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K.O.D's W.I.P Thread (Current : The King of Fighters Dream Match '09)

Started by K.O.D, May 25, 2008, 09:08:22 AM

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Update :

Completed 75 Shiki Kai, R.E.D KicK and 212 Shiki : Kototsuki You.

75 Shiki Kai

R.E.D KicK

Kototsuki You


Update :

Completed 910 Shiki : Nue Tsumi + it's Tora Fuse (Low) and Ryuu Iri (High) counters.

Nue Tsumi

Tora Fuse

Ryuu Iri

With this, all 98 specials are completed and Hikigane and the 95 mode specials (Oboro Guruma and Yami Barai) remain.


I REALLY can't wait until Kyo's completion... He's getting done so fast!

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Update :

Completed 101 Shiki : Oboro Guruma (replaces R.E.D KicK in 95 mode)


Update :

I'm on a roll, completed 108 Shiki : Yami Barai (replaces Aragami and Dokugami in 95 mode)

Also added my own custom 2k3 sparks and explosions system (as seen in the second screenshot)


Update :

Completed 412 Shiki : Hikigane from KoF 2000-2003, data from 2k2 and 2k3 and command changed to QCB + K since Kototsuki You is HCB + K.

Hikigane Weak

Hikigane Hard

All of Kyo's specials are now complete, next are DM's (which will all take alot of time, no more 1 day updates)


Update :

Completed Ura 108 Shiki : Orochi Nagi DM and SDM.




Update :

Completed Saishuu Kessen Ougi "Mu Shiki" DM (still working on SDM version)

Also, included his Chouhatsu taunt after Mu Shiki..too insignificant to post a pic of :P


Update :

This was the most annoying move i've ever had to code and the only move that's not going to be accurate.

Completed Saishuu Kessen Ougi "Mu Shiki" SDM.

I made a few changes in the move and its only about 80% accurate (yes, I pulled that percentage straight out of my ass)


Update :

Completed 182 Shiki DM (still working on SDM version, which is his '99 version)

Data is from 2000 and SvC.


June 21, 2008, 01:32:42 AM #25 Last Edit: June 21, 2008, 01:53:29 AM by K.O.D
Just a tiny announcement, Added Kusanagi mode (but as a seperate def file/character)


Update :

Completed 182 Shiki SDM, KoF 99 version.

Only LDM remains now, XI's Kami Gomi.

I might also try some original stuff with the Kusanagi mode.


Update :

Completed 524 Shiki : Kami Gomi LDM from KoF XI, as accurate as it can be (but command changed to 2QCB instead of 2HCB because I like it better that way)

With this, Normal Kyo is complete, Kusanagi mode still under progress (but no posting updates of him)

Estimated release date is 1st July.


Minor update :

Finally decided to do my own A.I, and the result is a decent, challenging but beatable A.I who doesn't use any cheap tricks and does only what the player can do.