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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Orochi Gill

Quote from: Trinitronity on July 08, 2012, 12:52:08 PM
Quote from: Markpachi on July 08, 2012, 12:47:21 PM
Quote from: Trinitronity on July 08, 2012, 12:40:31 PM
Are you sure? I checked Warusaki's Mediafire folder, and there wasn't a cvsjoe...
My bad, I think it's by Byakko.
Wait, Reubenkee aka Byakko made Warusaki7 styled chars?

Brandy Bogard

Quote[15:26:56] <Ishida-Uryuu> http://soundcloud.com/rekoil/rekoil-fortress-clip
[15:26:58] <Ishida-Uryuu> how mad are you
[15:53:00] <Anjel> wtf Ishida-Uryuu
[15:53:28] <Anjel> sounds like two robots having intercourse to some frozen 70s pornofunk

Brandy Bogard

>my sides when

When fuckin' deadmau5 unfollows you over a shitty "joke"...


July 23, 2012, 06:15:27 PM #1053 Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 01:22:29 AM by Jesuszilla
Quote[18:09] <@Machinaweapon> I had a girlfirend who worded at CvS when I was in school. It was awesome.
[18:09] <@Machinaweapon> Any time I needed something questionable developed I'd pass it off tyo her.
[18:09] <@Machinaweapon> to*
[18:10] <Caddie> I don't understand. Your girlfriend quoted the announcer from CvS2?
[18:10] <@Jesuszilla> dude that is awesome
[18:11] * @Zero-Sennin hits caddie with a nerf bat
[18:12] * @Machinaweapon throws Caddie into a pit of fire and brimstone
[18:13] <@Machinaweapon> And yes, she did quote the CvS2 announcer when I was doing BIG DAMAGE to her anus. But that's a story for another time
[18:14] <Rednavi> ...
[18:14] <@Zero-Sennin> Big brother, you pervert :(
[18:14] <Rednavi> what the fuck did I just read lol
[18:14] * Jesuszilla sets mode: +o Machinaweapon
[18:14] <@Jesuszilla> something too awesome

QuoteKoopaKoot . says
stupid chrome

Jesuszilla イエスジラ says

KoopaKoot . says
that's the last time I click a link of a naked Japanese lady 

Jesuszilla イエスジラ says
I am so posting that somewhere

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard



Just try to keep things peaceful.

Sgt Squirrel

Quote[18:30] <Phanterm> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/48566188/IMAG0066.jpg damn im jelly
[18:30] * Phanterm was kicked by Vlad_Digula (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)
[18:30] * Joins: Phanterm (Karasawa@631b71af.dhcp.dde0cb55.net.hmsk)
[18:30] <Phanterm> what
[18:30] <@DutchFaggot> ...
[18:30] <@DutchFaggot> LOL
[18:30] <Phanterm> why was I kicked
[18:30] <@DutchFaggot> THE FILENAME ENDED WITH 066.JPG
[18:30] * You were kicked by Vlad_Digula (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)


Quote[01:22] <Rednavi> man I got SO MANY SHIT this week, all by just trading
[01:22] <Rednavi> games literally emerged out of nowhere into my library
[01:24] <Rednavi> got offered a tour of duty ticket for my left 4 dead bundle lol
[01:24] <The_Moogineer> Lulz
[01:24] <The_Moogineer> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFT4OgFxfes
[01:29] * Anjel (Anjel@f2d20b45.cust.dea5e993.se.hmsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[01:41] <@Cyanide> so many shit?
[01:41] <@Cyanide> so MUCH shit
[01:41] <@Cyanide> one two many lots
[01:43] <Anjel> lmao
[01:43] <Anjel> so many shit
[01:45] <Rednavi> ok ok I did a mistake, sue me
[01:45] <Rednavi> at least it's better than basara and his "goku is uploading his ki"
[01:45] * @Cyanide sues red for all games and wins
[01:45] <@Jesuszilla> you MADE a mistake
[01:46] <Rednavi> damn it
[01:46] <Rednavi> I'll shut up now lol
[01:46] <Rednavi> see? your teachings don't work, you're a terrible person
[01:46] <@Jesuszilla> They worked for Vans, and they shall work for you and Anjel.
[01:46] <Rednavi> The_Moogineer, http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/3783245
[01:46] <@Cyanide> you got your and you're right there so we must be managing something
[01:46] <Rednavi> no cyanide
[01:47] <@Jesuszilla> Except even Anjel just laughed at your English
[01:47] <Anjel> LOL
[01:47] <@Jesuszilla> How does THAT feel?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote[04:55] <KOD> what happened to the funny
[04:55] <KOD> qotd hasn't had a quote in ages

Brandy Bogard

October 21, 2012, 04:53:47 PM #1059 Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 03:55:35 PM by Brandy Bogard



Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard



Quote[20:35] <Brandy_Bogard> http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md9chd61RE1r3j3w0o1_1280.png
[20:35] <Arpa> Harpo. That one is certainly unique :)
[20:40] <@Insanius> gf is prego
[20:51] <@Machinaweapon> !
[20:51] <@Machinaweapon> Congratulations?


Quotevanilla ice's stand is Firm Anus, capable of traveling through failures! Rank: E

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard

November 17, 2012, 07:33:07 PM #1064 Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 08:56:02 PM by Brandy Bogard
Quote from: Sh1nRa358The date of your dislikes and that of your minor ignorant guild chronies are the same date of this vid's post.
That demographic range of your dislikes are male 18-24. You are 23. You live in New Jersey. You should grow up and find a job.
You are and forever will be a piece of shit. Until then, feel free to like or dislike any video you please. It will create half a point instead of a whole point (like a full like), but it still makes points.

take stick out ass please. thanks.


P.S.: don't bother to make anymore fake youtube accounts. i will know it's not legit with only 2 random unrelated vids in them and with no activity.

That is all.

Quote21:53   ISB|DrSexual_Moocolate   My penis is hard
21:53   ISB|DrSexual_Moocolate   i need to cure it
21:53   FlameHyenard   That's what my purpose is