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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Quote[19:22] <LegendaryXM90> god fucking dammit
[19:22] <LegendaryXM90> I keep seeing my ex at this stupid school like she's Nemesis in RE3
[19:23] <LegendaryXM90> ill be minding my own business and she'll pop out from around the corner and in my head I just hear "STAARSSSS"

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Double SHOCK post

QuoteKoopaKoot . says
You like watching snowmen have sex
it's obvious
first tentacles
now snowmen
Jmorphman . says
wait a second

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Quote[17:29] <@Jesuszilla> [17:28] <Rednavi> FUCK YOUUUUUU BLAHARAHRASHRASDSAKDHASAGH
[17:29] <Rednavi> that was a reply to anjel, come on
[17:30] <Rednavi> you should recognize where that comes from
[17:30] <@Jesuszilla> Brandy_Bogard?
[17:30] <Anjel> Rednavi
[17:30] <@Jesuszilla> that's my only guess, Rednavi
[17:30] <Anjel> do you want a steam game?
[17:30] <Brandy_Bogard> Jesuszilla: ?
[17:31] <Rednavi> It's DmC, Jesuszilla
[17:32] <@Jesuszilla> oh
[17:32] <Rednavi> now that I think about it, that scene is heavily based on brandy
[17:32] <Brandy_Bogard> Rednavi: SHut the fuck up redditnavi

Just try to keep things peaceful.


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February 28, 2013, 04:36:57 PM #1084 Last Edit: February 28, 2013, 04:43:56 PM by Jesuszilla
so Insanius found this today:
ケンタッキーフライドチキン KFC 「DBZ」篇

Quote[16:30] * Zero-Sennin (Zero-Senni@14055a79.6ca5ecc3.75.102.imsk) has joined #TrinityMUGEN
[16:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Zero-Sennin
[16:32] <@Jesuszilla> Zero-Sennin: IKUZO
[16:32] <@Jesuszilla> KENTUCKY
[16:32] <@Jesuszilla> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mn8vR5HGiFs
[16:32] <@Zero-Sennin> ...
[16:32] <@Zero-Sennin> ...
[16:32] <@Zero-Sennin> ... ... ...
[16:32] <@Zero-Sennin> The
[16:32] <@Jesuszilla> KFC
[16:32] <@Zero-Sennin> FUCK?
[16:33] <Rednavi> http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/533013_10151503030478322_404926115_n.jpg
[16:33] <@Zero-Sennin> My question still stands
[16:33] <@Zero-Sennin> eh.
[16:34] * Zero-Sennin is now known as Zero-the-Launderedge
[16:34] <SatouSei> goku kfc
[16:34] <SatouSei> that's racist
[16:34] <SatouSei> he should give it to mr popo
[16:34] <@Zero-the-Launderedge> HA
[16:34] <@Zero-the-Launderedge> HA HA HA
[16:35] <@Zero-the-Launderedge> FUCKING HILARIOUS
[16:35] <@Jesuszilla> LOL
[16:35] <@Jesuszilla> LOL
[16:35] <@Jesuszilla> LOL
[16:35] <@Jesuszilla> LOL
[16:35] <Brandy_Bogard> ;P;
[16:35] <@Jesuszilla> LOL!!!!
[16:35] <Brandy_Bogard> LOL

Just try to keep things peaceful.


QuoteKoopaKoot . says
I don't know what the fuck is going on
once again an obvious woman was mistaken (not mistaken) for a man
a mute girl exploded into green light
weird chick mascot
weird witch girl
random train with soldiers
and spies
need context

E says
lol no
enjoy the acid trip

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Brandy Bogard

Quote from: alex mtl of EvC forums via FSTDT, as the original post was tampered withThe constructal theory of global optimization under local constraints explains in a simple manner the shapes that arise in nature.

I will use my own words to explain my speculation.

droom = Main highway of evolution.
joon = Exit out of the main highway of evolution, for a involutionary direction.
aodeen= Droom and joons altoghether, shape and direction of life in time.
gooje = First form of life perfectly unique.
kool = Combination of goojes.
lasco = Population of same gooje.
greu = Massive gooje potential.

An Aodeen according to "constructal theory" will take a shape and form just like any other creative meaning of the nature: A lightning, a Delta's river, blood vessels, the perfect shape of an egg, the cracks of a land without water, a marathon, statistics etc.

Example: A Lightning will start from a certain point in the sky. One main ramification will follow its way further than all the other ramifications. Sometimes this ramification will strike on land.

The very same way Aodeen started from a certain point in time. Droom
followed its way up to humanity leaving behind Joons and creating new Joons.
Goojes took the direction of Droom and Joons. What we find in Droom today is at most all the Goojes when life was created . It's probable to find the same Gooje in different Joons of the past.

Example. The reason why the skin colour and the nose of 50 cent are more "alike" with a gorilla's than G.W.Bush's skin colour and nose compared with a gorilla is because

- kool X1 took The Droom , then exit the Joon to Gorilla
- kool X2 took The Droom , then exit the Joon to Gorilla2
- kool X3 took The Droom , then exit the Joon to Gorilla3
- kool X4 took The Droom , continued the Droom to 50 Cent
- No other kool X took the Droom to G.W. Bush

Humanity is massive carrier of Goje. Even though G.W Bush does not have Kool X , he has Kool Y found in the chimpanzee. 50 Cent doesn't have Kool Y but what makes Humanity so special to be in Droom is the Greu


What the fuck did I just try to read?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote[19:46] <k00p> heya Jango
[19:52] <@Zero-Sennin> JANGO
[19:52] <@Zero-Sennin> sup
[19:54] <k00p> Jango's not gonna respond till someone white says "hey" D:
[19:54] <Brandy_Bogard> Jango: hey
[19:56] <Jango> Aa~ Gonzaresu
[19:56] <Jango> Ore wa tsuyoi
[19:56] <Jango> Ore ni Kattara
[19:56] <Jango> Shirubana Pointo

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QuoteVictor a.k.a Vans says
Dammit I wish I could stick this thing in Kyo himself

Just try to keep things peaceful.


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QuoteJmorphman . says
" Not really, as posted previously by other, there was a mugen community long before pots, and back then mugen had more variety that it has now, the worse we ever had was the evil characters phase, which was nowhere near as pressuring as the current pots phase is."
E is joking right
KoopaKoot . says
That sounds legit
Jmorphman . says
Who are all these mysterious pots clones
Why haven't I heard of them?
KoopaKoot . says
Pots-1, Pots-2 and PHANTOM

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Shouldn't it be SERVER? cuz last name?

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard

Quote from: gloriashern, found on longplays.org's forumI love to play fighting games,My favorite fighting game is Battlefield 3


Sounds like a 12 year old