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This thread is now Bardo- err An- fuck it, everything

Started by Jesuszilla, January 02, 2013, 01:28:00 AM

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January 02, 2013, 01:28:00 AM Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 02:24:34 PM by Jesuszilla

Had to add more frames to the end of the throw. What he had before just didn't look right since it was only one frame, so I sprited more in order to have it look better.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


So, the goal is now to update Andy with all the things you planned in the first post, as well as new CVS styled SFF, right ?



Changes so far

  • All basics re-CLSN'd. Some are KoF accurate, some aren't. This is an adaptation, not a conversion.
  • Some specials re-CLSN'd. I will be doing this for all specials.
  • Hishouken changed to KoFXIII, removed Geki Hishouken.
  • New voice: uses XIII voice where possible. The only place where he doesn't have this is Zan'ei Ryuusei-Ken, but it's unnoticeable.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


January 02, 2013, 09:32:42 PM #3 Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 10:37:12 AM by DivineWolf
I should have tested the updates, before deleting my older versions of your chars... You failed to mention that they are all 1.0 exclusive now. I ended up deleting Felicia and Balrog's older version, only to be shot down with their new versions, as they crash Winmugen. I'm realy hurt off Balrog though, cuz I really like him and liked your version the best... Oh well, live and learn. Still got Eagle for what that's worth...  :-\


January 02, 2013, 09:42:43 PM #4 Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 09:52:13 PM by Jesuszilla
Felicia has a win CNS. Bison shouldn't crash Win. If he does, it's because there's probably winquote stuff I didn't remove. EDIT: I had some experimental AI stuff left in there. My bad. Reuploaded.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


I think some of the shading on the pants of the kick part of that anim looks a bit too detailed for CVS-Estilio, but it looks okay otherwise.


Quote from: Jesuszilla on January 02, 2013, 09:42:43 PM
Felicia has a win CNS. Bison shouldn't crash Win. If he does, it's because there's probably winquote stuff I didn't remove. EDIT: I had some experimental AI stuff left in there. My bad. Reuploaded.

Cool beans, thanks.


-Debug flood with Balrog when I turn off the Groove system...

Also, with all this MUGEN stuff aside. I'd like to send my sentiments out to you and your family for the loss of your father. Stay strong and God bless. I loss my father to cancer 2 years ago, so, I know it can be hard. For what it's worth, even though I'm not around much, if you want someone to talk to, I'll listen.


Stumbled across something you might find useful/interesting, JZ...


SVC rips. Haven't looked them over myself yet... But, maybe these could be used for updating your Zero.  :D


Thanks for the condolences. Moving on... I'll probably get around to Zero much, MUCH later... particularly after CrazyKoopa finishes his since he's realigning everything and given him a few edits and new FX.

Moved this thread for public view cuz why not.

I also have a few more... secret WIPs in addition to Genocyde and Andy updates which I'm not quite ready to just out and reveal unless some of you want to routinely guess them. IRC people, no fair. You get no chance. That's cheating.

Plus I'm kinda nervous making a public WIP thread, anyway. They've usually been bad luck for me.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


You don't have anything to be nervous about. Well if you do, it should be the fact that I'm very picky and that I always expect great things from you.  :sho:

Looks like Diepod is making a lot of progress on Redstreak. You're going to do her too right?  :sho:

Click Here.


Yep, I'll be making Genocyde and Redstreak as well.


Just try to keep things peaceful.



Oh yeah. Could you change Andy's KO voice. It was weird in 2001,2002 that he had a get hit sound for his KO voice.

Click Here.


Yeah, all his voices have been changed to XIII except for Zan'ei Ryuusei-Ken.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


February 06, 2013, 12:15:46 AM #14 Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 12:18:38 AM by Jesuszilla

All of her basics are done. I'll say it again: she has the Hunter chain (VSav style).

Also the only reason I have that horrible Twelve is because I wanted one to beat up on that at least felt complete

Just try to keep things peaceful.