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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Just try to keep things peaceful.

Orochi Gill

Totally would actually get me interested. :rpeng:


Quote[18:25] <Rednavi> so
[18:25] <Rednavi> I tried to play receiver yesterday
[18:25] <Rednavi> at 3 am, oh man, that didn't end well, it totally didn't
[18:38] <k00p> Rednavi's an uke : O
[18:43] <Rednavi> a what
[18:44] <k00p> look it up
[18:44] <Rednavi> if that means "man who likes big b00bs" then yes
[18:44] <Rednavi> I'm downloading stuff nigga, you tell me
[18:44] <Vi3trice> You're the submissive one in the gay couple.
[18:44] <k00p> ^
[18:44] <Rednavi> lol
[18:45] <Rednavi> I'm a lesbian trapped in the body of a man

Click Here.

Brandy Bogard

Quote[13:59:25] <Anjel> How did we go from discussing religion to penis size?
[14:00:10] <KODMobile> Anjel: penis, religion, same thing
[14:01:55] <KODMobile> Both of them can fuck you in the ass and make you insecure


QuoteKoopaKoot: It should be like 4kids and say that everyone escaped just in time
[E]: hahaha
[E]: they fixed up the two halves with super glue
KoopaKoot: exactly!

Click Here.


Quote[01:31] <@Rednavi> hey, whenever I need them I just buy them
[01:31] <@Rednavi> they're really cheap in my country
[01:31] <@Cyanide> rednavi has himself as protection, girls see him and don't have sex with him
[01:31] <@Rednavi> and top quality
[01:31] <@Jesuszilla> ...
[01:31] <@Rednavi> shut up Cyanide, go play with your bow or something
[01:31] <@Rednavi> phew phew! biiiiiirrrrds phew phew!
[01:32] <@Cyanide> doesn't sound like that
[01:32] <@Rednavi> that's how YOU sound like
[01:32] <@Rednavi> freaking angry birds killing archer

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard

Quotewhen people use the word "actually" it means they are comparing two thoughts. So you're comparing:

People can get away with using PED
People can't get away with using PED

You also say its "nearly impossible". You didn't say they couldn't therefore you believe you can get away with it. You didn't say "no we don't use steroids". That's a very weak denial you used.

>people can actually become pretty muscular

See you use the word "actually" again. You're comparing two thoughts. You didn't tell us what you are comparing therefore you're withholding information from us. The information you withheld is that there's a limit to how much muscle mass you can put on yourself naturally.


Cena was asked if he used steroids or any other PED on CNN. He said "absolutely not" He uses the word absolutely to strengthen the denial but it in itself indicates weakness. He then becomes defensive instead of offensive because he doesn't wanna lie.

Better learn statement analysis bro and learn how to lie better


Quote[17:17] <OrochiGill> Time for some Animal Fucking
[17:17] <OrochiGill> I mean Animal Crossing

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Orochi Gill

Quote[01:05]   Rednavi   man, I remember when this channel wasn't #AnimalFucking24/7
[01:05]   Jesuszilla   :V
[01:06]   Jesuszilla   Dull days, weren't they?
[01:06]   Jesuszilla   I WAS WHINY AND WHATNOT
[01:06]   |<--   Insanius has left irc.sorcery.net (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by LegendaryBlueShirt)))
[01:06]   -->|   Insanius (Insanius@fc2285fb.pools.aa393787.net.hmsk) has joined #trinitymugen
[01:06]   =-=   Mode #TrinityMUGEN +o Insanius by ChanServ
[01:07]   Rednavi   I liked them more, at least other people talked around here as well
[01:07]   =-=   Insanius was booted from #trinitymugen by Jesuszilla (STOP)
[01:07]   -->|   Insanius (Insanius@fc2285fb.pools.aa393787.net.hmsk) has joined #trinitymugen
[01:07]   =-=   Mode #TrinityMUGEN +o Insanius by ChanServ
[01:07]   Jesuszilla   Rednavi: not my fault if people are being boring
[01:07]   Jesuszilla   :V
[01:08]   Rednavi   Never said it was yours
[01:08]   Rednavi   At least the summer sale it's supposed to be today!
[01:08]   Rednavi   that's good news!
[01:09]   Rednavi   my wallet hurts already
[01:09]   Jesuszilla   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgnYQ0ccrK8
[01:09]   Jesuszilla   don't get steam get New Leaf
[01:09]   Jesuszilla   dasdasls
[01:09]   Jesuszilla   
[01:09]   Rednavi   fuck that
[01:10]   Rednavi   It's like sims but with big headed feral people who can't even have sex
[01:13]   |<--   Insanius has left irc.sorcery.net (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[01:14]   Rednavi   LOL https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/934969_540620915996237_1717355541_n.jpg
[01:14]   Jesuszilla   so...
[01:14]   Rednavi   fucking crow
[01:15]   Jesuszilla   you're saying you want to fuck the villagers...?
[01:15]   Rednavi   no
[01:15]   Rednavi   I say I want to be ABLE to

Brandy Bogard

Quote[13:36:54] <@Anjel> I don't even know what Cunnilingus is.


Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard



Quote[18:32] <@Anjel> also
[18:32] <@Anjel> I went ahead and got a hookah.
[18:32] <Vans> You had sex with a prostitute?
[18:32] <@Anjel> ...
[18:32] <@Anjel> what
[18:33] <Vans> ...Oh
[18:33] <Vans> I didn't know what those things... were
[18:33] <@Anjel> yeah
[18:33] <@Anjel> http://i.imgur.com/RBxCgU9.jpg
[18:33] <@Jesuszilla> LMFAO VANS
[18:34] <@Jesuszilla> YOU THOUGHT
[18:34] <@Jesuszilla> AHAHAHAHA

Just try to keep things peaceful.



Quote[22:00] <OPTheFaggot> I have cards that I put on people's cars who fail at parking
[22:00] <Ebil_Homer> give them a red card
[22:00] <OPTheFaggot> my favorite card is "you park like a fgt"
[22:01] <@Toileking> OPTheFaggot: I need to print more of those
[22:01] <@Toileking> BUT
[22:01] <@Toileking> People at my apartment complex
[22:01] <Ebil_Homer> my favorite was the fake parking ticket I gave this one guy
[22:01] <@Toileking> Can actually PARK
[22:01] <@Toileking> So I don't NEED to
[22:01] <OPTheFaggot> I live in a whole other area of fucking awful parking
[22:01] <Ebil_Homer> after gthe guy saw the ticket
[22:01] <OPTheFaggot> a motor cycle took up two spaces
[22:01] <Ebil_Homer> he went to the parking meter
[22:01] <Ebil_Homer> and smacked it
[22:01] <OPTheFaggot> I kicked it over and walked away
[22:01] <@Toileking> Ebil_Homer: LOL
[22:01] <Ebil_Homer> and got charged
[22:01] <Ebil_Homer> lmao
[22:01] <@Toileking> LOL
[22:01] <@Toileking> LOL
[22:01] <Ebil_Homer> I'm such a terrible person
[22:01] <@Toileking> THAT IS SO EVIL

so ebil

Just try to keep things peaceful.