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Started by Alik, July 24, 2007, 04:44:10 PM

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Quote from: Alik on July 24, 2007, 08:43:16 PM
im just cutting and pasting a chunk of it but heres what i put

;You can also add a randomize icon to the select screen. To do
;this, put the word "randomselect" on a line of its own, with no
;extra parameters.
;Insert your characters below.

kfm, stages/kfm.def
kfm, stages/kfm.def
kfm, stages/kfm.def
cvszero, stages/kfm.def

I unzipped the folder to both char folder and the data folder but i did rename the folder idk if that makes a dif the files inside are same name though

It doesn't need to be in the data folder. And you renamed it in the char folder? Yes that DOES make a difference. Rename it to cvszero.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


woot! its working now thanks so much:D so this works for stages as well as charries? i just add the text and what not? wow anyone know where i can get optimus prime mario and sonic?:D thank you guys SO much:D

one last question does this support online by chance? oh and anywhere i can get a move set?:D

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


Mario can be found at RandomSelect, posted earlier in this thread. It's the best out there, too. As for Sonic, I think Cyanide made one. The only others besides his I can think of either have stolen code or are crappy.

And to check movelists for my characters, I included movelist_en.gif. Others can usually be found in their readme files.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


great thnx so much!^^

if you ever need some pld help in ff11 on unicorn server look me up^^

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


ok ive started adding stages and stuff and i get the stage to play but i cant seem to get any music out of them, is there something im missing?

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


Download the music. Be sure that in the music parameter you also include "sound/".

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Doesn't WinMugen have that crazy Plugin issue sometimes? I remember not being able to use music back when I could actually play Mugen.


Occasionally you'll have to mess around with the settings in order to get it to crash less, yes.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


hey guys sorry was busy in ff11 today x.x  well i seem to have the hang of adding characters and i *think* im doing the right process for music in stages i added tallon 4 from the website you gave me and moves the music file to the sound folder and it plays the music but the sount is really really distorted  same happened with the opening movie for the spidey character but the ending music played fine and the win screen music played fine too so i dont know why it doesnt like the TallonIV sound file

Also there seems to be a lot of code on the screen for the characters i havent learned to expand the screen size yet so i dont know what it says or how to make it go away

lastly i was hoping to find Ash from army of darkness and optimus prime i havent found em yet ;-;

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


To get rid of the debug text, go to mugen.cfg and set Debug to 0.

As for the sound, click the Windows Start button and then go to Run. Then type in dxdiag and click OK. Then go to Sound tab and move the slider to either Basic Acceleration or No Acceleration. Then click Exit. Sound should be able to work now.

If not, in mugen.cfg search for this:
Quote; Sound configuration (Windows)

.... then play with those options a bit. Make sure it's under Windows Sound Configuration and not Linux Sound Configuration.

As for those characters, they're offline, or at least Ash is. Plus we don't do requests here.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


sorry for slow response my browser sometimes just wont load the page for awhile x.x anywho i see that file you wanted me to set the value to 0 but my pc doesnt recognize it and i dont know what tool i should use to open it with

oh and that sound works perfectly now too thnx:D

im still not sure how to add music to a stage though the trick i tried for tallonIV doesnt work on any of the other stages the Oblivion stage has music on its own too so im confuzzled

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


ive been fighting with that file you mentioned and cant seem to get at it at all to change the values you mentioned any advice on it? ive also noticed that sometimes i put the name of the character that  the file calls for and it doesnt work then i change it to something else and it works, and sometimes no matter how much i fight with it it just wont work driving me nuts ;-;

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^


Just try to keep things peaceful.


ok イエスジラ i got the mugen.cfg working, i was asking before how to open it because windows wouldnt recognize the file type, but it opened when i tried opening with notepad, I think ive got the hang of this thing now thnx ^^ i added a ton of characters and everything, only thing i'd like to try now is adjusting the AI on some of the characters, some of em are like uber (like naruto and mario) i like the more balanced characters like Zero and Thor

a sig i borrowed from killing ifrit lol the guy at the wheel is ff11 charrie looks like^^