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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Deleted User

Quote[16:32] * NFBA (p2pcv0r1@4bbcbd18.prna.hsdb.sasknet.1405626d.ca.hmsk) has joined #trinitymugen
[16:33] <NFBA> :3
[16:33] <Vans> NFBA?
[16:33] <Vans> I LOVE YOU
[16:33] <Anjel> HELLO NFBA
[16:33] <NFBA> THNX
[16:33] <Anjel> EH
[16:33] <Anjel> I think not.
[16:33] <Anjel> Maybe for online playing.
[16:33] <Vans> i think you should just stfu imo
[16:33] <Anjel> imo imo imo imo imo imo imo imo imo imo imo
[16:33] <NFBA> :D
[16:33] * Anjel is now known as Kawaks
[16:34] <NFBA> I think you should just shut the fuck up in my opinion
[16:34] <Vans> best emu for deving
[16:34] <Giygas> kawaks is a sexy girl and nfba is a dirty old whore
[16:34] <Kawaks> Indeed.
[16:34] <Giygas> amirite?
[16:34] <NFBA> NO
[16:34] <Kawaks> I'm a sexy girl!
[16:34] <bernchan> nfba adds one extra frame of input lag with sound enabled
[16:34] <bernchan> diss
[16:34] <Vans> LOL
[16:34] <Vans> SERIOUSLY?
[16:34] <Vans> well
[16:34] <Vans> kawaks adds THREE
[16:34] <Vans> that's retarded
[16:34] <Kawaks> look my face look my boobs
[16:35] <NFBA> Kawaks' tits sag to her knees
[16:35] <NFBA> but she has a cute face
[16:35] <bernchan> it seems to eb related to the direct input code
[16:35] * Kawaks shoves her chest into Vans' face
[16:36] <NFBA> 1048: Event ACTION, origin: Kawaks!Daniel_Anj@4a55e68a.tbcn.dea5ea3e.com.hmsk, params: 1 [shoves her chest into Vans' face]
[16:36] * |Kamekaze| (kvirc@d2971457.dhcp.bycy.mi.4e125616.com.hmsk) has joined #trinitymugen
[16:36] <Kawaks> lol
[16:36] <Kawaks> Someone should be mame.
[16:36] <Kawaks> And said person should suck.
[16:36] <Kawaks> THERIO
[16:37] <Kawaks> Change your nick
[16:37] * Vans is now known as ZSNES
[16:37] <ZSNES> sup BITCHES
[16:37] <NFBA> OHSHI-
[16:37] <Kawaks> aw crap
[16:38] <NFBA> so what's goin on my fellow emus !
[16:38] <Kawaks> My creators are lazy, they never update me.
[16:38] <NFBA> mine too
[16:38] <NFBA> :'(
[16:38] * Giygas is now known as Gens
[16:38] <NFBA> mostly because I AM PERFECT
[16:38] <Gens> BRING IT ZSNES
[16:39] <Gens> GENESIS DOES
[16:39] <Gens> GENESIS DOES
[16:39] <Gens> GENESIS
[16:39] <Gens> DOES
[16:39] <Gens> what nintendon't
[16:39] <ZSNES> lol gens
[16:39] <ZSNES> you make me laugh
[16:39] <ZSNES> with your broken netcode
[16:39] <NFBA> HAHA n00b
[16:39] <Gens> ;_;
[16:40] <|Kamekaze|> real men use kgen98
[16:40] <NFBA> I dont see men, just emulators
[16:40] * Gens is now known as MUGEN
[16:40] * NullDC (Mibbit@4a55e68a.tbcn.dea5ea3e.com.hmsk) has joined #trinitymugen
[16:40] <MUGEN> shit
[16:41] <Kawaks> LOL MUGEN
[16:41] <ZSNES> dude
[16:41] <ZSNES> muge
[16:41] <ZSNES> n
[16:41] <NFBA> muge
[16:41] <NFBA> n
[16:41] * ZSNES is now known as ShugenFU
[16:41] <ShugenFU> I SUCK
[16:41] <Kawaks> OH GOD THAT'S EVEN WORSE
[16:41] * MUGEN is now known as xnaMUGEN
[16:41] <xnaMUGEN> I RAWK
[16:41] <xnaMUGEN> well I'm going to rawk
[16:41] <xnaMUGEN> BUT STILL
[16:41] * Kawaks is now known as PS3
[16:41] <PS3> Hello.
[16:41] <|Kamekaze|> Oh hey
[16:41] <NFBA> hi there PS3
[16:41] <|Kamekaze|> aw crap
[16:41] <xnaMUGEN> you're too expensive you whore
[16:41] <ShugenFU> aw damn is that sum pstriple
[16:41] <xnaMUGEN> get out
[16:42] <|Kamekaze|> hey ps3
[16:42] * ShugenFU is now known as Dreamcast
[16:42] <|Kamekaze|> im playing BB
[16:42] <|Kamekaze|> on you
[16:42] <NFBA> hi Dreamcast
[16:42] <Dreamcast> you all want to be like me
[16:42] <xnaMUGEN> dreamcast wins
[16:42] <PS3> Pfft single cores
[16:42] <NFBA> i'm going to be able to emulate your games someday :3
[16:42] * xnaMUGEN is now known as Atari_2600
[16:42] <Atari_2600> CLASSIC, BITCHES
[16:42] <|Kamekaze|> i fail
[16:42] * PS3 throws a core on Atari_2600
[16:42] <PS3> FIX IT
[16:42] <|Kamekaze|> i dont know how to change my name
[16:43] <NFBA> 1048: Event ACTION, origin: PS3!Daniel_Anj@4a55e68a.tbcn.dea5ea3e.com.hmsk, params: 1 [throws a core on Atari_2600]
[16:43] <Atari_2600> use /nick
[16:43] * Dreamcast is now known as M_Odyssey
[16:43] <M_Odyssey> I WAS FIRST
[16:43] <Atari_2600> fuck no
[16:43] * |Kamekaze| is now known as Visual
[16:43] <Atari_2600> YOU WERE RETARDED
[16:43] * Visual is now known as VisualBoy
[16:43] <NFBA> dont you mean virtualboy
[16:43] <VisualBoy> Oh hey
[16:43] <VisualBoy> no
[16:43] <M_Odyssey> hey I'm more fun than your jaguar child/grandson whatever
[16:43] <VisualBoy> im the crapy one
[16:43] <Atari_2600> AT LEAST TEMPEST 2000 WAS FUN
[16:43] <VisualBoy> OH SHI THE ODYSSEY
[16:44] <Atari_2600> but the jaguar cd made me rofl yes
[16:44] <PS3> JAGUAR
[16:44] <PS3> *Red screen of death*
[16:44] * M_Odyssey is now known as Crashof1983
[16:44] * Crashof1983 sets mode: +b *!*@dbed7120.adsl.fd9677fd.nl.hmsk
* Timer 1 activated
* Timer 1 halted
[16:45] * Atari_2600 was kicked by Crashof1983 (DIE)

Sgt Squirrel

Quote[18:41] <Ishida|Sleep> is it me
[18:42] <Ishida|Sleep> or has MC2 commented on like every mugen video ever made
[18:42] <Giygas> I have the same feeling some times
[18:44] <UHMEEEEBA> I noticed that.
[18:44] <Anjel> Indeed.
[18:44] <UHMEEEEBA> He didn't comment on some of my old ones so I think he only started awhile back though.
[18:44] <Ishida|Sleep> like, the second you post a new video
[18:44] <Ishida|Sleep> he's the first damn response
[18:44] <UHMEEEEBA> Or in the first day at least.
[18:44] <Ishida|Sleep> and he has a full analysis of everything in your vid down packed
[18:45] <UHMEEEEBA> Or at least a full analysis on part of the video.
[18:46] <UHMEEEEBA> I think he's a robot.
[18:46] <Ishida|Sleep> lol
[18:46] <Ishida|Sleep> he still needs to come here
[18:46] <Ishida|Sleep> i only seen him here once but i missed him
[18:46] <Ishida|Sleep> he's a kewl bro :(
[18:47] <UHMEEEEBA> But he's friends with LuigiMaster though.
[18:47] <Ishida|Sleep> ................GOD DAMMIT WHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
[18:48] <Ishida|Sleep> cool bro status REVOKED
[18:49] <Insanius> What
[18:49] <Insanius> He's always wrong how is that a full analysis
[18:49] <Insanius> In my experience anyway
[18:49] <UHMEEEEBA> He didn't say it was a good one.
[18:49] <Insanius> Fair enough
[18:49] <UHMEEEEBA> In my case it's usually bland praise.
[18:49] <Ishida|Sleep> :p


July 02, 2009, 02:23:45 PM #437 Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 03:16:00 PM by MC2

Thing is, when I highlight one part of a video for a comment it seems to give people the impression that I didn't watch the whole thing.


Quote<Ishida|Coding> O_o
<Ishida|Coding> what the fuck did this guy do to slot machine
<Ishida|Coding> http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3459/slotmachmarioult.jpg
<@UHMEEEEBA> Ishida do you think I'm fucking stupid?
<@UHMEEEEBA> You've never mentioned Slot Machine before.
<@[Kira]> LOL
<@UHMEEEEBA> AND you tried this exact same stunt before.
<@[Kira]> MORON
<@UHMEEEEBA> My god.
<@UHMEEEEBA> I'm insulted.
<Ishida|Coding> lol i dont remember
<Ishida|Coding> you know what
<Ishida|Coding> you're an invisible gay robot
<Ishida|Coding> glass wall dumass
<Ishida|Coding> oh now i remember
<Ishida|Coding> the first was for that TF2 double jumper comic
<@[Kira]> ?
<@UHMEEEEBA> 23:53] <Ishida-Uryuu> Neon
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:53] <Ishida-Uryuu> did you ever address this in slot machine?
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:54] <@[Kira]> Neon.
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:54] <Ishida-Uryuu> http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/1994/weirdslotmachinekb7.jpg
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:54] <@[Kira]> I'm not TMF.
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:54] <Ishida-Uryuu> you gotta fix that Neon
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:54] <@UHMEEEEBA> The hell, you didn't even know I released Slot Machine.
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:54] <Linc_Osiris> lol
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:54] <@[Kira]> WELL ISHIDA
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <Ishida-Uryuu> WHAT
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <@UHMEEEEBA> [22:53] <@Vans> Do you plan to update Slot Machine soon?
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <@UHMEEEEBA> [22:53] <@[Kira]> Somehow I doubt it
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <@UHMEEEEBA> [22:53] <Ishida-Uryuu> lol he was released?
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <@UHMEEEEBA> [22:53] <@[Kira]> uh yes
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <@UHMEEEEBA> [22:53] <@[Kira]> years ago
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <@UHMEEEEBA> [22:53] <Ishida-Uryuu> lmao
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <@UHMEEEEBA> [22:53] <Ishida-Uryuu> such a forgotten char
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <Ishida-Uryuu> :|
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <Ishida-Uryuu> :|
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <Ishida-Uryuu> :|
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <Ishida-Uryuu> :|
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <Ishida-Uryuu> :|
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <@Vans> you don't do that
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:55] <@[Kira]> Because he might have clicked the ED link until you ruined that little moment.
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:56] <Ishida-Uryuu> he's neon
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:56] <@UHMEEEEBA> Heh I didn't even click his image yet, but I knew something was fishy.
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:56] <Ishida-Uryuu> he's never gonna click an ED link if you put a few million dollars on his desk
<@UHMEEEEBA> [23:56] <@UHMEEEEBA> Only a few people have reported bugs on Slot Machine,

If you don't learn from your mistakes you are doomed to repeat them.


fu, n

Quote<@UHMEEEEBA> Seriously though if it's only a palfx and an explod you are being pretty lazy.
<Ishida-Uryuu> and BAWWWWWW a hitspark and BAAAAAWWWW a sound
<Anjel> Yeah.
<Ishida-Uryuu> i can understand orochi shermie mode
<Ishida-Uryuu> but this is ridiculous
<Anjel> argh
<Kung_Fu_Man> Anjel, use this: ????????
<Anjel> ????????
<Ishida-Uryuu> ????????
<Anjel> thanks
<@UHMEEEEBA> ????????
<Kung_Fu_Man> bleh
<Anjel> ????????
<@Karasawa> ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
<Kung_Fu_Man> The Japanese for "Niggah Please" does not show up on mIRC
<Anjel> fail
<Ishida-Uryuu> lol
<Anjel> lol
* Kung_Fu_Man was kicked by UHMEEEEBA (Kung_Fu_Man)

~*The Last Quincy*~
~ Sig by [TempesT]


Quote from: LuigiMasterdoes the fact that i have a small penis have anything to do with my lack of fighting game skill?


Nonexistent is not the same thing as small.

Tyrannosaurus Reich

from YouChew

Quote from: Noob_SickweirdoOh jeezus.. I recently tuned in to CN yesterday due to the fact I was at a hotel and had cable. I was mortified. I cried for a few minutes and eventualy ran out of the room to watch some fireworks, upon my return [adult swim] was on and that soothed me.. but just a little.


Quote<Anjel> oops got to fags
* Anjel has quit IRC
<KOD> ...
<KOD> what
* Anjelc has joined #trinitymugen
<Anjelc> *got to go, fags.
* Anjelc has quit IRC (Client Quit)

Brandy Bogard

Quote[19:04] <temp|away> anal boobs LOL
[19:04] <Anjel> u gay
[19:04] <temp|away> u is
[19:04] bernchan [Mibbit@f38a47e0.prod-infinitum.6ca6b00c.mx.hmsk] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[19:04] <Anjel> great
[19:04] <Anjel> You made E quit
[19:04] <Ishida-Uryuu> And?
[19:05] <Anjel> I don't think E is annoying.
[19:05] <Anjel> He's cool.ยจ
[19:05] <temp|away> who said E was annoying/
[19:05] <Anjel> you
[19:05] <temp|away> when?
[19:05] <Ishida-Uryuu> IMO he's quite annoying
[19:05] <Anjel> See
[19:05] <temp|away> I didnt say it though
[19:05] <temp|away> he did
[19:06] <Ishida-Uryuu> yeah Anjel you're stupid
[19:06] <Anjel> Yeah, I know.
[19:06] <Ishida-Uryuu> tempest never said anything but you say she did when it was me
[19:06] <hehman> we're all stupid
[19:06] <Ishida-Uryuu> who the balls are you
[19:06] <Anjel> also Ishida
[19:06] <temp|away> THE BALLS

Tyrannosaurus Reich

QuoteTyrannosaurusReich: this should be on weather channel
TyrannosaurusReich: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEvl2XWuSaY&NR=1
DR. ZARKOV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLiPISVAwek
Viral [fag]: thats some funky beats yo
DR. ZARKOV: Like, when a tornado takes out a city or something
TyrannosaurusReich: perfect


[02:12] <@Karasawa> I demand sex, and must find a suitable female for said practice
[02:12] *** Cyanide (sighanide@559caff8.cable.35c8c17.net.hmsk) joined
[02:12] <@Karasawa> You'll do
[02:12] <@Karasawa> COME
[02:13] <Cyanide> whut?
[02:13] <@Karasawa> Come with us. Your destiny and mine are intertwined
[02:13] <@Karasawa> I fear I am already gone
[02:13] <Ishida-Uryuu> LOL
[02:13] <@Karasawa> Here.
[02:13] <Ishida-Uryuu> LMFAO
[02:13] <@Karasawa> Take the amulet of kings
[02:13] * Karasawa dies


Quote[10:43] <bebop> I had the weirdest dream just now guys.
[10:44] <bebop> It was the second episode of Jackie Chan adventures

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote<@Forte> anjel I will fuck your ass.
<@Forte> hard.
<@Machinaweapon> ...
<Anjel> sorry
<Anjel> I'm straight.

Sgt Squirrel

July 24, 2009, 11:11:36 AM #449 Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 12:03:14 PM by Torgo
Quote[18:09] <Mgbenz> Quick! Link me to something cute, funny or heartwarming!
[18:09] <Therio> LOL CENSORED
[18:09] <Mgbenz> No not goatse!!!!
[18:09] <Mgbenz> X(\