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Heyas just joined the community after seeing it on Youtube

Started by Alik, July 24, 2007, 04:44:10 PM

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I've been looking to try and download this but I cant seem to find anything except one that only has three characters (that are all the same)

I'm not computer illiterate but i have no clue how to expand the program to have characters like optimus prime in it (i think theres also various versions and i think i may have an old one)

If someone could please hook me up with an up to date MUGEN or show me how to do it on my own I'd be Extremely grateful ^^ thnx!^^/

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


The site where you can get WinMUGEN is located here. Download the No limit Winmugen patch. You can find screenpacks, characters, etc. by searching a database such as Random Select. Their database was recently down, but they are slowly rebuilding it.

To add characters, etc. it is explained in the docs and in the select.def located in your data folder. We also have a few of our own creations available in the Downloads section of our site.

Have fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


ok now im starting to think im computer illiterate i looked at the faqs and my eyes just glazed over i dont understand at all what theyre talking about ;-; i DL'd this forums svc zero and added it to the characters folder but still cant select zero

I thought it had everything the program needed in there already?

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


You need to edit mugen's select.def file in the data folder.


im not sure i understand, am i altering the notepad text itself? i typed cvszero, stages/kfm.def as a test but nothing happened am i missing something? (sorry im really a newb at this stuff)

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


yeah i did i might just make a screenie and show you what i did in a bit

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


Did you try to install any new screenpacks? That may be the problem.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


You made sure to put in under [Characters] and above [Extra Stages] right? Cause other wise Mugen won't know what you're doing.


right above extra stages and no i didnt unload screenpacks whats that and how do i do it?

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


To change screenpacks look for a line that looks like this:
; Not accessible in options screen
motif = data/system.def

Change that to the directory in which your new screenpack is located, if you want to do that. But let's try to add characters to the default screenpack first, shall we?

Open select.def in Notepad:
Quote;Insert your characters below.

Look for that line. Put the character you want right under that.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


im just cutting and pasting a chunk of it but heres what i put

;You can also add a randomize icon to the select screen. To do
;this, put the word "randomselect" on a line of its own, with no
;extra parameters.
;Insert your characters below.

kfm, stages/kfm.def
kfm, stages/kfm.def
kfm, stages/kfm.def
cvszero, stages/kfm.def

I unzipped the folder to both char folder and the data folder but i did rename the folder idk if that makes a dif the files inside are same name though

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


Try putting in an enter space after the cvszero entry.


fm, stages/mybg.def, order=3
;You can also add a randomize icon to the select screen. To do
;this, put the word "randomselect" on a line of its own, with no
;extra parameters.
;Insert your characters below.

kfm, stages/kfm.def
kfm, stages/kfm.def
kfm, stages/kfm.def
cvszero, stages/kfm.def


thats what i have now but still noting? is there anything else besides this i have to do?

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^