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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Quote[22:20] <Neon_Tiger> That reminds me of a story involving a lesbian friend I believe I mentioned in chat before.
[22:21] <Jesuszilla> Like 5 times wtf
[22:21] <Neon_Tiger> Well I DO go to more than one chat as hard as it is for you to believe I'm on more than one server.
[22:21] <Jesuszilla> That's all I remember.
[22:22] <Neon_Tiger> So I forget who I told the story to and who I didn't.
[22:22] <Jesuszilla> I mean, you said that like 5 girls have told you they were lesbian.
[22:22] <Jesuszilla> You said, and I quote,
[22:22] <Jesuszilla> "It's usually to tell you she's a lesbian."
[22:22] <Jesuszilla> "(seriously like 5 times what the fuck)"
[22:22] <Neon_Tiger> Well thats part of the story yes.
[22:22] <Jesuszilla> That's all I remember
[22:24] <Neon_Tiger> My log for this channel is now two megabytes. So it's now a binary log.
[22:24] * Neon_Tiger is shot for the bad math joke.
[22:24] <Jesuszilla> Story. Now.
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:18] <Neon_Tiger> Given my experience with Women,
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:18] <[E]dgar> i>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>iRiver
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:19] <Neon_Tiger> She'll tell you shes really a lesbian.
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:19] <MachinaWeapon> iPod sucks taint.
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:19] <Neon_Tiger> (Seriously, like 5 fucking times what the fuck)
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:19] <Jesuszilla> Neon: Well..... Maybe. But I kinda doubt that'd be it.
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:20] <Jesuszilla> Neon: Did you ever ask if you could watch?
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:20] <Vans> mmm, my girl told me We Needed to talk, just to get me out of the classroom and get lost in school
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:20] <Vans> Which was cool BTW
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:20] <[E]dgar> Neon_Tiger: they don't like you
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:20] <[E]dgar> do you get it now ?
[22:25] <Neon_Tiger> [00:20] <Neon_Tiger> Funny story,
[22:26] <Neon_Tiger> [00:20] <Neon_Tiger> One of them got into a relationship with this one women who was really into bondage.
[22:26] <Neon_Tiger> [00:20] <Vans> And what we did, i'll keep it to myself :wub:
[22:26] <Neon_Tiger> [00:21] <Neon_Tiger> She asked me to hide in the closet with a bat incase things got out of hand, did I accept the offer? I shall leave that to your imaginations.
[22:26] <Neon_Tiger> [00:21] <Jesuszilla> Neon: I think she already told me that.
[22:26] <Neon_Tiger> [00:21] <Jesuszilla> Neon: LOL
[22:26] <Neon_Tiger> [00:21] <MachinaWeapon> What the fuck have you fucker been talking about while I was updating my guide?
[22:26] <Neon_Tiger> [00:21] <MachinaWeapon> fuckers*
[22:26] <Neon_Tiger> [00:21] <Jesuszilla> The internet.
[22:26] <Jesuszilla> Ah
[22:26] <Jesuszilla> XD
[22:26] <Jesuszilla> Well, did you?
[22:27] <Neon_Tiger> I signed a thingy that says I can't say anything else.
[22:28] <Jesuszilla> ... Seriously.
[22:29] <Jesuszilla> ?
[22:29] <Neon_Tiger> Well I turned it down, because I sadly needed to write a report, she got one of her other friends to do it. And it did get a tad out of hand.
[22:30] <Jesuszilla> XD
[22:30] <Jesuszilla> I was about to say...
[22:30] <Neon_Tiger> This is another reason I hate aqueous chemistry.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


June 10, 2006, 11:57:45 PM #31 Last Edit: June 11, 2006, 12:00:22 AM by DBZ Sucks.txt
Quote from: #badassSTUFF<Neon_Tiger> I was about to do that.
<Vans> Efffff
<Neon_Tiger> You bastard.
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
<Vans> no no no.
<Vans> It's: You BASTARD
<Neon_Tiger> Well if you want emphasis would you not bold it and underline as well?
<Neon_Tiger> You BASTARD
<Vans> You frogot the color.
<Vans> You BASTARD
<Neon_Tiger> Frogot?
<Neon_Tiger> Sounds like a health food.
<Vans> frogotten too
<Jesuszilla> Frogot sounds like it'd have fro in it.
<Jesuszilla> So it would NOT taste good.
<Jesuszilla> Especially with all that spray n' shit.
<Vans> Sounds like.
<Vans> FROG-OT
<Jesuszilla> froggot
<Jesuszilla> A gay frog
<Jesuszilla> Froggot
<Vans> rofl
<Neon_Tiger> Quote of the day anyone?
<Vans> If you want to.


Quote[01:49] <Kung_Fu_Man> I knew a guy that was convinced by a friend KY jelly = Kentucky Jelly.
[01:49] <Kung_Fu_Man> And proceeded to use it on crackers.
[01:49] <Jesuszilla> LOL
[01:49] <Psicoso> AHAHAHA
[01:50] <Jesuszilla> What'd it taste like, or did he not say?
[01:50] <Kung_Fu_Man> He liked it apparently, though it had a funny aftertaste he said.
[01:50] <Jesuszilla> ROFLMGDFAO
[01:51] <Kung_Fu_Man> Then by the fact we burst out laughing he realized something was horribly wrong.
[01:51] <Psicoso> Ahaha oh god

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: #badassSTUFF<Jesuszilla> Say Neon, isn't there a whole fucking database on MUGEN characters in a .txt file?
<Jesuszilla> I've seen it before somewhere....
<Neon_Tiger> It list character file folders, not name and author.
<Jesuszilla> I'm pretty sure it lists those...
<Jesuszilla> But I remember an author that created nothing BUT MB characters.
<Jesuszilla> Tomo I think it was.
<Neon_Tiger> I'll make sure to add author = "Tomo" as a trigger.
<Jesuszilla> Also, ask Byakko. He's into that TM shit.
<Neon_Tiger> NO.
<Jesuszilla> ...
<Jesuszilla> Dude, Byakko isn't like that.
<Jesuszilla> He's actually SANE.
<Jesuszilla> Orochi Herman has also had bad experiences with MB characters.
<Neon_Tiger> Then we should form an alliance TO DESTROY TYPE MOON.
<Jesuszilla> . . .


Quote* AXAUser007 has joined #megadoomer
* AXAUser007 is now known as LittleWoody
<LittleWoody> hey guys
<Artist> hi
<LittleWoody> whaddup dudes
* blue_vistea has quit IRC (Quit: Animal Crossing Ahead -- http://www.animalxing.com/)
<Ace> I don' like woodies ;-;
* Ace pouts in a dark corner
* LittleWoody cries...
<Jesuszilla> Aha... AHAHAHAHA

Just try to keep things peaceful.


June 29, 2006, 11:33:16 PM #35 Last Edit: June 29, 2006, 11:35:24 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
A certain Type Moon fan, in an apology has sent me Math jokes.

Quote from: e-mail
Person 1: What's the integral of 1/cabin?
Person 2: A log cabin.
Person 1: No, a houseboat - you forgot to add the C!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -- those who understand binary, and those who don't

Premise I: Power corrupts.
Premise II: Knowledge is power.
Conclusion: Therefore, knowledge corrupts.

Premise I: "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
Premise II: "Imitation is suicide." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Conclusion: "Therefore, suicide is the sincerest form of flattery."

1. Girls require time and money,
girls = time x money

2. Time is money.
time = money

3. So girls equal money squared.
girls = money2

4. Money is the root of all evil.
money = evil.5

5. So girls are absoulte evil.
girls = (evil).52 = |evil|

He's going to need a lot more math jokes though.


Just try to keep things peaceful.



Quote from: PunchyThat was almost as exciting as the time I found a cookie under my bed!

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote* Now talking in #furcentral
* Topic is 'Furry RP what else?'
* Set by Tim_The_Tiger on Wed May 03 14:29:54
* ScottFox sets mode: +v Jesuszilla
* Kung_Fu_Man has joined #furcentral
* ScottFox sets mode: +v Kung_Fu_Man
* Ya-San|Busy has joined #furcentral
* ScottFox sets mode: +v Ya-San|Busy
<Ya-San|Busy> what the-------
<Jesuszilla> Hahaha.
<Kung_Fu_Man> Um, I'll be leaving.
* Kung_Fu_Man has left #furcentral
<Jesuszilla> LOL
<Ya-San|Busy> Are those bots?
<Jesuszilla> Silly Vans, robots aren't furries.
<Ya-San|Busy> uh...
<Jesuszilla> If they were bots, they'd be robo-sexuals.
* Ya-San|Busy slaps Tim_The_Tiger around a bit with a large trout
* Ya-San|Busy slaps ScottFox around a bit with a large trout
<Ya-San|Busy> tf
* Jesuszilla slaps ScottFox with his dick.
<Jesuszilla> RUN!

Just try to keep things peaceful.


More. I swear I've seen a few of these before...

Quote from: You know who
Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?
To get to the other....

A mathematician and his best friend, an engineer, attend a public lecture on geometry in thirteen-dimensional space. "How did you like it?" the mathematician wants to know after the talk. "My head's spinning", the engineer confesses. "How can you develop any intuition for thirteen-dimensional space?" "Well, it's not even difficult. All I do is visualize the situation in arbitrary N-dimensional space and then set N = 13."

A sociologist, a physicist and a mathematician are all given equal amounts of fencing, and are asked to enclose the greatest area. The sociologist pauses for a moment and decides to enclose a square area with his fence. The physicist, realizing he can fence off a greater amount of land with the same amount of fencing, promptly sets his fence in the form of a circle, and smiles. "I'd like to see you beat that!" he says to the mathematician. The mathematician, in response, takes a very small piece of his own fencing, and wraps it around himself, proclaiming, "I define myself to be outside of the fence!"

A physicist and a mathematician are sharing a hotel room, and in the middle of the night both are awakened by the smell of smoke — a small fire has started in the room. The physicist jumps out of bed, rushes to the kitchen, fills a saucepan with water and throws it over the fire, which fizzles out. The physicist leaves the saucepan, with some water still in it, near their beds in case it is needed again, and both men go back to sleep. Some time later, the mathematician again wakes up to the smell of smoke, but the physicist does not. Once again, a small fire has started in the room. The mathematician jumps out of bed, grabs the saucepan, and takes it back to the kitchen where he empties it and puts it back in the cupboard. He then returns to bed, safe in the knowledge that he has reduced the problem to one already solved.

A mathematician, a biologist and a physicist are sitting in a street café watching people going in and coming out of the house on the other side of the street. First they see two people going into the house. Time passes. After a while they notice three persons coming out of the house. The physicist says, "The measurement wasn't accurate." The biologist says, "They have reproduced." The mathematician says, "If now exactly one person enters the house then it will be empty again."

A sociologist, a physicist and a mathematician are each locked in a prison cell and given a supply of canned food, but no can opener. After thirty days, the cells are unlocked. The sociologist's cell has dents in the walls, and smashed cans and food everywhere. He threw the cans at the walls randomly until they burst open, and salvaged enough food to survive. The physicist's cell wall is covered in calculations, and one corner is heavily damaged. He calculated the optimum way to throw the can at the wall to make it burst open reliably (to within a reasonable margin of error), and he too survived. The mathematician's cell wall is likewise covered in calculations, but there are no dents in the walls. In fact, inside the cell sit the pile of cans, unopened, and the corpse of the mathematician. He was able to derive a nonconstructive proof that showed there was a way to throw the can of food at the wall, but could not find the solution.

A mathematician,a physicist,and an engineer were traveling through Scotland when they saw a black sheep through the window of the train. "Aha," says the engineer, "I see that Scottish sheep are black."
"Hmm," says the physicist, "you mean that some Scottish sheep are black."
"No," says the mathematician, "all we know is that there is at least one sheep in Scotland, at least one side of which looks black!"

* A visitor to the Royal Tyrell Museum was admiring a Tyrannosaurus fossil, and asked a nearby museum employee how old it was.
"That skeleton's sixty-five million and three years, two months and eighteen days old," the employee replied.
"How can you know it that well?"
"Well, when I started working here, I asked a scientist the exact same question, and he said it was sixty-five million years old - and that was three years, two months and eighteen days ago."

Two mathematicians are in a bar. The first one says to the second that the average person knows very little about basic math. The second one disagrees, and claims that most people can cope with a reasonable amount of math. The first mathematician goes off to the washroom, and in his absence the second calls over the waitress. He tells her that in a few minutes, after his friend has returned, he will call her over and ask her a question; all she has to do is answer, "One third x cubed." She agrees, and goes off mumbling to herself. The first guy returns and the second proposes a bet to prove his point. He says he will ask the blonde waitress an integral, and the first laughingly agrees. The second man calls over the waitress and asks, "What is the integral of x squared?" The waitress says, "One third x cubed." Then, while walking away, she turns back and says, "Plus a constant!"


A mathematician, a biologist and a physicist are sitting in a street café watching people going in and coming out of the house on the other side of the street. First they see two people going into the house. Time passes. After a while they notice three persons coming out of the house. The physicist says, "The measurement wasn't accurate." The biologist says, "They have reproduced." The mathematician says, "If now exactly one person enters the house then it will be empty again."

I'm still trying to figure that one out...

Just try to keep things peaceful.



Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote[13:38] <TMasta> I find it very amusing how all of a sudden these newcomers show up and post simpathetic replies and suggestions on an underground community, hoping to get inside aswell.

Just try to keep things peaceful.