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Jesuszilla's WIPs

Started by Jesuszilla, March 30, 2007, 09:05:45 PM

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March 30, 2007, 09:05:45 PM Last Edit: March 30, 2007, 09:07:44 PM by イエスジラ
Yeah, I figured it was about that time. :P

Felicia: Pretty much complete, so she will be updated in a couple of days. There's a system fix as well as a few move fixes.

Zero: Nearly complete. The only things that are missing are:

  • Run anim.
  • Adding a few CvS2 System Animations.
  • Cyber Elf Force

I REALLY need a run animation, so if anyone's willing to help me out with that, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

Dee Jay: All MUGEN required sprites and animations are done. Just now started coding his basics. Like Zero, he will need a run anim as well as a dodge anim. Again, any help would greatly be appreciated as I am not good at sprite editing...

Eagle: Haven't had much inspiration to work on him. Can't even remember what I have and haven't completed on him. :-X Regardless, he hasn't been coming along too well.

Gallon: Still need to clean TDS's rips

Roll: The palette which WuWo applied to her spriterips is what's really keeping me away from her for a while...

Discuss, discuss, etc.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


What about that April Fool's Character from last year?


I doubt I'll ever work on him again.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Kung Fu Man

I have next week off, so I could try to rip her spriteset from MvC2 sometime (been ages since I've done that...). Just a suggestion though: consider giving her some color separation if I do this, she'd look better with a little.


Indeed, WuWo's rips were separated and thus, it would be tough to clean and even tougher to keep up with.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Double post because I'm an admin.


  • Run anim complete. No thanks to any of you!
  • All that's left is Cyber Elf Force. If I try, I could probably finish it by tomorrow night and have him ready for a release.

Dee Jay: All standing and crouching basics complete. All that's left are the aerial moves and then I can move onto throws and specials.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


April 04, 2007, 04:29:23 AM #6 Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 04:33:17 AM by Mgbenz
I was expecting you to make Huitzil/Phobos this time instead of Roll. Whatever it is, I hope someone really does make him. ;)

Good luck on Roll anyway. I'm interested in what new atrocities you can add to her. New weaon power-ups maybe?


April 13, 2007, 12:27:19 AM #7 Last Edit: April 13, 2007, 12:31:41 AM by イエスジラ

Dee Jay: All basics and throws complete, moving onto specials and system anims.

Roll: As a matter of fact, I might as well have new weapon power-ups.

Why? Fuck Rockball.

Other Crap: Considering Rockman.


I need YOUR suggestions on what weapons I should add to Rockman and Roll.

The weapons must obviously ONLY be from the Classic series.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Yeah, so I took my characters down. Will they ever be back up? Who knows?

Still gonna post here. XP

Dee Jay

All basics complete, added Max Out.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


i never thought of a CvS2 Dee-Jay good luck with this


It's only a matter of time until everything in Mugen is CvS2.


cvs2 is the best
thank for doing these great projects
please fix the ex groove, i never can fix this
keep the working


It was never broken. =P

Just try to keep things peaceful.


i know...
i 'm just too stupid to change it...


and i can't wait to see Gallon
you do great job :)