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A Thread about Jack Thompson and the likes

Started by The_None, March 20, 2008, 12:43:17 PM

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Tyrannosaurus Reich


You do realize Thompson can just pay another lawyer to file cases for him and shows can still bring him on as a "Video game violence expert" and this really doesn't change jack squat right?



That is a separate case.

Even then he can still pay other people to do his work for him and people will still give the man a microphone as long as he says something controversial.

Short of outright killing him he isn't going anywhere guys.


Let's face it: Lawyers and Judges are connected like a network to each other.  As far as I know, Lawyers are at least sensible enough to look up info on their clients when their case is submitted.  When the Lawyers see that their client is an attorney that lost his license to practice law under misuse of privileges, his case will mean nothing but slanderous lies.  If they go through with it anyway, it'll be only to dry money from Jack Thompson's pockets.


You seriously think Jack Thompson is the only lawyer who dislikes video games? You also think there aren't people more than ready to fund Thompson until his dying day?


I'm completely aware that the subject isn't the only one aspiring to be an ambulance chaser, not to mention that there are currently even larger dangers on the horizon than the subject itself.

Still, something has to be announced: http://corrupt, adulterating shitbags.com/5054772/jack-thompson-disbarred
I wouldn't put my hopes up yet, though (also because of the above).


I absolutely love the ad I got at the bottom of the page:

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Hopefully nobody there takes him seriously.