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Diet MegaMan Zero 2

Started by Neon_Tiger, January 16, 2007, 12:42:57 PM

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That would be quite an amazing accomplishment for Capcom seeing how Inti Creates makes the Zero/ZX games.


yeah whats up with inte creates making the games now? i liked the traditional megaman look  with the giant boots and big hands. I mean the Zero games and the ZX games have been nice but i miss classic megaman look and gameplay.. As for the story, the megaman games have never been really story intensive, in fact the only time theyve ever tried to do an intensive story was when they worked zero's origins and mmx5, What i hate is Capcom continuously teases us with bits of information about our favorite characters history and then tell us no more.

but what i can tell all the megeman games seem to end in tragedy (by inference)
its possible zero was created and possibl is responsible for destroying megaman and co at the end of his run
MMX has X sacrificing himself to stop dark elf after defeating sigma
Zero sacrifices himself in the end to stop weil

yeah i know doesnt include battle network or legengs, but as i hear it legends takes place after ZX idk for sure though

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


July 30, 2007, 06:59:06 AM #77 Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 07:00:37 AM by イエスジラ
Indeed, ZX does lead into Legends, which IIRC wasn't even supposed to be canon in the first place, dammit.

Didn't know they had different guys doing the Zero/ZX games. That might explain why they were just as lazily made.

EDIT: I want Mr. Coffee back dammit.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Actually the source book that came out before Zero 2 said Legends was cannon and was like in 54XX or some absurdly high number, I forget the exact details. Doesn't matter cause it still sucks.

BN and Star Force are fortunately in their own fucked up cannon all together which is good cause they all also both suck.


Meh BN was good up to and including 2. 3 and onward was just terrible.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Who are you and what did you do to Jesuszilla?


Dude I've always said that. They weren't awesome or anything but they were decent.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Anyways, Mr. Coffee will probably un-die in the next game now that Model Z is AWOL or someone else will take his place.


Really? So unless they bring it back then X should get the spotlight?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


No, some n00b with a new model will probably. And someone will just gank Model Z.


i really wish capcom would get back to the original mm or a more traditional mmx game (7 and 8 both kinda sucked.... 8 less so but still not that great) they need to drop needing metals to buy stuff or rescuing reploids and just make you find your upgrades like the old days and make it 2d. it doesnt have to be polygons but if they can do it *well* then go for it,

i think the reason we havent seen a real original megaman game in awhile is because capcom thinks they HAVE to make it new and amazing, they dont understand that a traditional 2d sprites based megaman game on any of the new systems would be recieved better than any new gimmicks they could hope to add to it.

Megaman 9, 8 bosses 4 wily stages, no bolt collecting, yes please!

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


That and Forte needs his own game. That's what Rockman and Forte was supposed to be initially.

They could also tell of the events of the cataclysm when Zero killed everyone.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


i know i agree i think they should do mm9 and leave it open for mm10 which is the final story of what happens to mm duo, protoman etc that would be awesome

(my money would be on mmx being made from the remains of mm but idk for sure would be awesome though)

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


No because I believe Light was working on X during the earlier games.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


working on but not finished for all we know all x was missing was a core CPU or personality program /shrug also remember that megaman was already showing the abillity to make his own decisions in X7 where he was about to kill wily

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^