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Divine W.I.P.'s

Started by DivineWolf, May 06, 2012, 07:29:47 PM

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May 06, 2012, 07:29:47 PM Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 12:38:10 PM by DivineWolf
Currently Working On: SkulloMania



Progress: About 60% complete


-Skullo Stunt (ground throw)
-Skullo Space (air throw)
-Dynamite Heel
-Step In Upper

-Skullo Crusher(EX)
-Skullo Slider(EX)
-Skullo Head(EX)
-Skullo Dive(EX)
-Skullo Face Slam(EX)
-Skullo Stealer
-Skullo Tackle


-Super Skullo Crusher(MAX)
-Super Skullo Slider(MAX)
-Skullo Ball
-Skullo Energy

-Super Skullo Energy

-Skullo Dream

Getting there... :D


We already have cvs Sagat pots style made by Master Gouken


That doesn't mean he shouldn't make a character that he wants to make.

Click Here.


I had actually forgotten I posted this here lol. Anyway, I should have some pics of him posted up before this month is out.


Let's just through dates or "expected" times of completion out the window. Because there's really no telling when I'll have him ready to go lol. Sometimes I feel like working on MUGEN and sometimes I don't. Lately, I have felt like doing something. So, he's a bit of progress and update on his development.

All required sprites and anims have been done, along with their hitboxes and all. So, effectively Sagat is nothing more than a punching bag right now lol. That's how I do oit with all my chars though. I start from the "bottom" up so to speak. I add all required stuff and all, then add in system abilties, normal attacks/grabs, so on...



From there one basic intro has been added, one win pose, lose/time over pose, walking, jumping, etc...



All the hitsparks and fx have been added and animated as well, just haven't added the coding in yet. Once I add in the Tiger Shot fx and all, 20S has agreed to hires them for me. I've actually decided to give Sagat a unique attack based off someone's suggestion of it. Also because the sprites are already in the set, so there's no need to request any edits from anyone. A front thrust kick that'll basically work like my Mai's "Fierce Blossom" unique attack. As far as Max T. Genocide = T. Destruction goes.... I may not even bother with it, because I'll need edits. I can't do it, I'm not going to pay anyone to do it, and that's that really. If anyone is willing to edit that last uppercut portion where Sagat is facing toward the screen for me, that'd be great and I'll add it. If not, oh well. Everything else as far as my ideas for his moveset remains the same.



*blows the dust off this topic* :P RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE!



All system abilities and required stuff is done. All normals, unique attacks, and grabs are done as well. All that's left is specials and supers. I have no guaranteed release date... But, I'd say it's save to expect him some time in February. No later than March for sure.