as "Parental Advisory," so I clicked on it and looked at the song list. After a few seconds of debating, I picked Every Sperm is Sacred and spent $1. I used the second dollar to interrupt the playlist and make my song play first.

The song starts off normally and the kids are confused, and the parents are getting confused as to why their wonderfully kid-friendly chart-topper event got interrupted with a song about Catholics disliking masturbation. One of the moms walked up and saw that it was a Monty Python song, and called one of the managers over to the jukebox. The mom complained that the song was grossly inappropriate for their children and demanded that they either skip the song, or silence the jukebox for the duration. I started getting nervous because I thought I would get kicked out.

Then the manager surprised everyone by saying that he was virtually powerless to do anything about it. The rationale was that it's a valid choice on the jukebox, and that as long as a customer paid money for it, there is nothing wrong with it. The kids were forced to listen to the rest of the song as they ate their pizza.

tl;dr: You can play explicit songs on internet jukeboxes, and management CANNOT interfere with it, even if another customer demands it.


Well yeah as long as he gets his money I doubt he cares what happens next.


So long as he is not threatened to lose money (lawsuit, inspection, etc.).

... but you just had to pick what looked the most vulgar, huh?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Well there are probably some more vulgar Python songs...