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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Quote from: MSN MessengerHisui is MOE. says: Excellent I found a new Doujin I don't have.
Model W Serpent says: Those are going to be your undoing one day you know.
Hisui is MOE. says: You got me on MSN, what did you think I was going to talk about once I got here?
Model W Serpent says: House releated matters.
Hisui is MOE. says: You're communist public relations, which seems contradictory. We're lucky I won the position for finance instead of you.
Model W Serpent says: You're going to blow the budget on Type Moon memorobilla.
Hisui is MOE. says: Not ALL of it...
Model W Serpent says: ... I'm so quote of the day'ing this.
Hisui is MOE. says: Quote of the day?

Posted on: July 17, 2006, 02:00:50 PM
The stupidity continues!

QuoteHisui is MOE. says: See I can spam smileys too now.
Model W Serpent says: O RLY?
Hisui is MOE. says: YA RLY?
Model W Serpent says: Why are you questioning yourself?
Hisui is MOE. says: Didn't you know this has become a game of questions only?
Model W Serpent says: Who the fuck came up with that idea?
Hisui is MOE. says: Would you believe a man from college?
Model W Serpent says: What's his name?
Hisui is MOE. says: ... goddamnit.
Model W Serpent says: Did you know you spelt that wrong?
Hisui is MOE. says: GAME OVER.
Model W Serpent says: Why?
Hisui is MOE. says: Because.
Model W Serpent says: O RLY?
Hisui is MOE. says: We aren't starting this cycle all over, sorry.


Quote[00:07] <Neon_Tiger> Hisui is MOE. says:
[00:07] <Neon_Tiger> Oh and before you ask I don't do anything nasty with the towel.
[00:07] <Neon_Tiger> Model W Serpent says:
[00:07] <Neon_Tiger> ... how did you... ?
[00:07] <Neon_Tiger> Hisui is MOE. says:
[00:07] <Neon_Tiger> You're so predictable.
[00:07] <Neon_Tiger> Hisui is MOE. says:
[00:07] <Neon_Tiger> Like the fact I bet you're going to make a ToadMan stage in Powered Up next.
[00:07] <Neon_Tiger> Model W Serpent says:
[00:07] <Neon_Tiger> ... I'm THAT predictable?!
[00:07] <Neon_Tiger> Hisui is MOE. says:
[00:08] <Neon_Tiger> Yes.
[00:08] <Jesuszilla> LOL
[00:08] <Jesuszilla> QOTD
[00:08] <Jesuszilla> PREDICTABO!

Posted on: July 20, 2006, 12:08:55 AM
Quote[17:38] * Now talking in #randomselect
[17:38] * Topic is 'Today's Top Stories: Wikipedia: Home of the Anal Retentive | if i was superman i would fuck you all up you assholes. | QUIT MUGEN AND LET'S ALL PLAY TOUHOU! (shrinmaiden shooter games) @ www.shrinemaiden.com'
[17:38] * Set by Kung_Fu_Man on Fri Jul 21 08:03:23
[17:38] <JJWE> I hate falling asleep in front of the tv.
[17:38] <Jesuszilla> Yo.
[17:38] <Caddie> But now it's wobbly and ineffective all over. You could still play with it, but it'd be really hard.
[17:38] <Jesuszilla> .... WHAT?!?!?
[17:39] <Caddie> Lol it doesn't sound like I'm talking about a controller, does it?
[17:39] <Jesuszilla> Not at all.
[17:39] <Caddie> I'm saving that.
[17:39] <Jesuszilla> QOTD

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Festivus yes! Bagels no!

Quote from: MSNModel W Serpent says:
So, how about the Festivus thing?
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
I doubt we can get the campus behind an event where the ending will involve someone kicking the hosts (that would be you right?) ass.
Model W Serpent says:
And event where they TRY to kick my ass. Sometimes the Feats of Strength is changed to other less dangerous activities, so that's a moot point.
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
Even so, I doubt the floor would be willing to give their money to the cause, you'd have to pay for it.
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
And even then I CAN'T guarentee it will go off with Campus staff.
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
The only december holiday celebrations they seem to allow are Christmas and Hanukkah. Kwanzaa still has trouble getting permission for events, I don't see "Festivus" being able to get one.
Model W Serpent says:
Then it's discrimination for my be... err, lack in beliefs!
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
Well I'll see if I can force a vote on the issue. You have mine, as I would enjoy kicking your ass.
Model W Serpent says:
You forget, the host CHOOSES his opponent, and you can only refuse if you have something better to do.
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
What a weird fake holiday...

Posted on: July 25, 2006, 12:11:59 AM
Warning, the following may kill your soul on the inside.

Quote from: MSNModel W Serpent says:
Oh, by the way Jesuszilla accuses your "gunk" of being responsible for the destruction of the washers and driers.
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
You do realize that you are like the only person on campus that DOESN'T Masturbate right?
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
And thus if anything your lack of gunk in your laundry confused the hell out of the machines.
Model W Serpent says:
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
Model W Serpent says:


Quote[22:51] <Neon_Tiger> Am I the only one who posts in the quote topic anymore?
[22:51] <Jesuszilla> No.
[22:51] <Jesuszilla> We just haven't had good quotes to post recently.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: #badassSTUFF<Kung_Fu_Man> Offer free beer.
<Jesuszilla> But Neon doesn't drink.
<Jesuszilla> Wait..
<Jesuszilla> You know who we need?
<Jesuszilla> Type Moon Fan
<Neon_Tiger> He doesn't want anything to do with anything remotely related to Mugen.
<Neon_Tiger> Believe me I tried already.
<Jesuszilla> Well fuck.
<Neon_Tiger> I was going to make him the fake mod of Spam.
<Jesuszilla> lol


Quote from: MSNCiel is a Meganekko. says:
I issue you a challenge.
Model W Serpent says:
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
I want to see you create a Powered Up stage that isn't a bastardized version of a stage from another game.
Model W Serpent says:
I'm a MUGEN converter, that's next to impossible.
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
No it isn't, make it about something you like... which in your case I guess all you have left is Math. So make a level inspired by Math.
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
Or rather, try, as you will fail because you can't do anything without bastardizing outside sources.
Model W Serpent says:
I accept your challenge, and I will succeed at creating a Math based stage. And I'll throw in Trig, as I know how much you hate that.
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
Radian measure?
Model W Serpent says:
Ciel is a Meganekko. says:
You suck.


Quote[23:01] <Vans> HUM HA HUM HA HUM HA HUM HA, CHARGIN~!
[23:01] <Vans> ARE U OKAY?
[23:01] <Vans> *SHINE*
[23:01] <Vans> GET UP HERE, ONE MORE..........
[23:01] <Neon_Tiger> Has everyone in this channel lost it but me?
[23:01] <Vans> GO BANG!
[23:02] <Jesuszilla> I think so.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: MSNModel W Serpent says:
ſSnakes on a Plane
Kohaku is demented. says:
The integral of Snakes on a Plane? Well treating it as a variable, it would be (Snakes on a plane)2/2 + C
Model W Serpent says:
No stupid, Snakes on a plane
Kohaku is demented. says:

Posted on: August 02, 2006, 11:05:02 PM
In response to TMF's Math Stage challenge:

Quote from: MSNModel W Serpent says:
Kohaku is demented. says:
The hell?
Kohaku is demented. says:
You ACTUALLY did it?
Kohaku is demented. says:
How the hell I am I suppose to get across the Drop Lift AND read that Trig function?
Model W Serpent says:
Die a few times.
Kohaku is demented. says:
... and where are the retry flags?
Model W Serpent says:
What retry flags?
Kohaku is demented. says:
... that's just mean.
Model W Serpent says:
That's the point.
Kohaku is demented. says:
Geez, I figured I'd end up be the sadistic one first, not you.

Posted on: August 03, 2006, 11:55:15 PM
Quote from: MSNModel W Serpent said:
Kohaku is demented. said:
... what?
Model W Serpent said:
Plastic cubes filled with Distilled water.
Kohaku is demented. said:
Sounds unnatural, I wouldn't use them.
Model W Serpent said:
And Hentai is natural?
Model W Serpent said:
Kohaku is demented. said:
... you're going to post this in that stupid quote topic aren't you?
Model W Serpent said:


Quote[19:46] <Vans> Seed are GOOD.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: MSNKohaku is demented. says:
Sup bitch.
Shao Kahn says:
I'm putting the finishing touches on a sequel to the QuickMan-esque stage, and a few remakes.
Kohaku is demented. says:
Let me guess, ToadMan, and because you want to try something different something from the X Series.
Shao Kahn says:
Shao Kahn says:
But you forgot the TopMan one.
Shao Kahn says:
Kohaku is demented. says:
You'll also use parts from the gameboy version of TopMan's stage for that then.
Shao Kahn says:
Well... it was a short stage otherwise...

Posted on: August 16, 2006, 11:36:04 PM
Quote from: MSNKohaku is demented. says:
So how goes the sequel to the stupid "IKBOD" stage?
Shao Kahn says:
It's done just waiting to release it.
Kohaku is demented. says:
Why now?
Shao Kahn says:
Because you touch yourself at night.
Kohaku is demented. says:
Oh, wow, that is so original, I've never heard of that before.
Shao Kahn says:
I still need to test the TimeMan section of the stage.
Kohaku is demented. says:
Well get to it! How hard is it to make a stage that spams Fire Blocks and has you at one health?!
Shao Kahn says:
About a 100 using a sclerometer.
Kohaku is demented. says:
... what are you talking about?
Shao Kahn says:
You asked how hard it was, so I gave you a measurement.
Kohaku is demented. says:
Shao Kahn says:


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: #badassSTUFF<Jesuszilla> Mainly because mulambo is overrated himself and I hate his fucking guts.
<Jesuszilla> I'd honestly rather rape Talbain than mulambo.
<Neon_Tiger> Why would you want to rape either?
<Jesuszilla> Only in the case to say "You my bitch now."
* Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (Auto kick 1[4 You my bitch now. 1])
* Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
* Jesuszilla changes topic to 'Tu mi puto ahora.'
* Retrieving #badassSTUFF modes...
* Neon_Tiger changes topic to 'Don't make me bring back topic lock.'
<Jesuszilla> .\/.
<Vans> Actually.
<Vans> No one makes you, you think for yourself "Let's Topic Lock" and you lock it.
<Vans> :D
<Jesuszilla> He's gonna do that if you don't shut up.
<Jesuszilla> And I think he will.
<Vans> Yep..
<Jesuszilla> But Neon, to REALLY answer your question, I guess I was a little sick when I was going to torture. Does that make me gay, or is it just situational sex?
<Jesuszilla> Great, now you made me question my sexuality.
<Vans> Wow, that question is fucked up.
<Jesuszilla> I'd rather not think about it.
<Vans> And i need a PSP to test that Math Woods stage.
<Neon_Tiger> This is too rich, not to post in Quote of the day.
<Jesuszilla> Fuck you.
<Vans> LOL


August 20, 2006, 01:39:15 AM #57 Last Edit: August 20, 2006, 02:13:52 AM by Mr. Coffee
I fucking love the shit that's in my SPAM box:

QuoteThe choice is better when the assortment is wider.
to me
    More options     11:06 pm (2 hours ago)
When my girlfr1end broke up with me I had a goal to prove to her that she'$
not the one and ]0ts of other girls $pin around me all the t1me.
Unf0rtunately, I had n0 luck at the beginning.
But after trying U1tra Allure Pher0mones I sh0wed her how many girlfr1ends @re after me.
I @]so managed to get her b@ck, but wh0 needs her 1f I can have @ny girl I want now?

S0uth Dakota

. . .

QuoteJapanese Korean
<ggzasijzax@dgadetectives.com> to me
    More options     3:48 pm (0 minutes ago)
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... The fuck?
I saw no links, one image attachment that said something about stocks. The message had nothing to do whatsoever with the attachment.

In addition, a classic that I never posted:
Quote from: #BadassSTUFF[02:11] <Vans> [01:41] <Vans> A Chimp?
[02:11] <Vans> [01:42] <Vans> NOO
[02:11] <Vans> [01:42] <Vans> I WANT AI

Just try to keep things peaceful.


[spoiler=Mortal Kombat Armageddon Endings]Kohaku is demented. says:
Fwhahaha, I am already moved in and you can't till Monday so neener neener neener.
Kohaku is demented. says:
Oh Shang Tsung turns Shao Kahn into a Centaur in MKA.
Shao Kahn says:
Kohaku is demented. says:
SubZero also becomes a god, and Scorpion's son wasn't dead this whole time.
Kohaku is demented. says:
And finally, Snape kills Dumbledore.[/spoiler]


August 27, 2006, 01:49:31 AM #59 Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 01:54:39 AM by Mr. Coffee
[spoiler=WARNING: Huge fucking quote.][00:47] <Jesuszilla> [00:47] -nenolod- [global notice] Good morning everybody. We're going to be holding a 'class' for users to demonstrate new features from our recent upgrades at 0600 UTC. (15 minutes from now or so.) The class will occur in #opschool, and will feature a Q&A session. Hope to see you there.
[00:47] <Jesuszilla> Dare me to go there and jack around?
[00:48] <Vans> LOL
[00:48] <Vans> You won't.
[00:48] <Jesuszilla> You don't tell Zilla that shit. Ever.
[00:48] <Jesuszilla> I'm gonna.
[00:48] <Vans> CLSN'ed
[00:48] <Vans> Jump Start.
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:48] <nenolod> sxurxn: perhaps
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:48] * Erniee has joined #opschool
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:48] * sxurxn is now known as sauron
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:48] * Nonick-42150 has joined #opschool
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] <Nonick-42150> I am a server
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] <bluefox83> this channel is going to get very crouded soon :X
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] * Jenneane has joined #opschool
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] * Kulan has joined #opschool
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] * Dragoshi has joined #opschool
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] * Aridrith has left #opschool
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] <Nonick-42150> Do you know the way to San Jose?
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] <Sage|GSC> Get? I think it's long past 'getting' crowded
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] * Tracey has joined #opschool
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] <Tagert> Welcome to #opschool!
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] * Pyro|animate has left #opschool
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] * Scott_Gibson has joined #opschool
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> [00:49] <Nonick-42150> oh FUCK
[00:50] <Vans> LOL
[00:51] <Jesuszilla> [00:50] * Pyro|animate has joined #opschool
[00:51] <Jesuszilla> [00:50] * Aliyea has joined #opschool
[00:51] <Jesuszilla> [00:50] * Jerec has joined #opschool
[00:51] <Jesuszilla> [00:50] <Gujin_Hisaki> Snack times is ALSO IMPORTANT
[00:51] <Jesuszilla> [00:50] <Jesuszilla> AW CRAP
[00:51] <Jesuszilla> [00:50] <Jesuszilla> I got my penis stuck in the window again.
[00:51] <Jesuszilla> [00:50] <zzzzzzz> guys get OFF me
[00:51] <Vans> LOL
[00:51] <Jesuszilla> [00:51] <Karram> Jesuszilla best...nick...ever
[00:51] <Jesuszilla> WHoa
[00:51] <Jesuszilla> [00:51] <Sage|GSC> a bunch of doofuses, a couple intelligent folks
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:51] <Dragoshi> How terrible is it?
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:51] <Jesuszilla> Terrible like....
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:51] * Badger_N has joined #opschool
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:51] * Tracey sits next to Immortalia.
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:51] <Scott_Gibson> Bad from my point of view.
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:52] * Silverlune has joined #opschool
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:52] <Zamiel> and the antisocial kid in the back..or in this case, at the bottom of the list
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:52] <Tracey> Sup eh?
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:52] * Malygris has joined #opschool
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:52] <Jesuszilla> Your mom was in bed last night.
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:52] * Isserex has left #opschool
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:52] <Jesuszilla> Yeah.
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:52] * Adagio has joined #opschool
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:52] <gay> guys how do I take over a channel
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> [00:52] <Jesuszilla> THAT terrible.
[00:53] <Vans> Say HOW DO I SHOT WEB
[00:53] <Vans> CLSN'ed
[00:53] <Vans> Jump Start.
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Jesuszilla> I hate this new server, personally. More ping-outs than EVER.
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Immortalia> either that..or they're trying to get our gold and epics.....
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <SeventotheSeven> oa.O
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Zamiel> sorry Wheat
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <nenolod> we're holding it now because it's good for everyone around the world
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] * drdanjc has joined #opschool
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] * drdanjc is now known as fuck
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] * Kalari lols at the thought of an Op School..
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Drathari|RnD> The Spanish Inquisition!!  RUN
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] * wHeAt_HeAd slaps Zamiel around a bit with a large trout
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Gujin_Hisaki> He's got a question mark FOR YOU
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <toor> Jesuszilla, which one
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Immortalia> it's ok neno..it was a joke:)
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] * Silverlune smooshes Kal~
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <SeventotheSeven> so good for everyone
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Dragoshi> NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Tagert> Jesuszilla: That's not a server issue. That's a 'your-connection-sucks' issue :P
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] * Aliyea grabs up the ppl she knows and tells them to shhhhhhh
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <SeventotheSeven> that it's 2 in the morning...
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Jesuszilla> Not my connection.
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] * Emy has joined #opschool
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Jesuszilla> Other users.
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Kalari> ...we be A+ students... :D
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Sage|GSC> Not really. There HAVE been an absurd amount of pingouts
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Badger_N> lol Tagert
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] * fuck is now known as owned
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] * Karina has joined #opschool
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:53] <Jesuszilla> This has never happened until now.
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:54] <Sage|GSC> make.. the stupid.. stop
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:54] <Dragoshi> Saxaphones?! Onoze!
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:54] <owned> I want to learn this new op stuff
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:54] <Gujin_Hisaki> Saxaphones of PAIN
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:54] <Jesuszilla> I have one question:
[00:54] <Jesuszilla> [00:54] <Jesuszilla> HOW DO I SHOT WEB
[00:54] <Vans> ...
[00:54] <Vans> That chat is pretty cool..
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] <Jesuszilla> FELICIA OOH ME LIKE ME HUMP
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] <Sage|GSC> CONNNNDiment King!
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] <Kovo> Luneh! :)
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] <SeventotheSeven> For Aeiur!
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] <Gujin_Hisaki> BUY STOCK
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] <Karram> click. Doomsday
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] * Hunter^ has joined #opschool
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] * _Lobo_ has joined #opschool
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] <Immortalia> why does this remind me of a brood room run......
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] <Dragoshi> FOURTY-TWO
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] <CondimentKing> so uh
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] <CondimentKing> I was wondering
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] * Lana` has joined #opschool
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:55] <CondimentKing> how do you do laundry
[00:56] <Jesuszilla> [00:56] <Felicia_Faerune> o.O
[00:56] <Vans> ...
[00:56] <Vans> I JOINED
[00:56] <Vans> LOL
[00:57] <Vans> [00:57] <Tagert> Okay people.
[00:57] <Vans> XD
[00:58] <Jesuszilla> [00:57] <nenolod> ok. class begins now. :)
[00:58] <Jesuszilla> [00:57] <Jesuszilla> GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
[00:58] <Jesuszilla> [00:57] <egypt> phew.
[00:58] <Jesuszilla> #opschool Cannot send to channel
[00:58] <Vans> LOL
[00:58] <Jesuszilla> ))
[00:58] <Jesuszilla> [00:58] <Tagert> The new software we're running is called Charybdis.
[00:59] <Jesuszilla> CHARYBDIS OH SHI-
[00:59] <Vans> This is pretty fucking cool.
[00:59] <Jesuszilla> [00:59] <egypt> (I'm still not entirely sure how to pronounce that. But that's something else entirely.)
[00:59] <Jesuszilla> [00:59] <Jesuszilla> I DO
[00:59] <Jesuszilla> #opschool Cannot send to channel
[01:00] <Jesuszilla> We gotta QOTD this shit.
[01:00] <Vans> Yes.
[01:00] <Vans> You go.
[01:01] <Jesuszilla> Ooh! +c looks to be a neat feature
[01:01] <Vans> Indeed.
[01:01] * Jesuszilla sets mode: +c
[01:01] <Jesuszilla> DIABEETUS
[01:01] <Jesuszilla> Colors show here...
[01:02] <Vans> what the fuck
[01:02] <Vans> l
[01:02] <Vans> Yep.
[01:02] <Vans> My l is supposed to be red.
[01:02] <Jesuszilla> Awesome.
[01:02] <Jesuszilla> 7WARNING
[01:02] <Jesuszilla> Why does it show here..?
[01:03] <Vans>  _      _   ______   _____   ____   _   _   ____   _   _____
[01:03] <Vans> | | || | | |  __  | |  _  | |  _ | | | | | |  _ | | | |  ___|
[01:03] <Vans> | | || | | | |  | | | |_|_| | | || | | | | | | || | | | |
[01:03] <Vans> | | || | | | |__| | |  _ |  | | || | | | | | | || | | | |  _
[01:03] <Vans> | | || | | |  __  | | | | | | | || | | | | | | || | | | | | |
[01:03] <Vans> | |_||_| | | |  | | | | | | | | ||_| | | | | | ||_| | | |_| |
[01:03] <Vans> |________| |_|  |_| |_| |_| |_| |____| |_| |_| |____| |_____|
[01:03] <Vans>  ___________________________________________________________
[01:03] <Vans> |___________________________________________________________|
[01:03] <Vans> How does that show?
[01:03] <Jesuszilla> That doesn't show in color, though.
[01:03] <Jesuszilla> Guess the person who enters it can see it but not the receiver.
[01:04] <Jesuszilla> [01:03] <nenolod> The new software has a new feature called monitor.
[01:04] <Jesuszilla> [01:03] <nenolod> We'll go over that now.
[01:04] <Jesuszilla> !!!
[01:04] <Vans> ...what the fuck did that do?
[01:04] <Jesuszilla> Ah!
[01:04] <Vans> /monitor Jesuszilla
[01:04] <Jesuszilla> It's sorta like a buddy list
[01:05] <Vans> Awesome.
[01:06] <Vans> [01:06] <nenolod> The new ircd also has +z, which can be used for moderated events.
[01:06] <Vans> [01:06] <nenolod> (Such as this one.)
[01:06] <Vans> [01:06] <Vans> Is there something that is actually USEFUL?
[01:06] <Vans> #opschool Cannot send to channel
[01:07] <Vans> HOLY SHIT +z
[01:07] <Jesuszilla> We already have that.
[01:07] <Jesuszilla> It's called +m
[01:08] <Vans> My question went trough?
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> No.
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] <Tagert> It is set like: /mode #opschool +z, however the mode +m must also be set. (So to set it completely, you would type /mode #channel +mz )
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] * nenolod sets mode: +z
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] * `Shallah has left #opschool
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] <Jesuszilla> hjgj
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] * nenolod sets mode: +v [twisti]
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] <[twisti]> <3
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] * Tracey has left #opschool
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] * Dunhill_10 has left #opschool
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] <nenolod> [twisti]: please restate your question for the public.
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] <[twisti]> ok
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] <nenolod> SgtPepper will be next in line.
[01:08] <Jesuszilla> [01:07] <Jesuszilla> Wait, I can talk now?
[01:08] <Vans> Fuck.
[01:09] <Jesuszilla> Try now.
[01:09] <Vans> Meh.
[01:10] <Jesuszilla> [01:10] <Tagert> Apologies, nenolod actually made a mistake earlier: The command is /monitor + nick to add a nick, and /monitor - nick
[01:10] <Vans> Tried it.
[01:11] <Vans> Jesuszilla!youfail@14055b16.6ca5eca1.24.32.imsk
[01:11] <Jesuszilla> [01:10] <Tagert> Apologies, nenolod actually made a mistake earlier: The command is /monitor + nick to add a nick, and /monitor - nick
[01:11] <Jesuszilla> [01:10] <Jesuszilla> .\/.
[01:12] <Vans> LOL
[01:15] <Jesuszilla> Yeah, my messages are getting through.
[01:16] <Vans> huh?
[01:16] <Jesuszilla> Haven't gotten anything that says they haven't
[01:16] <Jesuszilla> So try saying something now.
[01:16] <Vans> I don't see any of your messages.
[01:17] <Jesuszilla> [01:16] <nenolod> Are there any more questions before we continue on?
[01:17] <Jesuszilla> [01:16] * Immortalia has left #opschool
[01:17] <Jesuszilla> [01:16] <Tagert> (16:15:46) <Freakazoid> Could they have been reset when the new software went it? <---Yes. If they were stored in services via mlock (/cs help set mlock) they would have been retained, else they would be lost.
[01:17] <Jesuszilla> [01:16] <Jesuszilla> Yes.
[01:17] <Jesuszilla> [01:16] <Jesuszilla> How do I shot web?
[01:17] <Vans> LOL
[01:20] <Vans> [01:20] <Tagert> /msg Tagert question
[01:23] <Vans> CLSN'ed
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:20] <nenolod> The next thing we will go through is channel forwarding and the join throttle.
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:20] <Tagert> Any other questions people have, please feel free to direct them to me. I may be slow in response, but I will respond.
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:20] <nenolod> These are channel mode +f and +j respectively.
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:20] <Tagert> /msg Tagert question
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:20] <nenolod> Charybdis supports the ability to forward people to other channels.
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:20] <nenolod> This is based on the following conditions:
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:20] <nenolod> - The channel is invite-only (+i).
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:21] <nenolod> - The channel has reached it's maximum user limit (+l).
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:21] <nenolod> - There have been too many joins in a recent amount of time (+j)
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:21] <nenolod> - The user has not registered their nickname (+r)
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:21] <nenolod> Only one of those channel modes + conditions is required to trigger forwarding.
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:22] * octane has joined #opschool
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:22] * Erniee has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> [01:22] <[twisti]> it also triggers when a user tries to join a channel he is banned from
[01:23] <Vans> And re-axied
[01:23] <Vans> That's awesome.
[01:24] <Jesuszilla> I thought that was a useless feature, but then I thought that we could use that on n00bs to forward them to #MRev where they'll get their guts ripped apart by the oldbies.
[01:24] <Jesuszilla> [01:23] <nenolod> To enable channel forwarding, the target channel must have at least one of several conditions:
[01:24] <Jesuszilla> [01:23] <nenolod> - the channel must actually exist
[01:24] <Jesuszilla> [01:23] <nenolod> - you must hold ops on the channel
[01:24] <Jesuszilla> [01:23] * MDawg957 has left #opschool
[01:24] <Jesuszilla> [01:24] <nenolod> - the channel must have +F if you do not hold ops on the channel
[01:24] <Jesuszilla> [01:24] <nenolod> - the channel must NOT have +Q
[01:24] <Jesuszilla> TMasta is op there, isn't he?
[01:25] <Vans> Where?
[01:25] <Jesuszilla> #MRev
[01:26] <Vans> Dunno.
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> [01:26] <Tagert> Yes?
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> [01:26] <Jesuszilla> I was wondering.
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> [01:26] <Jesuszilla> Is +F the default, or -F
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> [01:26] <Jesuszilla> ?
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> [01:26] <Tagert> -F
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> [01:26] <Jesuszilla> Ah.
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> [01:26] <Jesuszilla> I see. Thanks.
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> Damn.
[01:28] <Vans> :P
[01:32] <Jesuszilla> [01:32] <Tagert> (16:31:05) <Rockstar> How long will opschool last? <---We will run classes for as long as we feel is necessary, at different times of the day,
[01:32] <Jesuszilla> Wow that's gotta suck.
[01:33] <Jesuszilla> [01:33] <nenolod> We're going to go over the new features in Services, regarding GameServ.
[01:33] <Jesuszilla> [01:33] <nenolod> I bet all of the RPers will like the enhancements.
[01:33] <Jesuszilla> OH DEAR GOD
[01:34] <Vans> LOL[/spoiler]

[spoiler=And now the finale...][01:39] <nenolod> that's about it.
[01:39] * nenolod sets mode: -m
[01:39] <Jesuszilla> w00t
[01:39] <[twisti]> you should explain how to add people to the whitelist
[01:39] <[twisti]> lol
[01:39] <Tagert> To allow them to message you, you should type /accept nickname
[01:39] <Rockstar> This is the end, Beautiful friend, This is the end, My only friend, the end.
[01:40] <Karina> and does that have to been done each session?
[01:40] <Sephiroth> does this stay or does the mode go down every time you leave sorcery?
[01:40] <Jesuszilla> So then I said, "That
[01:40] <Tagert> Ah. /mode accept nick
[01:40] <nenolod> Karina: it makes it easier.
[01:40] <Tagert> I should say.
[01:40] <Jesuszilla> 's not a carousel, that's a centrifuge."

[01:47] <Karina> yes, another op was rather displeased this happened 2am his time.
[01:48] <Rockstar> Oooh
[01:48] <nenolod> Karina: this is to catch the euro-rush.
[01:48] <Rockstar> What happened?
[01:48] <Tagert> It will run at more 'sane' times for certain people.
[01:48] <sauron> it happened 6am my time
[01:48] <Jesuszilla> 1:48 AM here. What a weakling.
[01:48] <nenolod> Karina: we intend to have other sessions
[01:48] <CPig> 2:48am presently
[01:48] <[twisti]> Karina: its hard to schedule something when the whole world uses irc
[01:48] <[twisti]> 8:46am here
[01:48] <Tagert> And again, I am willing to answer any questions if they direct them to me, and I am willing to 'teach' outside of 'class' if they request and I have time.
[01:48] <Tamutnefret> 16:48, yay :)
[01:48] <Tagert> Nearly 5pm here.
[01:48] <Tagert> Get out of my timezone.
[01:48] <Tagert> :P
[01:48] <Dragoshi> 2:48 AM he-Wait, I can't even SPEAK

[01:49] <Rockstar> Is there any hazing process in becoming an ircop?
[01:49] <Jesuszilla> QOTD
[01:49] <Tagert> Rockstar: I got killed twenty-two times on my birthday.
[01:49] * Varst has quit IRC (Quit: very tired)
[01:49] <Rockstar> Heh
[01:49] <TimTiger> Thank you all, I'll send my ops to the next session. Now I take my leave
[01:50] <nenolod> later :)
[01:50] * SilverEyes has left #opschool
[01:50] <Vans> JZ: Indeed.
[01:50] <wHeAt_HeAd> Can you guys host a daily school session in here covering various topics?
[01:50] <wHeAt_HeAd> this is a nice idea
[01:50] <nenolod> yes
[01:50] * TimTiger has left #opschool
[01:50] <sauron> i dont understand gameserv but i dont want you to explain now
[01:50] <Dragoshi> Yes. This does sound like a nice idea...
[01:50] <nenolod> it's a new project  ;)
[01:50] * Quag7 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:50] <Rockstar> nenolod, why won't you tell me where you live?
[01:50] <[twisti]> you guys should clean up the log of this and post it on your page
[01:50] <nenolod> Rockstar: i don't want to
[01:50] <Rockstar> Fine then!
[01:50] * Blood`Rose has left #opschool (Not letting the door hit me where the good powers that be split me.)
[01:50] <Rockstar> Be that way!
[01:50] * CPig has left #opschool
[01:50] * Goonigoogoo has left #opschool
[01:50] * Kyee has left #opschool
[01:51] * nenolod sets mode: -f
[01:51] <Jesuszilla> Whoa, Vans. I just thought of something.
[01:51] * VenMalakim has left #opschool
[01:51] <Jesuszilla> We got word of these features before ROLENTO.
[01:51] <[twisti]> can we get a real channel forwarding next month ? :)
[01:51] <Vans> :o !!!
[01:52] * Hunter^ has left #opschool
[01:52] <Canens> thanks guys :)
[01:52] * Tagert sets mode: -b *!*@b9675edf.ipt.6ca6a889.com.hmsk
[01:52] <sauron> rolento from streetfighter?[/spoiler]

Just try to keep things peaceful.