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Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Started by Neon_Tiger, May 22, 2007, 02:18:06 AM

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Just try to keep things peaceful.


November 23, 2007, 09:26:25 PM #526 Last Edit: November 23, 2007, 09:28:51 PM by MMF

Ok seriously, PK Starstorm is a move learned by Poo in Earthbound, and he has to leave your party for a while to learn it (fun fact: If you give Poo the Hawkeye, an item needed later to proceed in an area shortly thereafter, in some versions of the game you cannot proceed, OH NOES). It basically just rained stars and inflicted hurt.

In Mother 3 Kumatora used PK Starstorm, and it functions in pretty much the same way.

In regards to what Bob was saying,

Spoilerz, no seriously, this pretty much spoils the whole damn game:
Throughout Mother 3, Lucas is pulling out needles from the earth to release a Dragon, which in the wrong hands could end the world in the rights ones heal it etc. At the end of Mother 3, Lucas frees the dragon which destroys pretty much everything. Despite this after the "End?" it's revealed in an easter egg that everyone survived and the Pig Army is no more.

Too... much... turkey...


... Okay, so what the hell did that have to do with PK Starstorm?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


About as much as F-Zero Falcon Densetsu actually had to do with the F-Zero games.


It rains meteors, like stars in starstorm, that's really about it.

Robert the small

Well yeah,  thats the most of it, but still...


I'm still surprised they didn't give him PK Love, would make more sense story wise.


I know, not even -I- talked about yesterday's update.

Today's update is that Brawl has widescreen support, and a new piece of music.  It's entirely different, though.


It actually sounds pretty decent, and now it has me thinking whether or not they'll add any DKC2 tracks.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


They already mentioned they're putting in the Bramble theme from DKC2 in the stage builder update.

Remember I said I'd kill them if they fucked it up?


Ah, I probably thought it was from DKC at the time for some weird reason despite there being no bramble stages in DKC.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


November 27, 2007, 07:38:14 PM #537 Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 08:42:31 PM by MMF
Then theres the fact one of the stages in DKC2 is named Bramble Blast...

Although at this point it does look if there is to be a second DK stage (which there probably will be, there were two in Melee), it may be from the old Donkey Kong, not DKC2 (remember, ladders are in the game now), pity I was hoping for Gangplank Galleon or Kremland.

Also, IGN has some new exclusive screens not on the Dojo, nothing new revealed just newer shots.

Robert the small

This month was ass for updates, whats next, How to put a disc in your Wii!?

Smashing 101: To place the disc in
In order to survive in this world, you must insert the disc in!  From once you open the shrink wrap, you are in the world.  By pressing the power button on your Nintendo Wii, you have enabled the ability to put the disc in.

*Screen shot of Wii Menu*
Its.... Its... Glowing!


This is what happens when you have a daily blog for a game, and then delay it. Now the blog has to fill in an extra two months of updates they weren't planning to (hell it was going to have come out Monday), hence why we have "technique" updates that are actually minor features such as taunting, intros and color changes (although the later two were good, Saturn Table and Snake Eater Camo = win), the third update explaining the controls, and Meta Knight's Special Moves Take Two.

I expect in the future daily blog type game websites aren't going to be around too much, they rely on the game coming out when it's planned too much.