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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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August 27, 2006, 02:00:33 AM #60 Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 02:04:48 AM by Mr. Coffee
[spoiler=No, really.][01:54] * Felicia_Faerune is now known as Felicia_Sleep
[01:54] <Rockstar> Wasn't it only 3 days?
[01:54] <Rockstar> Maybe 4?
[01:54] <[twisti]> use those stupid role playing channels that have OOC channels
[01:54] <Tagert> Rockstar: No. :P
[01:54] <Rockstar> I can't keep track of time
[01:54] <Rockstar> Heh
[01:55] <Tagert> Server Up 6 days, 10:50:28 <---Add a few hours to that.
[01:55] <Doomsday> KK. this has been a good start. will toss all this on over to ops where I play. see you all on the next course.
[01:55] <Broekie> Upgrade was exactly a week ago.
[01:55] <wHeAt_HeAd> who's idea was it to make this session?
[01:55] <Rockstar> I am going to go to sleep
[01:55] <Tagert> [twisti]: And yes, max modes set per time is 4.
[01:55] <Eziekal> =]
[01:55] <nenolod> wHeAt_HeAd: mine
[01:55] <Broekie> Well, later ont he day, but yeah.
[01:55] * Doomsday has left #opschool
[01:55] <Jesuszilla> [01:54] * Felicia_Faerune is now known as Felicia_Sleep <---- Must... Keep... Self... Under... Control...
[01:55] <[twisti]> Tagert: out of curiosity, why ?
[01:55] <wHeAt_HeAd> I've always thought you were so cool, nenolod :)
[01:56] <Vans> LOL
[01:56] <[twisti]> i never understood those low limits
[01:56] <Rockstar> nenolod is such a beutiful genius
[01:56] * nenolod is probably more popular with the users than anyone else :P
[01:56] <Tagert> bs ;)
[01:56] <Jesuszilla> Wrong. DekuNut.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=I mean it this time.][01:58] * Felicia_Sleep puts a chastity belt on Jesuszilla ^-^
[01:58] <[twisti]> ah, i see
[01:58] <Jesuszilla> NO!
[01:58] * Kad3 has left #opschool (Leaving)
[01:58] <Jesuszilla> My penis got stuck in the window again.[/spoiler]

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote[22:48] <Jesuszilla> ***OH GOD WTF LINK REMOVED***
[22:49] <Jesuszilla> I LMAO'd
[22:49] <[Eli]> Well, Gadget was kinda hot.
[22:49] <[Eli]> ....
[22:50] <[Eli]> Ignore that.
[22:50] <Jesuszilla> I would've if you had not told me to.
[22:50] <Jesuszilla> So QOTD!
[22:51] <[Eli]> >:P

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote[17:09] <AznMyztik> Anyone know what font this is? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/AznMyztik/shodaifinal.png
[17:11] <Titiln> base 02
[17:11] <Titiln> which happens to be horribly overused
[17:11] <Titiln> avoid it like the plague
[17:12] * TMasta has joined #randomselect
[17:13] <Jesuszilla> In that case, there is no escape.
[17:13] <AznMyztik> Okay
[17:13] <AznMyztik> xD
[17:13] <AznMyztik> Base 02?
[17:13] <Titiln> dats wat i sed
[17:13] <AznMyztik> I was just wondering since I made that sig a LONG WHILE AGO and thought it looked nice. xD
[17:14] <AznMyztik> I'm in the search of a good grunge font.
[17:14] <Madness> take a random one, shot it in the mouth, and you're done.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


:P I was referring to Master T when I said shit about spying.


THIS qualifies.

<Princess_Peach> And no, Rolento, I won't play God Hand.
<[E]dgar> hey
<Kung_Fu_Man> Saw that game, didn't look as impressive as tooted.
<Fox_McCloud> I think it looks a bit better in action.
<Princess_Peach> The only amusing thing I saw in it was that you got to spank your female opponents on occasion.
<Princess_Peach> Fox: No it doesn't.
<Fox_McCloud> Wait, KFM wasn't talking about KoF2006.
<Fox_McCloud> Screw me and what I just said 2 lines ago, I'm an idiot.


lol nigga can't use pcxclean.


[00:03] <Diamond> ...
[00:03] <Diamond> gtg
[00:03] <Jesuszilla> ... Well you just learned something about us didn't you?
[00:04] <Diamond> Yes.
[00:04] <Jesuszilla> Hahaha.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote[21:27] <Vans|Cook> CURRENCY
[21:27] <Vans|Cook> 50 Y
[21:27] <Vans|Cook> *ROCK
[21:27] <Vans|Cook> PRECIOUS..
[21:27] <Vans|Cook> UNCROPPED.
[21:27] <Vans|Cook> ROCK
[21:28] <Vans|Cook> SPRITES
[21:28] <Jesuszilla> You is willing to purchase, you buy, you pay?
[21:28] <Vans|Cook> *YES*
[21:29] <Vans|Cook> DOWNLOADS
[21:29] <Vans|Cook> ...PCX?
[21:30] <Vans|Cook> ............
[21:30] <Vans|Cook> Misamu.
[21:30] <Vans|Cook> Misamu, Misamu, Misamu.
[21:31] * TMasta has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[21:31] <Vans|Cook> You just pissed me the fuck off.
[21:31] <Vans|Cook> THESE ARE MISALIGNED
[21:32] <Jesuszilla> Hahaha
[21:32] <Jesuszilla> HAHAHAHA
[21:32] <Fox_McCloud> Vans, is your Terry going to be strictly KoF 2003?  Or could you do with better Terry voices from KoF 2k6?
[21:32] * TMasta has joined #BadassSTUFF
[21:32] * ChanServ sets mode: +v TMasta
[21:32] <Jesuszilla> HAHAHAHAHAHA
[21:33] <Jesuszilla> QOTD

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Kung Fu Man

Quote[8:41pm] <IRC_CL407951> soundtracks. There i can download from hundreds of movie soundtracks
[8:41pm] <@Jesuszilla> Yo KFM.
[8:41pm] <@Vans> And we should care why?
[8:41pm] <+Kung_Fu_Man> Howdy.
[8:42pm] <+Kung_Fu_Man> Who's the new face?
[8:42pm] <@Vans> Hey
[8:42pm] <@Jesuszilla> No idea.
[8:42pm] <@Vans> Dunno.
[8:42pm] <IRC_CL407951> no just that i remember one of you in that room
[8:42pm] <@Vans> So i guess it's okay i do this.
[8:42pm] <IRC_CL407951> maybe that person would know
[8:42pm] <IRC_CL407951> sry nevermind
[8:42pm] <IRC_CL407951> bye
[8:42pm] * Vans sets mode: +b *!*@8e7649b6.dsl.irvnca.f1e61da0.net.hmsk
[8:42pm] * IRC_CL407951 was kicked by Vans (IRC_CL407951)
[8:42pm] <@Jesuszilla> lol
[8:42pm] <@Vans> Bye.
[8:42pm] <@Jesuszilla> b&
[8:42pm] <+TMasta> that was uncalled for
[8:42pm] <+TMasta> ....
[8:43pm] <@Vans> Yeah but it was fun as hell.
[8:43pm] * Vans sets mode: -b *!*@8e7649b6.dsl.irvnca.f1e61da0.net.hmsk
[8:43pm] <@Vans> Guess i'll go back to code Orochinagi now.
[8:44pm] <@Jesuszilla> I FOUND IT!!
[8:44pm] * Joins: IRC_CL407951 (ilikedvd@8e7649b6.dsl.irvnca.f1e61da0.net.hmsk)
[8:44pm] <IRC_CL407951> fuck you vans!!!!!
[8:44pm] * Parts: IRC_CL407951 (ilikedvd@8e7649b6.dsl.irvnca.f1e61da0.net.hmsk)
[8:44pm] <@Vans> XD
[8:45pm] <@Vans> Okay that was wrong.
[8:45pm] <@Vans> But i don't get to act like an ass often.
[8:45pm] <@Vans> =P
[8:45pm] <@Jesuszilla> XP
[8:46pm] <@Jesuszilla> Vans
[8:46pm] <+Kung_Fu_Man> Okay, ban him.
[8:46pm] <@Jesuszilla> QOTD that shit.
[8:46pm] <+Kung_Fu_Man> No, really, you should.
[8:46pm] <+Kung_Fu_Man> I would.
[8:46pm] <@Jesuszilla> THat's too fucking priceless.
[8:46pm] <@Vans> Go ahead.
[8:46pm] <@Jesuszilla> I'm the one who posted last.
[8:46pm] <@Jesuszilla> u
[8:46pm] <@Vans> No u
[8:46pm] <@Jesuszilla> But you need to post in it.
[8:47pm] <@Jesuszilla> I already posted.
[8:47pm] <@Jesuszilla> And IMMA' MAKIN' MAH HITSPARKS
[8:47pm] <+Kung_Fu_Man> I'll post it bitches.


QuoteVans says:
Fuck, my neighbors are making a lot of noise again..

Jesuszilla says:
Tell them to get de server de fuck out of j00r room.

Vans says:
Yes, their bedroom is above mine.

Vans says:
And their bed sucks balls.

Jesuszilla says:
.... LOL.

Jesuszilla says:

Just try to keep things peaceful.


[23:31] <TMastaCiMbUr> i should kick you in the nuts for that
[23:31] <Vans> Yeah
[23:31] <TMastaCiMbUr> but instead
[23:31] <TMastaCiMbUr> ....
[23:31] <TMastaCiMbUr> converse
[23:31] <Jesuszilla> NO
[23:32] <TMastaCiMbUr> converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse conver
[23:32] <TMastaCiMbUr> converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse converse conver
[23:32] <TMastaCiMbUr> i don't know
[23:32] <Vans> CON
[23:32] <TMastaCiMbUr> you do the maths
[23:32] <Vans> VERSE
[23:32] <Vans> SHOES
[23:32] <Vans> 2004
[23:32] * Vans has quit IRC (Quit: FOREBAH)
[23:32] <Jesuszilla> <(
[23:32] <TMastaCiMbUr> DKO
[23:32] <Jesuszilla> I was just about to show him this:
[23:32] <Jesuszilla> http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o19/Yesujira/1154156939141.jpg
[23:32] <TMastaCiMbUr> TMasta wins
[23:33] <TMastaCiMbUr> i sense someone coming
[23:33] <Diamond> ?
[23:34] <Jesuszilla> !
[23:34] * Vans has joined #badassstuff
[23:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Vans
[23:34] <Vans> what

Just try to keep things peaceful.


HAHAHA you gotta add the stateno triggers now. >: D


Quote[20:24] <Vans> /ban *.*
[20:24] <Jesuszilla> You're doing it wrong
[20:24] * Jesuszilla sets mode: +b *!*@*.*
[20:24] <Vans> NOOOOoo
[20:24] <Vans> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[20:24] * Vans was kicked by Jesuszilla (Vans)
[20:25] -ChanServ:@#BadassSTUFF- (Ops:#BadassSTUFF) Vans used DEOP on Jesuszilla
[20:25] * ChanServ sets mode: -ov Jesuszilla Jesuszilla
[20:25] * Jesuszilla: you're not channel operator
[20:25] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.*
[20:25] * Vans has joined #BadassSTUFF
[20:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Vans
[20:25] -> *ChanServ* op #BadassSTUFF Jesuszilla
[20:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[20:25] <Jesuszilla> lol
[20:25] <Vans> Quote it
[20:25] <Vans> NOW
[20:25] <Jesuszilla> k

Just try to keep things peaceful.

One Winged Angel