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Diet MegaMan Zero 2

Started by Neon_Tiger, January 16, 2007, 12:42:57 PM

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January 16, 2007, 12:42:57 PM Last Edit: January 16, 2007, 10:48:05 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
Now with Splenda. It's apparently called ZX: Advent.

Edit: Supposedly a Diet Network 2 is also already in the works despite being out for only about a month in Japan.

Edit: Misintpretation by translators, there isn't a Diet Network 2 in the works apparently.


I'm just curious as to what Capcom's gonna try and pull here.  I -don't- want to see Model W again, but the title seems to hint that we might see a biometal for Axl.


Doubt it, Inti Creates pretty much hates Axl, it's possible but,

ad·vent     /ˈædvɛnt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ad-vent] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1.   a coming into place, view, or being; arrival: the advent of the holiday season.
2.   (usually initial capital letter) the coming of Christ into the world.
3.   (initial capital letter) the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas, observed in commemoration of the coming of Christ into the world.
4.   (usually initial capital letter) Second Coming.

Advent pretty much means any dork could come back really, even though Axl starts with A. Honestly, I expect either Model W to return again by some contrived plot device (Prometheus and Pandora) or some other old villan returning following the Second coming idea, and personally I'd hate a Model Σ much more.


I'd like to see less emphasis on the "Live Metals have specific abilities" and more stuff to do with Model ZX itself.  You should've been able to gather specific skills from the bosses you fought as well as the Live Metals.  ZX just felt a bit lacking in the gameplay area.

I'd like to see the return of getting boss weapons, myself.  I haven't seen that in years.  It'd give Model X a damn purpose gameplay-wise.


January 22, 2007, 05:57:48 PM #4 Last Edit: January 22, 2007, 06:08:34 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
Lol Ex-Skills?

Seriously though, I would expect Inti Creates to pound out a virtually identical game with maybe a few new live metals. Model ZX sucked, so they could add in a better version you know, it might still stay that way.


Either Ex-Skills make a comeback (with easier ways to get 'em) or Model ZX just plain gets more moves in particular.  It's kinda difficult playing as a bare-bones version of Zero.  It's why I sorta like playing as OX better, it feels like what ZX should've been after getting all of the abilities.


See the problem with that is they were to that, they might as well have not have ended the Zero series, as it would essentially be the same thing (it's pretty close as is now anyways), so I doubt ZX will get any real upgrades, at best they might give you one of the Rods back.


The problem with that is: They didn't end the Zero series.  Why?  Weil was still alive.  Zero was still alive.  X was still alive.  The Generals were still alive.

Now I'm waiting for Megaman ZX to go to 5 then we can see Megaman ZZ


Uh did you not play 4? Zero was quite clearly dead, Weil turned into Model W, and the Official Zero Works book states the Generals died when Omega blew up at the end of Zero 3 (hence them not being in Zero 4, stupid way to go, but thats what the offical book says). The book also talked about the after math of Zero 4, and Zero never came back, futhermore Neo Arcadia the series main antagonist group was sort of blown up too.  So making a Zero 5 would be so quite silly.

Therefore, we are stuck with this trash downgraded series instead.


What about the Live Metals?  How do we explain their existance other than "Ciel" built them?


It's Capcom, that's the only explination you'll get.

Seriously though, she could have probably built the models using parts from the Zero and the three dead Guardians from Zero 3 (much like Model W is made of parts of Weil-Ragnaraok), and dragged Phantom's conscience out of the Cyber World and programmed it into one. X is a tad more problamatic as he was a Cyber Elf,  Elpizo sort of blew up his body in Zero 2, and he also died at the end of Zero 3. The only reasonable guess is he decided to go hang out with Phantom or something.

An alternative explination, is Ceil just modified Reploid Ressurection to make the Models, Weil was said to be the best at this (see the 4 revived bosses of Zero 3, and all of the Einherjar but Tech Kraken), so she could have just modified Weils' techniques.


Replaced by new protagonists.

Source: RockMan PM

Pandora and Prometheus however had no problems coming back it seems.


February 14, 2007, 09:40:09 AM #12 Last Edit: February 14, 2007, 10:09:20 AM by Fox McCloud
Know what I see in that design?  Axl.  Axl Axl Axl.


February 14, 2007, 01:45:21 PM #13 Last Edit: February 14, 2007, 03:03:19 PM by Fljduhwwh Vprnlqj Pdq
I see a huge gaping plot hole myself, but that's just me. Although Capcom could use this to explain why Axl mysteriously disappeared. It's still a let down they apparently decided to bring back such a lame character. Furthermore the abrupt shift of Protagonists sort of reminds me of MGS2...

There are some more clean scans now:

The only thing of note not in the other scans, is the boss logo appears to be an upside down A, more likely a stylized V (Model V), although an upside down A is also used in programing occasionaly to signify "all".

Another thing that bothers me about Model A, where is Axl's signature orange hair? Model Z got Zero's hair, why didn't Model A get Axl's?


February 14, 2007, 06:54:49 PM #14 Last Edit: February 14, 2007, 06:56:56 PM by イエスジラ
We're never going to see another good Rockman game again, are we? Then again, I never played ZX.

The least they could make a second coming of is the classic characters. I'm sick of all these freakin' characters with designs based on X and Zero. Especially Zero.

Just try to keep things peaceful.